I just got Cloud in today. He looks fantastic, even better than the promo pics, but the hips are so frustrating to deal with. The legs pop out of the sockets too easily and it feels like they're fighting against you every time you try to do anything dynamic with them. Try to swivel the thigh? The leg pops out. Trying to lift the leg up? It pops out. Trying to get them back in is annoying too because the drop downs and y-joint itself like to sink into the loose floating pelvis overlay. Again, it feels like the figure is actively fighting against you.
I'll get him in a pose, pick him up to repose, and then one of his legs will just fall off. Or I'll see that the joint already has popped out and sheer friction is the only thing holding it together.
Maybe I'll adapt to the learning curve, but for now I'm thinking this is the kind of figure I'll play around for a little bit and then stick it on the shelf to never touch it again.
It's a shame too since otherwise he's really quite nice. Everything else functions well, the joints feel tight, and they nailed the sculpt. If it weren't for the hips, I'd say this was a great figure. Maybe still not worth what they were asking for, but I'd have been completely happy with it. Oh well.
Edit: I've tightened up his hips and that seems to have made him far more stable. Much happier with him now, even if I still think it's pretty flawed and fiddly engineering. Easy enough to remedy, though.
I shipped my Private Warehouse order with Cloud in it yesterday. Can't wait to get him!
@boy_wonder Applied some super glue, moved them around a bit, popped them off, then put them back on when they dried. It's what I usually do to tighten up joints, but I'll admit I really don't like doing it on a figure that costs this much.
I should really invest in some Pledge Future (whatever they're calling it these days) or Kiki's.
Received Cloud today. Like VonDoom said, the range of motion is limited making dynamic posing hard to achieve. And the joints feel generally finicky and brittle, such that this figure is less than fun to pose. Even if he was perfect, he would have been egregiously overpriced. Alas, he is far from perfect. Fairly disappointed, which is rare these days given the quality that figures have achieved nearly across the board.
Still, first Cloud I've ever owned and he does look good.
Received Cloud today. Like VonDoom said, the range of motion is limited making dynamic posing hard to achieve. And the joints feel generally finicky and brittle, such that this figure is less than fun to pose. Even if he was perfect, he would have been egregiously overpriced. Alas, he is far from perfect. Fairly disappointed, which is rare these days given the quality that figures have achieved nearly across the board.
Still, first Cloud I've ever owned and he does look good.
Is it just the range in the hips?
@tsi Just the hips, at least in my opinion. Everything else gets solid range.
Opened up Cloud and can echo the sentiments here, these hips are frustrating as hell. The drop down's only function seems to be popping the leg off the ball. I wonder if shaving a bit off the top of the socket (where it flattens out) could help the issue?
Overall still happy with the purchase minus the frustrations.
The Clive and Torgal set is open back up for preorders on Amiami. I just started playing FF16 this week so I hopped on it. I don’t need the whole cast, but I figure you can’t separate a man from his dog, right?
Scheduled to ship in April which is the same month as Barret. Assuming everything arrives on time (big ask), it’ll be a fun delivery from Japan, but a bloodbath for my wallet.
I feel compelled to buy everything FFXIV related but I might have to pass on Alphinaud & Alisae.
BBTS still has Cloud up for pre-order, so I hopped on that and am hoping to be able to afford it when it arrives. I'd also like to eventually get Clive, but I'm not sure I can spring for Torgal, much as I would like to.
Do we think Final Fantasy VIII will eventually come in this scale? I love my giant Squall from many years ago, but this scale works better and he's probably my favorite character in the series.
If Square remakes FF VIII, no doubt.
Do we think Final Fantasy VIII will eventually come in this scale? I love my giant Squall from many years ago, but this scale works better and he's probably my favorite character in the series.
8 is one I keep putting off of playing, but I’d absolutely buy Squall if he got made. Partially for his appearances in Kingdom Hearts and partially just to have another FF protagonist. I’ve resigned myself to not need every member of every team, but I’ll still try and buy whatever main characters they do.
Although I selfishly hope they do FF6 or Chrono Trigger next.
Tifa arrived today from Amazon Japan. Never preordered from them before but it was a super great experience. Shipped DHL on Friday and would’ve gotten here Saturday if they delivered weekends. Her and Aerith didn’t go up on Amiami or Hobby Search, so I ordered them both from there.
She’s solid. Hips stay in place, so no worries on posing her like Cloud. Her skirt is soft and two pieces so it moves out of the way when you want some good kick poses.
I do wish she had an alternate hairpiece where the end isn’t quite as windswept. But she actually has a swappable face plate instead of a whole ass alternate head like most Bring Arts have had.
Gonna be a bit rapid fire for 2024 with Aerith in February, Barret in April, Sephiroth in June, and Red-13 in September. Hopefully they announce they remaining 4 team members soon.
Nice pics! I had to let my Amazon JP order of Tifa go since they wouldn't let me change my address after I moved out of my old place. Not like this was a last minute thing either, I tried changing it months ago to no avail.
I was hesitant to get her after Cloud kinda let me down, anyway, but hearing that her hips are more stable than his means I might just reorder her from somewhere else.