With September right around the corner, it’s hard to believe that Cloud is now only TWO months away. He went up for preorder over a year ago now. At this rate they’ll have made the entire FF7 crew by 2036
Just leaves Cid, Yuffie, Cait Sith, and Vincent
In other news for this line, Ifrit went up for preorder today. $307 on SE shop.
These figures are so expensive. I got the full KH3 line, and the DQ11 line (will they ever make the 8th person??) but I don't know how deep I can go with FF7. I really want Cloud, but Vincent is my fave... but it would make sense to get all the characters in the KH games, right? But if I did that, it only leaves a few out, gotta get the rest. I just need to come into a lot of money so I can get the full cast lol.
On a serious note, these look great. I still hope I can get Vivi some day, never got around to that two pack. (And FFIX is my fave ff game.)
Just leaves Cid, Yuffie, Cait Sith, and Vincent
In other news for this line, Ifrit went up for preorder today. $307 on SE shop.
I was going back and forth last week while trimming pre-orders. Decided to keep Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. Seeing this makes me feel I made the right choice!
@eiczerofour I’d love if they ever came back around and did Hendrick. Although I HATED his Act 2 gear. I got his original armor and put him back in that as soon as I could in the game.
Amiami actually put these three new figures up for preorder. A more manageable $80. Ifrit is up too for $200.
I keep hoping that they’ll use the upcoming Dragon Quest Monsters game to release a DQ4 Hero figure, but given SE’s bizarre handling of this line, that feels like it would make too much sense for them.
I'm really torn on these figures. Visually, these are dream figures for me; an outstanding translation of Nomura's original artwork. However that price point is ridiculous, especially for how bare bones they are.
I adore Tifa and a 1/12th scale figure of her based on her original design is a dream come true for me, so much so that I've already paid in full for her. Everyone else, however, is a big "maybe" from me.
Amiami actually put these three new figures up for preorder. A more manageable $80. Ifrit is up too for $200.
Apologies if you already know, but Nin-Nin has Tifa, Aerith, and Cloud for around $80 as well.
Amiami actually put these three new figures up for preorder. A more manageable $80. Ifrit is up too for $200.
Apologies if you already know, but Nin-Nin has Tifa, Aerith, and Cloud for around $80 as well.
Haven’t used them before but that probably would’ve been easier than what I ended up doing. Ordered Cloud from Hobby Search, my usual back up import site, but they never listed Aerith or Tifa, so I used Amazon Japan for them, who I’ve never ordered from before. I’m assuming since it’s Amazon there shouldn’t be any issues, but still always prefer someplace I’m familiar with.
I'm going fully completionist on the FFVII line but goddamn do I hate the price. But that Sephiroth is basically my dream figure sooooooo I'm in for multiples of that so clearly I'm the target audience because it doesn't detract enough to NOT buy them.
Haven’t used them before but that probably would’ve been easier than what I ended up doing. Ordered Cloud from Hobby Search, my usual back up import site, but they never listed Aerith or Tifa, so I used Amazon Japan for them, who I’ve never ordered from before. I’m assuming since it’s Amazon there shouldn’t be any issues, but still always prefer someplace I’m familiar with.
I also went with Hobby Search for Cloud (the other sites put him up much later I think.) I'm not a big fan of their shipping prices but they are dependable. I'm using Nin-Nin more and more these days, they've almost replaced Ami-Ami for me. The rewards system is really nice, $2-5 per figure back.
Never ordered from Amazon JP either but people seem to have a good experience from what I've seen.
494 days after I preordered him, Cloud arrived from Hobby Search today! He’s got a few knocks like you might expect from Bring Arts, but he still poses pretty nicely and looks great with everyone on the shelf. I think the only big issues I have with him are that his shoulder balls were super tight in the socket, so I popped them out and applied a little shock oil which seemed to solve the problem and then on the other side of the spectrum, his hip joints pop out pretty easily. But they pop right back on and aren’t too bad to pose once you know what kinds of movements to avoid.
If you had told me two years ago that I could never buy another figure again but in return I could get one final figure of any character I wanted, it would’ve been Cloud. He’s felt like a major gap in my game figure collection and he gets a form spot front and center alongside the likes of Mario and Link.
@boy_wonder Nice photos! I really dig how he looks on the Chocobo. Paint looks a little better than the promos or am I crazy? Mine is out for delivery right now, hopefully DHL pulls up soon.
Wow, he's tiny. I picture Cloud as a tall-ish guy. Did we know the figure would be so small?
He does look fantastic, though. I will absolutely pick him up if he's decently discounted in the next year or two. Surprisingly, I prefer the retro figure to the remastered look.
Oh wow! I've got FF7 Cloud shipping to me now, but I wasn't super excited since the KH Cloud left me feeling very underwhelmed.
However, Boy Wonder's pics make this new one look pretty nice! I'm a bit more pumped to get mine now.
Wow, he's tiny. I picture Cloud as a tall-ish guy. Did we know the figure would be so small?
He does look fantastic, though. I will absolutely pick him up if he's decently discounted in the next year or two. Surprisingly, I prefer the retro figure to the remastered look.
He’s actually a tiny bit taller than I was expecting. He’s a decent bit taller than TP Link and DQ3 Hero there. He’s just about the same as DQ5 Hero, who’s also supposed to be big and is the tallest Bring Arts figure I have.
I’m with you on the retro looks. For the longest time I just assumed that if/when we’d get 1/12 FF7 stuff that it would be Remake art style, which I was fine with. I like the remake and think the updated character designs all do a nice job of adding detail to the original costumes without making them unrecognizable. But now that we’re getting these guys with their original looks, I think it fits my overall collection motif a bit more as I aim to have as much stuff as I can look like it stepped out of the late 90’s era of gaming.