Glad to hear Tifa is solid. I'm waiting on Hobby Genki to ship mine
I got Tifa recently. She looks great and she has no issues with joint tolerance. Most of her articulation is solid but her ankle rockers are unfortunately very limited. She is also tiny, which combined with how barebones she is makes the steep price tag sting even more. Overall a decent figure, but not worth the price tag unless you're an absolute nut for Tifa like I am. Sadly I'll doubt we'll ever get better FFVII figures than these, at least not officially.
Welp. Got a notification from Amazon Japan that Aerith is now scheduled for May. I could handle February to March, but this hurts.
Mostly worried that now everything is thrown off. Amiami still says April for Barret and June for Sephiroth, but if she’s pushed back that far, I’m not liking my odds.
They’re doing it! This week has been pretty crummy, so seeing these is doing a lot for me right now. 😭
Cait Sith is gonna be a big boy.
They’re doing it! This week has been pretty crummy, so seeing these is doing a lot for me right now. 😭
same, it's been an odd week for me... hope all is going well, I love having this as an escape
Got a promotion of sorts at my job, (I’m at least getting paid more) so I decided to splurge and pick up a pricier figure, which I landed on being Fei from Xenogears.
Now I have yet to actually play Xenogears, but I’ve watched a lot of videos about it over the past two weeks of being obsessed with it and I’ll pick it up eventually. But always happy to add a classic JRPG character to the shelf. He’s a real nice figure, especially for Bring Arts which can be a little hit or miss. I wouldn’t mind having Chu Chu, but don’t think I need to buy all of Maria just for her.
I don't think I've ever heard of Xenogears, but cheers on the raise.
Xenogears was my favorite of the PSX era Square RPGs. Still have my original copy and the official strategy guide. It is a good JRPG, but old school in that all of the modern quality of life improvements we’ve come to know aren’t present. And it was long for a 98 Square title - probably 70 hours or so. And if you’ve already been reading up on it, then you probably know already how massive amounts of cuts were made on disc two and replaced with exposition from the characters which is a real drag. I still remember the first time I hit that part of the game, it was already around 1 am and I was tired and I could barely keep my eyes open as I kept advancing through that section wondering when it would end. I have played through it more than once, though the last time was over 10 years ago on PS2 hardware.
I got the Weltall figure years ago when it came out. It was from an eBay account that started all of their auctions at a penny and it ended up costing 70 bucks or so - well below retail. The Fei and Elly figures were pretty cheap for a time to the point I’m surprised they’re making more characters. I only ever wanted the Gears though and it’s a shame Bring Arts releases are so damn expensive. I’m fine with just having the one Weltall though. At least it’s a really good Bring Arts release.
@misfit yeah, it’s been an interesting rabbit hole to fall down. I was always aware of the various Xeno games but never quite understood how they were connected and how it went from Square on the PS to being a Nintendo first party franchise, but I get it now. I’ve been on a kick lately of diving into different game creators creative processes, so it’s been a cool journey to learn about. Might pick up the first Xenoblade remaster that came out on Switch. Although then I’ll be extra salty that we never got a Shulk from Figma.
@boy_wonder it was certainly a title of ambition. I have never really got into the other Xeno games. I think Takahashi envisioned Xenogears as part of a larger story (sort of a purposeful Star Wars situation where Xenogears was the fourth of six), but Squaresoft wasn't onboard even though the game was a success so we ended up with the "spiritual" sequels. I played the first Xenosaga and it was all right. I checked out of Xenoblade, but did play through all of Xenoblade 2 and I thought it was okay, but I didn't need another time-sink when the third one came out.
I had preordered Bring Arts Aerith from Amazon Japan around the time her and Tifa went up for preorder. Received Tifa from them, but they just cancelled my order for Aerith. They sent out a delay notice a few weeks prior. Anyone know if it's actually cancelled or if it will release?
@sephiroth61787 huh, that’s bizarre. Mine is still showing up with the estimated May release date.
@sephiroth61787 huh, that’s bizarre. Mine is still showing up with the estimated May release date.
Well now I'm sad if mine was cancelled and it will still be released.
Nin-Nin says 4/30 as the new release date for my Aerith order