So... I'm guessing that part of the aggressively low (for Storm) price point is to get on the shelves at Target and Wal Mart the way that Jada and Bandai have already successfully done with their game and anime property lines. I would be surprised if these are available only via online retailers or there wouldn't be a reason to price them that low, honestly.
Ken is up on BBTS and my preorder is in.
$2 more than Baki.
Stoked for the SC 1/12 stuff. I loved their previous figures, but gave up collecting to cut back costs. At this price, I'm pretty much in for everything.
I can’t believe Ken cost $30, this is the very definition of the “Holy shit! Two cakes!” meme!
If Storm just re-releases all the existing KoF sculpts at this price and scale I’m all in (though I’d love an Andy to round out the Fatal Fury cast) I had to skip most of them as the price kept keeping north of $80, but for $30 we are so back!!!
Is Ken really supposed to be 27.99 or is that BBTS up charging?
Well, this aggressive price for Ken did manage to get at least one extra sale. This wasn't even on my radar, but I'm just really curious what a 27 dollar Storm figure is like so I put in a preorder for curiosity's sake.
From TNI:
Storm Collectibles has posted a road map for their upcoming Arena Street Fighter Alpha 3: 1/12th Scale Figures. Looks like the lineup is Ken, Ryu, Sagat, Dan, Chun-Li and Charlie!
Well hell, I’m in. I would have pushed Charlie later in favor of Sakura just to avoid being a sausage fest for the next 6 characters. Minor gripe. I still want to see what actual production pieces will look like. I can’t find any confirmation that the Ryu and Ken figures were final pieces or just protos.
I'd certainly swap Sagat out for fan-favorite Sakura as many are leaning towards. Then again, Storm sometimes struggles with females, so we'll see. Very excited to get Charlie, and I'll likely pick up Chun just because it's a good look for her.
I wanted to keep Sagat there to see what Storm will charge. Will he be standard price or oversized price and how high that oversized price will be. Thinking back on it, I probably would have kept Charlie and pushed Dan out instead since he will be mostly a repaint. Plus it will keep a shoto fan favorite for later.
3 out of the first 4 being shotos is a bit annoying but hey-ho. Alpha 2 is probably my #1 fav in the series so I'm down for pretty much all of them but would really like to see Rose, Cammy and Sakura sooner rather than later. Karin and Mika from 3 would be cool too, along with Cody and Guy.
I’m going to be very interested to see one of these Arena figs posed with Jada’s range. 2 basically compatible and affordable SF ranges is the dream, and I’d definitely be up for picking up the Alpha characters that don’t already have SSF2 versions. Or at least I am until Jada announce their own expansion into Alpha and beyond.
I could have gone for a few more atypical characters - Sodom, Birdie, Rose or Mika to mix in with the standard karate guys. But still keen to see what they come up with.
I don't have a lot of Street Fighter knowledge. I watched the animated movies way back when the original SOTA Toys line was ongoing.
Can any of you Street Fighter folks recommend one of the games for its campaign/story? I assume they have traditional fighting game campaigns. Bonus points if it's available on Steam.
Yes, I am also hoping both companies have a compatible scale with each other. Hoping that Storm isn’t on the larger end of 6inch. The only thing that will most likely clash is the art style between lines. Storm’s Sagat will most likely clash in looks with Jada’s Sagat. However that won’t be a problem for me since I will get both lines.
Although they are beholden to anything , I am hoping both companies have a quiet, unofficial understanding with each other when it comes to the SF lines in that they won’t touch the SF titles each company is working on. Like Jada doesn’t need to do Alpha characters since Storm is already on it. Likewise, Storm will not do SF6, if Jada starts it and instead does SF3 or whatever else. This is all gonna depend on how consistent Storm will be and them not jumping all over every different game and instead do one SF game at a time. We have 2 companies making 6 inch SF toys so I’m of the belief that focusing on completion of each game is better. My opinion only of course.
@tsi If you have about three hours to spare, here's a good catchup: