Ryu, Chun-Li, Luke and Juri will be first up.
Luke prototype.
Of course the one I want the least is the first one they show off
Kinda surprised this hasn't happened before now. Hyper-posable fighting game characters and Kaiyodo seem like a solid argument for intelligent design.
Juri looks amazing. Instant preorder
Chunners looks a bit off. You get a lot of that Revoltech jank in the waist/hip area, and I'm not crazy about the face, There's still a good chance I'll end up picking her up, though.
Looks like Chunners is gonna be the first in the line to get released
TBH I wish they were releasing Juri first, since she looks pretty much perfect. Chun-Li, I feel, could've used a bit more time to cook.
Chunners goes up for pre-order on Friday at noon Japan time (so 11pm Thursday EST for us here in the States.) Pouting face is the Kaiyodo store preorder bonus
Juri's coming soon
Juri goes up for pre-order on the 20th