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Jada Toys Street Fighter

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Either way I'm excited, they really only have big boys left other than Akuma and Violent Ken.

  • Vega
  • Zangief
  • E. Honda
  • Sagat
  • Blanka
  • T. Hawk
  • Akuma
  • Violent Ken (probably an exclusive)

It's also an odd amount of figures to fall into their waves of three, unless they do Evil Ryu as a non deluxe at some point.

They've also mentioned Player 2 colors (which I think is unnecessary).


Like I've said before I just pray they jump into Final Fight before going right into Alpha.

Niko (formerly Jead)
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Posts: 264

Alpha will include Final Fight, so I'm happy either way. Going forward I don't want them to finish the line game by game, but procure a line with an even mix of something for every kind of fan. Since the SF license includes Final Fight and Rival Schools, those characters would be nice to see mixed into waves. They'll probably start introducing newer characters into the last wave of USFII once they're short a few characters.

I do want alternate colors, just maybe not specifically player 2 ones, just any colorscheme that looks nice. I always play Cody in Alpha 3 using the purple colorscheme so i want that one for sure.

If they have wave 4 shown off so soon I'll scream. I need Vega (Claw) severely.

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Posted by: @blankslate

I think the plan was to have something to show at every major show. I could also be mistaken. 

Maybe it will be a single, bigger deluxe figure then. That seems more reasonable than another set of 3 figures.


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@protozoalord The only problem is if they only do the SF versions of Final Fight characters that means no Haggar.

I also hate a lot of the SF designs for the Final Fight characters, Cody in particular.

He looked so good here!


Then Street Fighter ruined my boy!

They did the same thing to Maki too...

Like wtf is this...


Although whoever did this artwork should do all character art going forward...

Niko (formerly Jead)
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Posts: 264

@slixta on one hand I feel it, I don't at all like Cody or Poison's designs from SFV, but I do want Cody from Alpha. This assumes we'll only be getting one design of each character though, and that the line will only be focusing on one game after USFII is done. Which I doubt either will be the case. I have faith Haggar will be made if they do any Final Fight.

Also that artist is Shinkiro! He's primarily known for SNK games, but he's been at Capcom for quite a while now.

Slixta reacted
Magneto Was Right
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I love that last Maki design. I'm not a fighting game guy, so I don't think I've seen it before. Very cool.

Slixta reacted
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@protozoalord They did say that after USF2 is finished the roster won't be confined to one game anymore.

But if we're only to get one Cody I just desperately want classic Cody.

As far as Street Fighter goes my top ten for after USF2 would have to be...

  1. Poison (SF4)
  2. Cody (SF5 Final Fight Costume)
  3. Maki (SFA3, but based on the sprite and not that ugly ass artwork)
  4. Rose (SFA)
  5. Guy (SFA, but sprite based and not that fugly artwork)
  6. Rolento (SFA)
  7. Hugo (SF3)
  8. Urien (SF3)
  9. Kolin (SF3/Nostalgia Costume)
  10. Lucia (Nostalgia Costume)

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@tsi are you talking about the last one? If so I agree she's absolutely gorgeous there. But I do love her Final Fight 2 cutscene spritework too.

TheSameIdiot reacted
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When they reveal & release Zangief & Akuma, I personally will be fine with being done with this line.

I do wonder if Jada would be able to do other Capcom properties?

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Will wave 2 be like this and split up like wave 1 (Chun-Li shipped months later) or are all three figures coming out at the same time?

M Bison

Dee Jay

That's the breakdown, right?  Do we know of a timeframe/ETA for wave 2?


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Speaking of P2 colors, I'd dig Blanka in blue, Guile in tan, and Chun in pink.

Niko (formerly Jead)
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Posts: 264

@vardon Sadly my summaries of every Juhn interview were lost with the old forums, but Jada can pretty much just ask Capcom for the license of any given game series and if Capcom approves, they can make toys. Street Fighter includes Final Fight and Rival Schools with it, so some licenses may be bundled together.

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I can't win.  Fei Long x2, Ryu x 4.  Damn, when I turned the corner I could clearly see a high amount of figures. I thought today was the day 😭 

MiracleMen reacted
Space Cadet
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Posted by: @bills-all-day

Did Juhn say Jada would be showing the wave 4 figures at NYCC or am I remembering that wrong? It seems crazy for them to already be announcing wave 4, but I thought he even acknowledged how crazy it was when he said it. Am I remembering wrong?


Yes, I think he did say that. And Wave 4 is where we'll first see some bigs. Of all the SF2 characters, T.Hawk is probably the only guy I don't care as much about so I'd be a little disappointed if he's the first to be revealed. 


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Posted by: @bills-all-day

Did Juhn say Jada would be showing the wave 4 figures at NYCC or am I remembering that wrong? It seems crazy for them to already be announcing wave 4, but I thought he even acknowledged how crazy it was when he said it. Am I remembering wrong?

He said LACC, not NYCC


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