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Meant to mention in my post earlier - I think I must've not played the edition of the game when they added Fei Long and Dee Jay because I have very little memory of them the way I remember all the others so clearly, so I skipped Fei Long the first go around. Picked him up over the holidays and agree with above - because he doesn't have the gi overlay his range of motion is WONDERFUL. He might be the most fun figure to pose because there's just nothing in the way. So slick. Same reason I like the mechanics of Cammy more than Chun Li (though I think Chun Li's sculpt is perfect) - the lack of a skirt and puffy sleeves means she can really fight unimpeded. 

Anyway, love this ridiculous line, can't wait for more, hope they get a license for DC and Arcane/LoL please and thank you. 

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Also worth noting that Ryu and Ken’s gi is removable if you wanna get more range of movement from them. 

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I didn't play this game much growing up. I don't have much fondness or connection. I do recognize most of the characters, but who wouldn't at this point? So many are iconic. I did pick up Chun Li mostly because she appeared in Wreck It Ralph, and I LOOOVE that movie. I'm definitely picking up Zangief once he gets released. But I have been paying loose attention to the line, and understand that a good figure is a good figure. I've got about 6-7 in my Amazon cart, just waiting for price drops. I don't need EVERY figure, but will likely pick up Cammy, Guile, Dhalsim, possibly Ryu, M Bison.. Have they released Blanka or E Honda yet?

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Posted by: @normdapito

I didn't play this game much growing up. I don't have much fondness or connection. I do recognize most of the characters, but who wouldn't at this point? So many are iconic. I did pick up Chun Li mostly because she appeared in Wreck It Ralph, and I LOOOVE that movie. I'm definitely picking up Zangief once he gets released. But I have been paying loose attention to the line, and understand that a good figure is a good figure. I've got about 6-7 in my Amazon cart, just waiting for price drops. I don't need EVERY figure, but will likely pick up Cammy, Guile, Dhalsim, possibly Ryu, M Bison.. Have they released Blanka or E Honda yet?

No Blanka or E. Honda yet, but they've shown them off:

I'm in the same boat as you - not particularly into SF, but the designs and quality of the figures have drawn me in. Don't skip out on Fei Long or Dee Jay either - the simple designs really let the quality engineering and articulation shine.


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I didn't think I'd be getting the E. Honda figure, but revisiting those pictures from SDCC changed my mind.   I can't pass him up.   Sigh.   This line is just that good.   Can't wait.     Blanka, Akuma and E Honda all need to get on my shelf.

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Mark me down as another person who didn't grow up playing the "New Challengers" version of SF2 (Turbo).  Thankfully their figures have been great.  Although I'm not sure what could make me interested in T Hawk as a figure or character.  He's so boring.  

Unrelated but I wonder how well these pinless joints will hold up.  I've been posing DeeJay like crazy and the friction points on his elbows are wearing down relatively quick, the plastic overall on the elbows is shredding here and there (it could just be plastic flash more than anything).

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AliExpress is taking preorders for Sagat, Blanka, and Vega. Might be a good indication of the next wave despite no official preorders from other stores yet. 

I’ve collected a lot of SF figures over the years, but I have to say Jada is by far my favorite. They don’t have the best sculpts IMO as I think Storm Collectibles does that better but they still look good.  However none of the figures suck or feel a bad value for the price. That figuarts Ryu that is priced for 60-70 bucks and bends only 90 degrees at the knees?  The hell?  And you can still find the normal figures at retail for now. 

I’m gonna go a little off tangent and ask if anyone here remembers a Street Fighter toy line from Bandai about 2 or 3 decades ago. My google search skills have yielded nothing. They may have been around 8 to 10  inches tall and had cloth uniforms. Very Mego like. They definitely made Ryu as I actually saw him in person but they may have made Ken and Guile also who I never saw except as pics in Ryu’s box. I saw this Ryu at a Japanese department store so it was a definite import as the box had  Japanese writings and no English words on it. This line also made 3 DBZ figures in the same style and I owned 3 of them and they were from the Perfect Cell arc. SS1 Goku, SS Kid Gohan in Piccolo inspired outfit, and SS future Trunks. Been trying to track down that Ryu figure for years. It looks pretty bad by today’s standard, but I actually  still want to own one. 

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I remember having a bunch of the SOTA Street Fighter figures and each and every one of them broke their legs from trying basic poses.  Those disc-peg hips insert into slots in hard plastic crotches was just the worst articulation scheme.  You'd just be trying to lift a leg into the most basic kick pose and the leg would tear off or the crotch would explode into pieces, lmao!  

