@ashtalon It doesn't sound like they'll drop all at the same time.
They said Ken will be next, so I'm assuming he'll be built into a pack out with characters from wave 1.
Has anyone received a notification from bbts about your Chun Li preorder processing? With the figure showing up in stores a few weeks ago, I was hoping my preorder would have started processing already. Hopefully it comes it soon!
I've not gotten anything from BBTS as of yet. Impatiently waiting, haha.
Can anyone confirm if the Target app / online site even shows if these are in stock in the stores or are they like NECA where you just have to go in and check?
Also, reading through the thread, it seemed like Alpha / FF was the most wanted next game. Was this hinted as as the next game or just speculation? My personal hope is Alpha 3. My most wanted characters outside of the SFII cast are Adon, Gen, Yun, and Yang. Would give access to Birdie, Sodom, & Guy as well. From a how good would this toy be aspect I think Alpha 3 has a ton of excellent choices (as if the whole franchise isn't rad). Biggest miss going with Alpha would be Ibuki imo. She'd be an incredible figure.
@slixta Do these even come in mixed cases? I'm assuming they're solid cases of each character, with characters in a wave timed to ship around the same time.
Amazon did get Chun-Li, but she was $35. Maybe she was a 3rd party seller, but she was available last night. I just wasn't willing to spend a $10 premium to get her before BBTS.
@ashtalon They said in interviews that the first cases were...
2 - Fei Long
1 - Ryu
then said the second case packout was...
2 - Chun-Li
1 - Ryu
I'm sure that e-tailers are getting solid cases, but they did say that's what the packouts were for retail.
Apparently some people are finding Ryu at Target on clearance. I've still not seen them in store at all around me.
I did get Chun-Li in from Amazon today, and she's amazing.
Just received shipment notification for Evil Ryu.
I've also never once seen these at the 4 nearby MN Targets I check semi-regularly or regularly. Still waiting on EE to ship Chun-Li, says October.
My Target just put a bunch of Ryu and Fei Long out.
Finally got Chun Li on Amazon for retail price just now. Not sure what the deal is, but the Targets I’m able to check between NEPA and Southern Jersey just never got these. I’ve never even seen a shelf tag.
I had been checking for this line at my Targets around Richmond, Virginia and never saw any until this week. Went to five Targets yesterday hunting for clearance figures and saw Fei Long at two of them.
Just got this email from Jada Toys. Ken up for preorder on Monday, September 25th at 9:00am PST on Big Bad & Entertainmentearth.
Ken with the red fireball is an interesting but welcome choice. Time to swap with Ryu.
Was out on a run. FedEx delivered Evil Ryu 20 minutes ago. Rushed home 20 minutes away. Don't trust these mofos with a package just sitting on the doorstep. Saw the box opened. Tape either failed or FedEx person took a peek. On the shipping label under name, it actually displays Ultra Street Fighter II Evil Ryu. 😒 Actual box still outer plastic sealed!