My wave 2 Rockma…cough….Megaman figs arrived today. Saving to open them on the weekend, but just looking at them in package hit my nostalgia real hard. I can actually feel my blood boil a little looking at Elecman and remembering the absolute massacre he would hand me back in the 80s. Then I’d chuckle looking at Cutman’s sourpuss face since he’d always be the first bot I’d beat…….and not realize he was the key to beating Elecman. Green Hyperbomb Rock…Megaman is actually pretty neat looking too. So only Gutsman and Bombman left for wave 1? Hoping to get Dr Light, Dr Wily, and Roll at least to complete the first game cast.
Really looking forward to Rush, Protoman, Zero, and X. I want some Mets too. And Sniper Joe. Everyone seems to forget about ol’ Joe.
@mr-potatohead Cool. After looking at the updated list, I kinda wish Jada would actually push out waves 3 and 4 and make Gutsman and Bombman the next wave. Now that the first game Robot Masters are more than halfway done, it just feels like they should finish the first game cast, be done with it, and go onto the next game. I get why they are spacing them out but I still don’t like it. Especially after what Jada accomplished with USF2 and just concentrating on one game cast first. Not too many toy companies seem to do that and prefer to skip around different eras, but I think with game characters in particular, concentrating on a specific game is actually a good idea. For a collector like me, finishing the cast of a certain game is a big incentive to keep collecting as there is a clear goal and (pseudo)end in sight. It won’t really end since they can go on to sequels.
Same. I was all hyped to collect all the Megas from the first game but I guess I'll only have three? Buster, Bomb, and Ice, right? Well, I hope they keep making him in various colors, Mega Man 2 is my favorite NES one and there's some really fun colors. Need hot pink Mega. I do wonder though, since they reuse colors time-to-time, if they'll just skip those. I suppose I'd be fine with that.
I agree as well.
At 1st I thought I'd cheap out and skip the repaints, but man, the paint and colors pop so much that's not going to be the case after all. Not to mention, when they up the value by including some of the smaller characters we might not get otherwise. I'm praying for a Batton.
Me too. I was not going to do any Megaman repaints in the beginning but after actually having one in hand, well that thought changed pretty quick. The way the waves are currently being spaced out, I wouldn’t mind getting the whole wave whenever it comes out as there’s only three per wave. Plus next year I’ll be cutting back even more as the lines I currently collect are winding down and that opens up space for Megaman.
Really hoping for Jada to get Castlevania. I want a line of Belmont figures.
@leor It's no official Simon Belmont by any means but Brutal Realm is making a beefy Simon look-alike:
I'm definitely giving mine a whip lol
So, not Jada, but this is something new that looks comparable for those who want to expand...
Also, DeepDiscount has Ice Man marked down to $16.38.
@mr-potatohead I know Mega has big boots but this figure might have gone a touch too far! 🤣 I love this overripe banana color scheme (and Metal Blade is a great weapon), hopefully we get this from JADA
@vicious7171 That's hilarious! I was so smitten with the paint I didn't notice that or how spindly his limbs are 🤣
@mr-potatohead Cool. After looking at the updated list, I kinda wish Jada would actually push out waves 3 and 4 and make Gutsman and Bombman the next wave.
Those are definitely the two that I’m waiting on.
After I decided that I was happier with my Figuarts Megaman and Nel Cutman, I did tell myself that I’d at least get Gutsman and Bombman since they didn’t have to physically match up with Mega or Cut and that would give me the robot masters I had as a kid from the 90’s line.
@vicious7171 I actually missed this post the first time and just saw it now. I keep forgetting Simon looks like HeMan in the first game. While not the most popular Castlevania game, I always liked Simon’s Castlevania 2 armor.
@boy_wonder Like how they will approach SF after USF2, I’d rather Jada stick with one game and be actual completist of whatever game license they hold. Gutsman and Bombman…….just two more and we are done with the first game.