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Premium DNA Earthworm Jim

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🌜Est. 2017 🐺
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Posted by: @hopethisworks

I wonder where they actually messed up, I can't see it being an intentional scam since they went so far with the production. But who knows. 

You are overthinking it, maybe its a simple answer. they just could not handle a toy line and went bankrupt. Plus they had a bad rep so that didnt help. the ones who did roll the dice (like myself) and got the figure, got a good EWJ product, you cant denty that. so at least we know it wast the product itself.

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They set out to make money and make toys in some order. They probably didn't intend to scam people, but when the money dries up are they going to take it on the chin or just salvage what's left? We know what they chose when Megalopolis failed and they apparently did the same here. They strike me as people who don't know how to run a business. Overpromise and spending money on stuff that probably doesn't lead to more profit. They probably thought they could run a deficit for X amount of time and then things would turn around as their popularity grew, but in reality, that's a pretty shitty way to do things. The reach of Battletoads, Mad Balls, and Earthworm Jim only goes so far and they spent what looks to be a lot of money on those early figures in regards to tooling, paint, etc. trying to make a big splash to turn their reputation around and that gamble did not pay off. A smarter play would have probably been to develop an in-house IP with a lot of reuse potential and grow from there, but they wanted to jump into the deep end right from the get-go. 

PantherCult reacted
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@misfit  agreed -  I think that's all exactly right.    Doesn't make people who paid good money to either Megalopolis or to Premium DNA and ended up with no product feel a lot better,  but I think you've accurately described the situation.   

Boy Wonder
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Man. I think for me the most frustrating part of all of this is how close we were to having a decent Banjo figure. They actually made one after years of having nothing except that old ToyBiz figure… aaaand it’s in some weird 8” scale. 

It sounded like it was Microsoft’s call because they seemed aware at how much folks wanted one to scale with stuff like Jakks Mario line and even talked about wanting to do Smash Bros color variants for cons if they ever did get to make 4” version. 

But, obviously it’s not getting to that point. 

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Does anyone have a phone# for premiumdna? I've tried contacting them through emails and socials and they don't answer any of them.

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@tfitz if you're looking for a refund, I'd probably try with your bank or CC company. My guess is even if there's a number out there, they're not picking up.

TFitz reacted
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Posted by: @nightwolf

Madballs and EWJ are great figures though, gotta give them credit for that.

I mean, personally, I really don't have to give them credit for that because it's patently false. As I mentioned earlier in the thread; my wife got me EWJ, not knowing the backstory here. So I have that figure (none of the others). It's... fine. Not even good. Certainly not great. Two of the heads separated from the 'stem' that plugs into the neck. The hips became looser than anything Super7 has ever made within a couple of weeks. The articulation is okay but fails in ways it doesn't need to. For the price (the MSRP at least, not the Ali price) it feels like the accessory pack and the figure should have been boxed and sold together.

It's fine. It's not a BAD figure. But it's absolutely not a great figure by any stretch of the imagination. If this were a reputable new company, I'd say it's a great -first effort-. Not a great -figure-. But it's neither a great figure nor their first effort, nor a reputable company. So there ya' go.

By comparison, Savage Crucible's first ever action figures were legitimately great figures AND a great first effort. And the company doesn't appear to be run by scumbag liar buffoons that lose other peoples' money more readily than a coke addict with rich friends.

As for whether or not this was all an intentional scam? Yeah, it was. But not in the sense that they intended this specific thing to happen. They just always definitely intended to scam people -somehow-. Because that's what they do. Ever since they tried to make Megalopolis some kind of multi-tier brand thing you can buy stocks in. Everything about these fucking losers is a scam. This was ALWAYS how it was going to end. I imagine they were probably just hoping to put out more toys first and get a better rep so they could get even more pre-orders for something else before disappearing.

That, to my mind, was the end goal of this scam. Build a big enough brand name that they're walking out with Todd McFarlane Spawn KS money rather than EWJ pre-order money. But yeah, it was ALWAYS going to be a scam. People were always, eventually, going to give these slimeballs money for product that wasn't going to materialize (like they did last time). It was never, ever going to end any other way.

They just failed to get that far because they are, in addition to being scumbag liars and thieves, dumb as shit and complete failures. Look them up. Look up pictures of Matt and Ben Westover and tell me those aren't the faces of the sleaziest piece of shit 35-year-olds hanging out at a college party trying to pick up 18-year-old girls by bragging to them about understanding how bitcoin works and showing them the new NFTs they just got. Losers.


Red Ogre
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Posted by: @theknightdamien

Look them up. Look up pictures of Matt and Ben Westover....

New idea.... 3D printed heads of these two for action figure photography fantasy violence therapy!

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@red_ogre  I'm not saying that's a good or bad idea or that people should ever be killed in effigy. But I -am- saying that I think Hasbro still does that custom face print thing. Food for thought.

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