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Jazwares World of HALO 1:18 action figure line

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Probably an exercise in futility at this point but I thought I'd start up a thread for discussion of this now seemingly-abandoned line!

Darn it-- we need the rest of Blue Team!  And the infamous Canadian Wave 5!

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When did Kelly release? I got 1/12 Fred the other day but would really like to get more 1/18 figures from the line too, they are so much fun to play with! 

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Posted by: @eiczerofour

When did Kelly release? I got 1/12 Fred the other day but would really like to get more 1/18 figures from the line too, they are so much fun to play with! 

1/12 Spartan Collection Kelly was maybe a year ago.  1/18 Kelly hasn't happened yet. 

TOTALLY jealous of your 1/12 Fred.  I've been stalking my local Gamestops on a regular basis ever since the new dropped that they'd shown up in Texas and now Missouri.



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Take it with a grain of salt but this was shared in the World of HALO Collectors group on Facebook.  Still no word on ANY of Jazwares' official channels about the future of this line.


May be an image of text that says 'retrozone_neon 3h I've been seeing a lot of negativity and rumors online around the future of our Halo line. The line is NOT dead, development is ongoing. Please do not listen to people online creating rumors, promise they don' have any credible information, no matter how confident they may seem We are still working hard to make cool stuff for our awesome fans'



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@leonardo_t_dragon With season 2 about to start I can see both sides.  On the one hand where is the product to coincide with the new season?  On the other season 2 will allow for even more characters/vehicles that could possibly be made.

It is a bit disheartening that there hasn't been too much new product recently, and of course they aren't likely to admit the line is dead on the first pass.

Time will tell.

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Who is retrozone_neon to Jazwares? 

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Posted by: @adrienveidt

Who is retrozone_neon to Jazwares? 

According to the FB post he's a Jazwares designer.

As far as HALO (the TV series) Season 2-- the first season was SUCH a departure from the mythos that it honestly alienated a huge swath of the fanbase while also failing to bring in the casual non-gamer viewing audience.  As such, I don't see that inspiring any new merch.  


adrienveidt reacted
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Yeah, from what I understand Paramount is ass-stupid making a S2 because the only people watching S1 were trauma-watchers there to see how bad it will continue to get.  That sort of stuff doesn't lead to a big audience for S2, imho.

The other toy companies recovered from the pandemic but something about Jazwares/WickedCool just completely fucking *broke* and hasn't gotten fixed yet.

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Jazwares has been updating their "Vault" store with some previously impossible-to-get-in-the-US items.  Next week Noble 6 and the Elite Zealot drop but more importantly... Tartarus and the Prophet of Mercy!!!

Previous drops include the Big Shot Battle Pack (HALO 5 Buck, Spartan Locke, HALO 3 ODST, HALO 2 Master Chief, active camo Arbiter, and Sgt Johnson) and an updated sculpt and deco for the HALO 4 Master Chief.  Pricing on these actually isn't too bad-- especially when the "Big Shot" box is $50.00 for 6 figures.

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Tarty's knees look like ass, but I needs me a Prophet.  Hopefully they'll all look cool with the Hiya Treks once they eventually show up.

reefer shark
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Thanks for the heads up @leonardo_t_dragon - I will absolutely be in for these two upcoming 2-packs!  I was so happy to get that "lost" wave in the battle pack, but the figures quality wasn't so great in the pack I opened honestly.  Loose joints being the main issue.   That updated halo4 MC is fantastic though, really nicely done figure in every category IMO.

I so badly wish that this line didn't tank so hard - There's still a few vehicles I would love to have in 1:18.

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Prophet/Tartarus and Noble 6/Zealot acquired!

Either the demand is crazy low or Jazwares has one heck of a smooth website setup.



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I'm assuming the Spartan Collection is done.  Which is a shame.  I liked those, although their inability to make the torso articulation work was frustrating.  Would have been nice to some Covenant army builders in the line:  orange Grunt, blue Elite, blue Jackal.

Akatsuki reacted
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Does anyone know what the Prophet's artic format is?  All I see him doing is raising his right arm at the shoulder and looking a bit to his right.

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With Noble 6 being introduced into the line, I wonder if there's any plans for the rest of Noble Team.  Or are these Vault offerings just stuff which was on the bubble when the line ended at retail.

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