I actually pose Ryu and Ken the most. Them being the oldest and original SFers strikes a cord with me. I always pose them in deferent fight poses at least twice a week on my shelf. They go like bread and butter, Rocky and Apollo, Goku and Vegeta, Kenshiro and Shin, etc.
Looks like packaged pics from some London toy con have surfaced for Vega, Sagat, and Blanka. While packaged, it may be important to note that these still may not be final production pieces as the back of Blanka’s box still shows his digital render than his actual figure as was done in previous waves. However, it is almost definite that these three are wave 4. Speculation is Vega is normal price at 24.99 and Blanka and Sagat will be 29.99 to 34.99. Personally hoping for 29.99 for larger figures.
I played SF2 and its sequels in my teens through my twenties so I'm all-in. Same with Tekken, so I'm disappointed Bandai cancelled their Game Dimensions line.
Doubt they fixed Vega’s glove situation in those packaged samples?
Preorders up for Blanka and Sagat at EE and BBTS tomorrow according to Jada email.
@kryptonian Nice!!! At that price a few more extras wouldn’t hurt. I keep forgetting that Walmart.com proper does sell Jada SF but there actually US stores do not as far as I know. Hopefully they don’t cancel like they did my classic Masterverse Zodac and Skeletor.
Wonder if $29.99 is the new pricepoint going forward or if Sagat and Blanka are considered "oversized" compared to the previous releases.
@akajomiha Everything I've heard is the latter. It's also worth noting that on Entertainment Earth, where these are up for preorder now, Sagat and Blanka are listed as "Deluxe" figures.
Jada stated in an earlier interview that the 29.99 price point is for the oversized figure. Turns out it came true. 24.99 is still the normal price for regular sized figures. Vega is rumored to be at the 24.99 price. Guess we’ll know in a month or so when his preorders go up.
That said…….29.99 for an oversized. Damn. That’s pretty reasonable for today’s prices.
Nice! Thanks, @vicious7171 and @leor. Yes, 29.99 for oversized/deluxe figures is a great value in 2025.
It was a great Street Fighter day today. Got my preorders in for wave 4 Blanka and Sagat. Sagat being the first Jada SF figure to have toe artic. Also my 10 dollar wave 1 figures from Walmart.com sale actually shipped today. Kinda worried they would get cancelled considering the bs they did me with Masterverse. These wave 1 figures are gonna be some great birthday and Christmas presents for the family and friends this year.
Super excited to get my pre-order for Blanka in. Can't wait to get the figure.
Now the wait for Vega to be available to order.
Easiest preorder of the year so far, didn't even look at the promo pics. Just trust Jada to do it right and hit the order button.
More than okay with an extra five bucks for a deluxe figure considering what other lines are charging.
Very easy preorder indeed. It’s like Jada knows how to give customers MAXIMUM value with the product they release. You don’t feel ripped off or taken advantage off.😅 Just 5 bucks higher for an oversized figure.