Because why not have a general thread, right? Unless anyone thinks we should separate SF or MK from the rest.
I'm cool with a general SC thread.
Just got my Kano today and it's an excellent figure. Love the sculpting on the soft plastic tunic. Storm hit this one out of the park.
Hoping they release something new for Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter soon. Feels like it’s been a while and all of recent announcements have been for other properties.
They've just teased a white jacketed Kyo that I may be highly tempted to buy.
Morrigan is here. A bit conflicted on her face, I feel like maybe her eyes are too far apart but there's always a chance it'll look better in hand. But it does seem to be exactly the same sculpt as we've seen in prototype form before. Love all of her accessories, though.
Yeah, her face is off. Should’ve been cuter. The bug eyes head sculpt should’ve been one with her winking and maybe her tongue out too.
I dig it, but...hard to get invested in the line when this is Storm we are talking about here.
I would be very surprised if we got anything more than this. Hell, we are going on how many years since Demitri was released?
Certainly not getting Talbain, Victor, Rikuo, Felicia, Pyron, Raptor, etc.
My only hope is Jada.
I hate to say this but way the overlay/diaper is sized reminds me of a McFarlane figure.
So much goodness from Storm at Wonder Fest
@shinigami-customs I'm assuming no MK because it's more popular in the West?
Wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
What a strange group of licenses they've assembled. I kind of can't believe they're still making Gears of War stuff.
Wake me up when Lilith gets announced in 10 years
Super stoked for Cobra though. Definitely a dream to get a figure of him.