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I played a lot of the first era Street Fighter but never kept up with it, so I've got a lot of nostalgia for the core characters but not much beyond it. That being said though, Jada is doing SUCH a good job with these I'll just keep buying them. I was going to skip characters I didn't play in-game but these are great TOYS as well as great collectibles. They're legit fun and made me wish Jada had the contract for another couple of franchises I don't have figures I love from. 

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I would encourage anyone just cherry-picking this line to get all the original 17  at the very least before the line starts jumping to other SF titles beyond SF2. SF2 is arguably the most popular fighting game franchise in the world and pop culture. Fighting video game characters rarely, if ever, get the entire roster made. Jada did something historic. Just the novelty of owning the entire roster, finally since 1991, to me is enough to get the 017.  It’s not like there’s a lot of characters to collect.  I never played  THawk or Deejay. Hell, I haven’t played SF seriously since after Championship Edition. But no way I’m not gonna get all of them. They gave us Deejay fer godsakes. Lol. Mortal Kombat, Tekken, KOF, etc. have it alot worse and will continue to have it worse even if a new company takes their license because they will most likely go for the newest looks, or pick characters from different iterations of the games rather than the classic or first game looks, and then do only the most popular characters and maybe one blister and then call it quits. I mean what is even happening with Game Dimensions and Tekken?  I’m pretty much convinced that that is what will happen with SF once Jada loses the license and a new company makes SF figures. 

supreme_d and docsilence reacted
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I'm just not interested in going all in on yet another collection. I collect so much stuff. Street Fighter is tempting, but I'm not as big a fan. I have memories of the few characters I remember, and that's all I'll get. I feel similarly about the Mega Man line. I remember renting MM2 and getting to Wily's castle that I could never beat (got to the massive dragon). My memories of MM1 are more vague, as I didn't spend as much time on that game (maybe I finished it more easily?) But I just can't get into another line. I have to draw the line.

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@leor Unless they fully tank the line somehow, I'm going to get the full original roster. I'm so tired of chasing lines that give up halfway or that take YEARS to finish small teams (I am gutted that we got Spike and Vicious from Bebop and nothing else; Storm is going to take a good seven years to complete the core Battle of the Planets team at this rate; McFarlane can't complete a team or cast if his life depended on it) that Jada revealing the entire first game's cast already and knocking it out of the park with each new figure has me sold. 

I wasn't huge on the later SF games, but truthfully, I think the best designed figure Jada has made so far in terms of movement and such is a character I intentionally skipped and just picked up on impulse (Fei Long). I love, love, love a company that builds characters with this level of care, and for the price they ask I have nothing bad to say about it. I'm in. 

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@docsilence Bebop would be an amazing line for Jada to crush.  I need a cowboy Andy figure, like, yesterday!  And obviously I'd want any Vicious they make

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@vicious7171 At this point I'd trust Jada with any property, but if they could get a license for even a six figure wave I'd be set for life. The fact that Figuarts gave up after Spike and Vicious (but previewed Faye) is one of my collecting rage buttons. Even just the core crew would make me happy.

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Yeah -  I'm not interested in the entire roster and will only pick up my favorites.    That said, that's still a decent number and I can definitely be sold on some of color variants as well.    But I just cannot be made to care about Cammy or Deejay or Sagat no matter how hard you try.        That said I'm still eagerly awaiting Blanka, Akuma and E Honda and will likely pick up Vega.      If they do a black costume M. Bison I will definitely grab that and will be tempted by alternate color releases for Dhalsim, Blanka, Akuma and E Honda.    


Once they have completed the O17 -  really 20, right if they do Evil Ryu, Violent Ken and Shin Akuma -  I do hope they branch into characters from other games.  


Honestly it feels like SF V  has such a robust character list, it might be the one to go to so they could go for a long time.

I have long wanted a figure of Rashid and was hoping Storm Collectibles would get to him, but they never did so now am hoping maybe Jada will beat them there.       Nekalli would be another must have for me - those dreadlocks would be fun.       Santamu would be awesome -  I might put her in my Wakanda display depending on how she turned out.    I would buy a Zeku figure, for sure.   Menat would be one I'd be likely to grab.  Seth would be neat.   I'd probably grab an Oro.  Satsuki would be a maybe, likewise with Laura and Ibuki

Kage is just shirtless young Akuma, right?  Still, I might grab him


I know there are other fan favorites from V others would want like Juri, Birdie, Falke...the list is long.   


But if they moved to V they could keep going with waves of Street Fighter for a long, long time.   

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