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Jazwares Fortnite 1:18 discussion

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I kind of feel like this line might be on its last legs as the cultural love affair with Fortnite seems to be waning.  Still, they produce a LOT of great designs in 1:18 scale!

Here's a link to the updated page over at Jazwares as well:


WrestleWeeb Co-Host
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This is one of my favorite lines and Jazwares does seem to be putting out more Lore figures. I am just chomping at the bit for that lost Slone figure.

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It's just flabbergasting me that they've been in constant production since COVID but nobody knows where any of it is.  Is it in a warehouse, on a boat, in Narnia... does anybody anywhere actually know?

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Meanwhile, the Warthog with Master Chief is down to $15.00 on Amazon.  That doesn't bode well...





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Apologies as not the 1:18 line, but did anyone hear anything at SDCC about the 6" line? That seems to be flatlining at Hasbro but not sure it has been called. I am kind of hoping Jazwares gets it back, but as noted, not sure whether the interest has passed. (Which means I'll have to wait about 15 years for the nostalgia series to start being produced)

WrestleWeeb Co-Host
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Posted by: @fac

Apologies as not the 1:18 line, but did anyone hear anything at SDCC about the 6" line? That seems to be flatlining at Hasbro but not sure it has been called. I am kind of hoping Jazwares gets it back, but as noted, not sure whether the interest has passed. (Which means I'll have to wait about 15 years for the nostalgia series to start being produced)


The Hasbro line is dead. There have been some shots of Drift's prototype leaked. But overall, I am not expecting the line to continue after the boat failure. I really fell like they dropped the ball one not have more Lore heavy figures in the line. Jonesy, Slone, and more members of The 7 really would have moved some units. And the poor standability issue was horrible. Give the 6" license back to Jazwares. We got better weapons option with them anyways.


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@wrestleweebryan Thanks, I suspect you are right about the line. (I liked the boat myself) I do wonder if it was a hard line to balance between the wacky characters and the more traditional-ish human military/spy stuff. I only went for the wacky myself. 

Amazing Spider-Man
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McFarlane had a successful Fortnite line. Jazwares did too. Boggles the mind how Hasbro snatched failure out of what seemed like a sure thing.


Anyway, here's hoping that the 1:18 line produces a Lil' Whip.

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I picked up the 3 new Deluxe Fortnites yday and I'm generally happy with them to varying degrees. None of them are worth being 2-3x more than a basic FN figure, really. The added gear and additional paint apps simply aren't worth that much more, imho.

Origin is my fave of the trio simply because he plays the best with the standard FN articulation format, although his knees are set a couple of millimeters too high up his leg.

Cube Queen is just a notch below 'AMAZING' due to JazWares prioritizing design accuracy over articulation playability (always the wrong choice, imho) and her armor/skirt limits her shoulder and hip movement; but her spectral stairway, hand-holdable mini-Cube, and staff are all very cool accessoriies. I'm also not a fan of permanently-windswept hair. I'll make some judicious x-acto cuts to open up her range of motion and heat/cool her floating head gear that got warped in the package.

Mecha-Bear has both the coolest features and the most drastic limitations to his playability, with none of his elbows, knees, or ankles achieving a 90-degree flexure; but the chest panels open on ball joints for some reason. The unlit sword is very loosely held in the back mini-scabbard and the blue paint is already scraping off the lit sword handle. While I enjoy customizing a very large amount I don't enjoy being *required* to customize a figure up to normal playability standards, but I'm thinking M-B could make a very neat DC Metallo once a piece of green Kryptonite is found to put in his chest.

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P33Ly in this pack looks pretty neat.  The number of Peely variants in this line is pretty wild to think about. 

Amazing Spider-Man
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Gonna need a Lil' Split to go along with the Lil' Whip I don't have, because it doesn't exist.

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YOINKS 4 new FNs at WM and dig them.  I left the 2 King Tomatos as I've got him twice already without the crown.  Grimoire is the easy winner here for me, but I'll need to trim up her skirt to let her sit down.  Her wig isn't glued in place and I kinda like her going bald, but the socket ruins the look.  And I want to figure out a way to make her gasmask wearable.

Hotwire is *very* cool.  I'm gonna use him as 'Electricity Pyro' that can control electricity but needs a production source for it. He's pretty much perfect out of the package, except he's got a flipped neck joint with the hinge then the swivel peg plugging into the torso; due to his head being clear yellow electricity and them likely wanting to save costs casting just one piece instead of two.  The only problem is that the collar comes up so high I can't get any leverage to crack the hinge and the clear plastic stretches instead of applying pressure to the hinge.  And holy shit I literally just noticed he's got butterfly shoulders as well. 

Malik is a very cool character and I dig the shit out of his sword.  His tunic limits his torso artic too much so I'll likely trim it up to let his legs move.  I'm thinking I'll need an MTF belt to cover the surgery, tho.  The cape will get eliminated entirely as I just don't dig plastic capes much esp when perma-glued in place.  I very much appreciate the slimmer proportions for all three but the elbow joints still need to be trimmed back so they can bend to a right angle, as KD has long noted. 

I also got the new purple Moisty Merman for customizing grins.  He's got the new hip engineering with the thigh swivel and the swivel/hinge/swivel ankles that the others lack, with just typical hinge/swivel rockers.
