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NECA Video Game Figures

Perpetually Confused
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Looks like NECA is doing Assassin's Creed figures again. Not sure if these are new or re-releases, as I do not own the originals. 

Wonder if this means we'll get figures from the new game? Or from Odyssey and Valhalla? 

Or perhaps even more other properties? 

(Image from Toyark

Magneto Was Right
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I owned some of the original figures way back when. I believe I had AC1 Altair, AC2 Ezio, and AC:B Ezio. The articulation was painfully limited.

NECA makes some weird fucking decisions with video game properties. I can't remember the last Revelations conversation I had. Who was clamoring for rereleases of these guys? There are so many great games without any figures and they put time and energy into this? Bizarre and frustrating.

Perpetually Confused
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Ah, okay, so I guess these are straight re-releases. 

Weird choice. I like that's it's back on their radar, but it seems odd to show it off at Toy Fair if they're not expanding the line in any way. 

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So this is something they're doing across the board. Re-releasing items that are a little harder to find now, with a few updates. Kind of a "best of" collection. You can expect to see it on other properties. 

Perpetually Confused
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Well, if they want to re-release Raziel I'm cool with that. I have the spectral one but never got the standard. 

blankslate reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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Interesting choice for sure. I never did pick up Ezio the first time around, so I guess this is the perfect time to. I would love figures from some untapped Assassin's Creed games, though. The McFarlane ones were nice for the time, but I'd love them at the larger scale.

Also wouldn't turn down a Raziel re-release, and if they want to go ahead and redo any of the Resident Evil figures with updated articulation (or just release new ones), I think now would be the perfect time while the iron is hot.

blankslate reacted
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If they made some 7" highly-articulated Assassin's Creed figures, similar articulation setup to Multiverse/Spawn/MK figures, I'd pick up a couple, particularly Black Flag/Rogue characters.  But these just look pretty boring.  I dig my old collection of these NECA figures for what they are and what they meant to me when they came out, but there's zero interest now.  Not even doing the modern characters like the viking from the newer game?  Weird.

Shinigami Customs
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I'm surprised that they've decided to rerelease old ass Ezio figures in time for the new game instead of making a Basim figure to go with it. 

Niko (formerly Jead)
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Posts: 264

I don't hate NECA rereleasing these figures, in fact, I'd love if they rereleased some other gaming figures of like the Legacy of Kain ones that go for a few hundred if you're lucky to find em... or Dante or something.

They'd be better off making flat out new figures for Assassin's Creed though, I don't touch the franchise but how many new games have released since Revelations? Ezio will always be super popular, but sheesh.
