I'm in for Luke and Fei Long. Maybe 'K and Morrigan (if her face somehow gets improved)
That SF6 Ryu looks SOOO GOOD. I really love all the SF6 looks and it's my first SF game since Alpha 3. Not really into the barefoot Luke look tho.
I sold off my Storm Collectibles SF stuff when Jada got the license, but I might have to snag that Blanka. Too good.
I'm definitely buying Ryu, Blanka, Fei Long, Ryo and Luke. Maybe one of those movie soldiers if they're priced lower than usual.
OK.... that Blanka may be the last Storm Collectibles figure I ever need to buy... But man am I gonna need that.
I might be tempted by that Skullomania figure too - it's just fun looking and different. Some of other stuff looks great but isn't for me.
But man that Blanka.... can't wait.
Best part about that Blanka is the additional torso crunch they've incorporated into the figure. Very ingenious! Can't wait to see the electricity effects he comes with.
Ryo looks great. For a long time I assumed if Storm ever made him, he'd just be a simple repaint/headswap of Ryu, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I’ll be grabbing Blanka and Skullomania, been looking forward to Skullomania since he was announced.
Goenitz was a bit of a surprise but I guess it makes sense given he finally came back in the most recent game. I’m hoping they move towards actually creating some teams.
SF6 Ryu is a must buy for me as well. Really impressed with everything they showed. I have very warm and specific memories of Skullomania from playing Street Fighter EX non-stop over a Thanksgiving break way, way back in the nineties.
I love that they're reissuing Terry too, since that's one I missed out on earlier and would really like. Wish they'd bring Kyo back, too.
Woah woah woah just got a payment request for Juri from gundamit.
Clearer look at K’ and Ryo.
One of my Storm Golden Axe skeletons (1st version) just had a shoulder joint break. Any recommendations for a replacement joint? I see Figma and Revoltech ones on Aliexpress. They aren't the exact correct size, but I may be able to make them work. Just don't know if anyone has ever found acceptable replacement joints for these?
Got my Juri on Friday but wasn't able to take her out of the box until now. She's great! As always. Looks like she can do all the poses she should hit.
Oh and I'm really happy that Taki has shipped so I should have her in 2-3 weeks as well.
Still tempted to get Taki, but BBTS is definitely putting the "exclusive price" on their Storm stuff. Seems like the Golden Axe stuff has cooled off, since I didn't see anything at Shanghai, even the figures that haven't come out yet.