Storm has a display up at Capcom Cup with some Alpha characters and the prototypes of Morrigan and Lilith.
That Morigan figure is a total let down. Everything looks bad, and proportions are crazy. Those hips are so huge, and match no known reference material, especialy not the game. Look at the size of her neck, then her thigh. The thigh cuts are also atrocious. VERY dissapointing. Even her face looks lame. The last storm female figure that looked good was Chun Li, and that was ten years ago. I gueass Nokoruru was ok.
On the flip side, the Dan and Sagat look pretty good. (Sagat also has some crazy proportotions, mostly his head is TINY.)
Very sad about the Morrigan. Bad Sign for other Darkstalkers figures, the females at least.
Is Chun-Li an early sample? Like, pre-articulation cuts? Or is she weaging one of those skin suits?