Cool to see the whole team together, BW.
Figured I’d reshare this old photo for Dragon Quest Day. Nice that we got a little more teaser for DQ3 HD2D, although at least an actual trailer would’ve been nice.
This photo is from 2020 and since then they’ve only made Terry from DQ6 which is pretty depressing to think about. I’d still love to eventually have all the main Heroes, I’d really love to have the DQ8 main cast. Wish they’d taken advantage of DQ Monsters 3 for figures of Psaro and DQ4 Hero.
Huh, well this is unexpected. Another Cloud with his bike and a Zack that isn’t really based on any particular art.
Look who showed up today!
He’s what you expect from the line. Great paint and sculpt, articulation is there but fiddly to get to do what you want it to at times.
But just excited to have him on the shelf.
These look amazing. Unfortunately I'm going to have to buy them. I can't help it, it's Final Fantasy, even with all the flaws I need them all. Cancelled some preorders today to fit the budget.
Man, they are going ALL IN on FF7. They look great, but I don’t need them.
I’m glad they’re keeping Bring Arts going, but just a little crumb for Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger would be incredible. Or even a different FF game.
Man, they are going ALL IN on FF7. They look great, but I don’t need them.
I’m glad they’re keeping Bring Arts going, but just a little crumb for Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger would be incredible. Or even a different FF game.
I don't mind FFVII getting love, but I agree, I really want 8 from DQ11, and I want Squall / Leon so that I can have him, Sora, Yuffie and Aerith all hanging out.
Which also makes me want a KH1 Sora... man if they start making KH1 and KH2 designs, I will be so broke. Got the whole KH3 cast (minus a few Sora variants) and would love his main outfit from KH1. (My SH Figurarts KH2 Sora is perfect, though i'd take a KH2 Riku)
Just got Sephiroth, he is super cool. Not the biggest fan of the stationary wavey hair, but I have so many fun toy picture ideas and to display with these.
Now that brings my FF7 BA collection up to three. Sephiroth, Cloud, and Aerith. I hope Barret goes back up for preorder eventually. This is such a fun line.
I knew once Red XIII got pushed from Sept to Nov, that it meant everything would likely get messed up too. Yuffie got pushed from October to November as well and then today Vincent got pushed from November to January.
I guess I don’t mind not having three figures hit in a month, but I’m guessing right now the best case scenario is Red hits in November, Yuffie lands in December, then Vincent, Cid, and Cait Sith are Jan, Feb, and March.
Red XIII arrived today. Like every figure in this line, he’s like 90% there but has some glaringly weird issue keeping him from being a home run.
Quadrupeds can be tough and they’ve done a good job on engineering him, but his paint is the issue. Namely the harsh cut on his back legs where his legs meet his back. It’s a real dark shadow on the back then hits the bright orange of his legs which also don’t match up with his front legs. It’s not enough to ruin the figure or anything and is probably something some might not even notice unless it’s pointed out, but it’s still annoying for how much these cost.
Look who showed up today!
Where is the pacman ghost from?
That Red X character is interesting, whats his backstory?
Look who showed up today!
Where is the pacman ghost from?
That Red X character is interesting, whats his backstory?
hes one of the party members from ff7. Basically your team like rescues him from a lab from the evil doctor Hojo and find out he’s not just a dog but a dog that can talk.
He has a backstory as a protector of the planet against a race of (I think) aliens that cannot die correctly because they are from another planet so when they die their essence/soul doesn’t rejoin with the planets life force. Not a bad character, but also not my favorite.
@nightwolf those ghosts are from Japan, if you look up “Capchara PacMan ghosts” you’ll find them. I got these from eBay. I like them a lot, fit in great with Figuarts Pacman (who’s also great).
Hey! Look who showed up today! Bring Arts managed to get out two releases in a single month! I figured Yuffie would be pushed to December at best, but instead I ate two shipping charges from DHL in like a one week period.
This line has a handful of issues, but fortunately Yuffie is really nice. Articulation and paint are all solid and the extra smiling face goes a long way for her. I don’t think any other character has benefited as much as her from the extra character development afforded to the Remake/Rebirth games. For me she went from “the other girl” to a bonafide fan favorite.
“Capchara PacMan ghosts”
Thanks, got'em. should be here Dec 6th. i already have the shf pacman since it came out.
looks like clyde and inky are the hard ones to find
Ami Ami shipped my Yuffie from Japan earlier this week and it arrived at my dads, so I am excited to pick her up after work. And on her birthday too, perfect timing. Though it is weird they shipped it and basically got her to me over night. Either way, I am excited to be building up my FF7 collection of characters that go with KH characters.
Having said that, two things. One, I really hope we get a FF8 line because I want Squall. At least Squall, if not the whole cast. I feel like he deserves a figure. Second, I looked up how much Vivi is going for on eBay, and wow! Around 1k for the two pack. I feel like I will never get the Bring Arts Vivi now, and am kicking myself for sleeping on it when it first released.