Restoring some old favorites.
Did Tyranitar come out? That's the only one I care about
Not yet, not as far as I have seen. The latest was Samurrot. I think Mewtwo and Suicine are next, after that I am not sure.
It's nice to see a raikou is on the way. Hopefully that means entei won't be far behind. Still not sure if I'm going to go for these. I don't exactly collect Pokémon stuff, but I do love the legendary dogs. I'd also love to see an ampharos and a raichu from this line in the future.
The Select Tyranitar and Suicine are in stock and available to order from Target. Mewtwo and Raikou are also up for pre-order. There are some good Target sales you can apply to them too ($25 off of $100 spent on toys, or $10 off $50 spent on toys).
Nice! Thank you. I don't collect much of this line, but I've got Charizard and I really couldn't resist Tyranitar.
I PO'd Mewtwo since the other good 1:12 Mewtwos are from import lines and nearly a decade old and crazy expensive on the secondary market. I think this new Mewtwo will also probably be the best size, since Mewtwo is actually supposed to be quite tall.
I've just seen a video showing a cardback for a future wave. Looks like we're getting Butterfree, Primeape and Weavile in 3" and Pawmo/Tyrunt, Eevee/Rotom and Lechonk/Pikachu 2" sets. I presume this will follow the Monferno/Slowpoke/Alolan Marowak wave.
I've just seen a video showing a cardback for a future wave. Looks like we're getting Butterfree, Primeape and Weavile in 3" and Pawmo/Tyrunt, Eevee/Rotom and Lechonk/Pikachu 2" sets. I presume this will follow the Monferno/Slowpoke/Alolan Marowak wave.
Butterfree and Primeape will be nice to have. Still need to grab the Mankey that’s out there.
Still wondering how long we’ve got to wait until they give us Staryu/Starmie, Koffing/Wheezing, and Ekans/Arbok. Seems like all of those would be high priority given how big of a role they had in the cartoon.
Unexpectedly found this guy at GameStop today. Not even sure if I have space for him on the shelf, but always love a new Gen 1 figure.
can you take some out of package pictures?
Unexpectedly found this guy at GameStop today. Not even sure if I have space for him on the shelf, but always love a new Gen 1 figure.
can I name most of these character outside of the originals? No. But completed the collection of starter Pokémon over the weekend.
So he has NO movement anywhere minus his waist which is just a spring mechanism to launch his little purple blast. But sculpt and everything looks good otherwise