It was Street Fighter Palooza for me today - Cammy, Guile, blue M. Bison, Dee Jay, and white gi Ken all showed up.
Cammy feels a little fragile and doesn't have the same sturdiness that Chun-Li had, but she's still a solid figure, and I'm more likely to pose and display her than the old import I have which I was always afraid I'd break somehow. I dig her.
Guile: those oversized shoulders ARE definitely oversized, though they don't look quite as ridiculous in-hand than they did in the promotional images. I wish he had more depth of color in places, but decent. If Ryu is the standard, Guile's like an 8. I don't love the hair sculpt but I think it might just bt that he has a ridiculous hair style and it's going to look weird no matter what.
I was never a big Dee Jay fan (for some reason, he and Fei Long never stuck in my head as a kid, everyone else I remember clear as day) but I picked him up on a whim and of the three in the wave, I think he's the best designed figure, to be honest. Smooth joints, lots of personality. Glad I picked him up and now I'm going to have to track down Fei Long whom I skipped for the same reason.
White gi Ken - he's Ken. Although now that I have him, I think I've decided my favorite Ken and Ryu are Violent Ken and Evil Ryu. They both just POP.
The alternate look M. Bison - not much to report versus the player 1 version, but honestly, seeing him in a different color palette makes me appreciate the design of both figures even more. They did a great job with him overall.
I got Guile today and now have the three of the latest wave. All three of my figures have annoying ankles that I have to heat to get functional tilts and then they're back to being mostly stuck when cooled. I tried to get some shock oil onto the ankle stem without popping off the feet. I think it may have worked. Guile feels like an escapee from Classified---stuck hips, needed shock oil. I popped all three apart at the waist. More shock oil.
EE just charged for wave 3. Looks like they got them in and are shipping soon.
Amazon proper seems to have Guile in stock as of now. You may need to select Amazon for vendor. Cammy and Guile don’t seem available yet except for third party vendors.
Cammy on Amazon proper now for $24.99. Deejay on Amazon proper too but he’s still $28? Algorithm messing things up.
Dee Jay is in stock at Deep Discount for anyone who wants him - $22.47, and they're running a 15% off code.
You can get Cammy and Guile too even though they're showing out of stock. Add each item to your "Wish List" then navigate to the wish list (under "My Account") and you can add them to your cart from there. They'll show as backordered (and not eligible for the additional 15% off promo) but they're already priced low ($19.47/each) and DD is pretty good about fulfilling backordered items in a timely manner.
Opened up Cammy and Dee Jay yesterday. In the last few weeks I've opened a couple of MLs (my bread and butter line), GI Joe Classified, and several Mafex. It seems wild to say, but these two are the most impressive out of the whole lot. Super well constructed, fantastic articulation, SO much fun to pose and play around with. Small details add so much to the figures. Both have different types of braids on their alternate heads (one resting, one more "in motion"). Not only do they articulate, but they're detachable so you can mix and match the "expressions" of their hair with the different head portraits. It's a minor thing but adds a ton of value.
I'll continue to be all-in on every unique character they make for this line. Too impressive to pass up.
The quality on this line is why I hope Jada is able to grow and expand their licensing opportunities into other areas, but I also worry that if they grow too much the quality will inevitably suffer.
Regardless, this line is great and I enjoy every figure I pick up from them.
I opened up all my wave three a couple of days ago. Awesome figures and so much fun to play with. Like all things, I have a few nitpicks but the pluses waaay outweigh the negatives.
Guile- Seems his shoulders bugged some people due to the size and shape. I never had an issue with it and now that I have him in hand I’m even less aware of it. The only thing I would have added on this figure is a slight darker yellow or light orange wash in his hair.
Cammy- puts some ML Spiderman figures to shame. Nuff said.
Deejay- Probably not high on most peoples list of SF figures but he was on mine as this is what we were waiting for since the 90s. Real great figure and lots of personality on the faces. Mine came out good as I heard that some figures had miscolored torsos.
I will continue to dream that Jada will one day get the rights to make the original roster of Kenner’s DC Superpowers line from the 80s. Modern artic and sculpt on new bucks. Finite license limit between 4 to 6 years. That should make them out their best effort forward and not fall into the whole let’s make the figure but keep something slightly off so we can sell a more accurate one later approach alot of the big name toy makers seem to like doing nowadays.
Dude... Jada doing this kind of work on the DC Universe would blow my mind. I would be SO stoked for something like that.
Right? And for Jada that would be something realistic. Super Powers has the classic looks and a finite roster. There’s no multiverse or different eras involved. So no going all over map like you know who. 9 to 12 figures a year and assuming Jada can now keep that pace, that very doable in 4-6 years. And classics look sell. No matter if some people hate it and want variety(nothing wrong with that) but classic looks with modern sculpts and artic will sell big time. But yeah, it’s just a dream.
I'm all caught up on the mainline releases and am loving most of the figures so far. Dee Jay was one of my most-anticipated figures of the year and he's just so fun. Shame about the mismatched torso thing. I don't see the problem in my computer room with warm lighting but go into any room with stark white lighting and the color mismatch is very visible.
I just came in here to say the same thing everyone else is saying - I would buy every character Jada made if they got a DC license. I just spent a few hours puttering with my moderate McFarlane Multiverse collection and just kept thinking I wish they had the ROM and scale and just plain old toyetic-ness of the Jada figures. My other dream line for them to do is Arcane at this scale.
Woof, figures of classic DC characters made to the same quality as these SF figures would be incredible. I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat.
I've done a bad job of keeping up with news on this line. After this most recent set of releases with Cammy, Dee Jay, and Guile, who is next?
@h-bird I try to k eep a pretty close eye on this line but I don't think I've seen a specific name for who's up next to preorder. IIRC they've released everyone who has been pre-orderable so far, and we got a look at the entire lineup (or close to it) during the summer cons, so they've got plans to complete the original lineup.