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Jakks Pacific Super Mario/World of Nintendo

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Boy Wonder
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Discussion for Jakks Pacific’s Super Mario and World of Nintendo lines 

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Picked up Wiggler during the forum collapse. It's a huge figure even for the 4" line. It's MASSIVE with the 2" figures. I only have the Mario and Luigi that were included to compare it to. Articulation is ok, pretty expected from this line. Ball hinges at the hips and ankles, though pretty limited at the ankles. There's swivel joints at each body segment, but I'm not sure what the actual set up is in there, as they shift around a bit in all directions rather than just rotate like a typical swivel. Great looking figure, love getting these more obscure background critters.

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With the 2-packs they have, I hope they end up bringing back Wario and Waluigi.

I also hope Roy and Morton Jr. come sooner rather than later, Daisy is long overdue too.


This line has come such a long way.

dr_huxtable reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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Like many lines, I'd been doing my best to avoid picking up some of the figures I'd see in stores, but I finally came across Samus at Wal-Mart during a trip home a few weeks back and caved. Got her and Link.


Man, Samus is a cool little figure. An absurd amount of articulation for the price; feels like I find more every time I look. Link is really nice too. Such great value and quality for the price!


I think I'm safe for now, unless they release Luigi's Mansion, Mario Sunshine, or Starfox figures. I know some came out a while ago, but are going for crazy prices online (which is beneficial to my wallet). But if they ever re-released any, I'd snatch them up in a heartbeat. I don't think the demand is there for Starfox Adventures figures, but I have such fond memories of it from my childhood. I'd take any figures they gave us from that.

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@joshsquash729 if they dropped a Krystal figure I'd have to go back and pick the rest of them up.

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Picked up Boom Boom the other day. The size of this guy makes me confident that Roy and Morton Jr. can't be that far off.

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Grabbed fishing Lakitu last night. I'm really impressed with what this line has churned out, but I'm very surprised that Wario and Waluigi haven't been re-released in the main line at all.

Boy Wonder
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Watched the Direct for Mario Wonder today.

With a major release having Daisy and Toadette as main playable characters, they’re sure to get 4” figures now, right? RIGHT?!

Or will the best we get from this game be a repaint of plain Mario done in his bubble shooting colors released two years from now?

Not only would this be a great time for Daisy, Toadette, and Nabbit, but every character has their own version of each power up. Like there’s so much opportunity here for a few new figures and some easy repaints to at least put out some new figures, but I’m not expecting much from Jakks. And based on their pretty well done world building with Sonic, I don’t know how much of this is Nintendo and how much is Jakks. But I do feel like if Jakks put up a little fight by just saying something like “we’d like to have at least one new figure per wave” whether it be a new character or just a repainted power up, Nintendo could be convinced to go along. 

dr_huxtable and Slixta reacted
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@boy_wonder I was coming here to say just about the same thing.

Daisy is long overdue anyways, plus with the new game it's really time they get her out.

Toadette would be easy enough because she'd only need a new torso and hat piece from the new toad body.

While I love Bowser Jr. Nabbit, I'm not in as much of a rush for him than I am for Roy or Morton Jr..

I really want Birdo too and hope she isn't far off either.


With how re-release heavy this line is I'm still baffled that Wario and Waluigi haven't been re-released.

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Can we at least have a Snifit?  That's not much of a Shy Guy retool!


Interchangeable mask option from the beginning would have been nice, but what do I know?

Slixta reacted
Boy Wonder
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I’d love Snifit. Like you said, it’s an easy retool. No way Jakks is passing up an opportunity to make us buy multiple though. Why include a swappable mask with paint when they can just throw in our 50th unpainted coin and make us buy another figure down the line?

But I’d love one in black or blue, especially with Mario RPG coming out soon. They were all over the place in that. 

Slixta reacted
Super Camel
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I picked up Boom Boom today for the 4" line.  Excellent figure.  I still need to get Wendy, and then I hope Roy and Morton are on the way.

Slixta reacted
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The fact they just released Boom Boom at this $9.99 price point has me hopeful they can finally get Morton and Roy out somehow. Lost track of how many years I've been waiting on them.

Slixta reacted
Super Camel
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It does feel like we've been waiting a long time to finish up these Koopa Kids.  Hopefully soon they will be complete.  I did get Wendy today.  I couldn't ever find her at retail, but I went to Amazon and was able to get her for a few bucks over retail price.

Slixta reacted
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@supercamel-1982 I have all the Koopa Kids so far and I've been very impressed that there is no reuse among them.

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