On an odd nostalgic whim, I used a Target gift card from Christmas to buy the Egg Mobile Battle Set on clearance for $15. I'm having a blast with this thing.
Got Jet in from eBay and I love him, one of my favourite 4" figures.
I think the main ones I want now are Shadow from Prime, Blaze, and Cream. Really loving this line and the fun characters.
I am excited about the new 5" line, I will definitely be grabbing Sonic and Shadow on day one.
Also I have been reading the IDW comics, I really hope that Tangle and Whisper get figures in this line.
With all the two-packs that pop up, I hope they make one with Silver & Blaze.
FYI Amazon has some figures popping back up, I found Shadow from Prime and the Cream / Sonic two pack. Only thing is they are not in stock yet, but they are msrp if anyone is still needing them.
Official pics for 4" Wave 16: Classic Knuckles, Metal Sonic 3.0, Heavy King
Classic Knuckles looks perfect!
Excited for Heavy King too!
WTF is that Metal Sonic though?
@Slixta He's from an old PSP game called Sonic Rivals 2. Never played it, but I like how appealing the 3.0 design looks, so... 🫠
Partially off topic but thought ill share. bought this 'Good2grow snackers' Sonic version, makes a great mini compartment, one you finish the cookies, $6 bucks. I painted the bottom blue.
Partially off topic but thought ill share. bought this 'Good2grow snackers' Sonic version, makes a great mini compartment, one you finish the cookies, $6 bucks. I painted the bottom blue.
that's where we puttin all our extra yellow rings lol
Fang and Ball Hog shown off at the Wonder Con panel. No news on 4”.
ooh plain Chao are always fun... would love a chao multipack
Definitely gonna grab Flicky to go with the bunny I just grabbed from the Easter collection.
Looks like I missed out on Heavy King at my local Target. Definitely need to track him down regardless of his blatant inaccuracies.
I wish they'd include more Chaos Emeralds with these figures. I'd like every wave to at least cycle through one the previous wave didn't have.
A Blaze and Silver Amazon 2-Pack would be nice too.
Found Caterkiller at Walmart in a checkout lane.
Happy with how Eggman’s army is coming along. Just wish we had a decent Eggman to go with them. Hopefully this rumored 5” line pans out and we get a good plain Eggman from there.
Loving my Sonic collection, it is growing. Going to try to make shelf space for them soon. For now, I hope SDCC gives some cool reveals. I know they wont, but give us some IDW figures. Tangle and Whisper are big wants.
Sorry to double post but AHHH IDW FIGURES . Technically two figures, this is our first in scale Froggy right? This has to open the door for more, but I think this is part of the Sega line, instead of the Sonic line? Will be interesting to see when it hits stores.