What would everyone's Top 10 wants for the line look like?
Mine Top 20 are...
- Roll with Eddie
- Rush with Beat
- Proto Man
- Dr. Wily
- Dr. Light with Tango
- Metal Man
- Guts Man
- Bomb Man
- Quick man
- Snake Man
- Bass
- Treble
- Splash Woman
- Crash Man
- Plant Man
- Air Man
- Heat Man
- Flash Man
- Pharaoh Man
- Skull Man
The Mega Family and the bosses from the first two games are a high priority for me. I personally have no desire or want for Powered Up versions of Mega Man unless it's his Rush Armor.
Since I still have my Bandai figures I can exclude those characters as priority (also to mix it up a bit).
My Most Wanted are the rest of the Robot Masters from Mega Man 1, Rush, & Proto Man. AFTER I have those in hand, then I'll take the Robot Masters from Mega Man 2 & 3 as well as Dr. Wily, Dr. Light, & Roll. I swear if the line folds before the Robot Masters lineup from Mega Man 1 is complete, I may lose it.
If this line folds before they do Proto Man, I’ll probably switch back to my D-arts MM in my display. Getting him is the big allure for me.
I think I’m pretty content to just have the Robot Masters from the first game, Proto Man, Rush, maybe Roll, and probably Dr Wily depending on how he looks compared to the Funko one.
At least as far as classic MM. If they got into other MM brands, I’d probably take Volnutt, Starforce, and EXE.
I wonder how this line would sell in Japan.
A few shots of Mega Man that I got in the mail this past week. Been super curious for the longest time how he’d feel in-hand and overall it’s a super nice Mega Man figure. Certainly the nicest one we’ve ever gotten from an American company. I’ve had the D-Arts version for 10+ years, so it’s a bit of a transition going from one to the other on my shelf. I do probably overall prefer D-arts general polish and how well it goes with my other import figures, but Jada’s NEA aesthetic and the promise of more Robot Master bad guys and Protoman got me switching over for now. Neither figure is bad, one’s just styled after the original NES artwork and the other is more PlayStation 1 era. I love the gloss on the helmet and boots, although he has the same issue I had with Jada’s Fei Long where there’s some errant black plastic embedded in his torso. Probably wish he was a bit more stout like Ice Man, but still excited to see what the future holds for the line.
Thanks for the Doc Wily pic. I was most interested in how they look together.
If this line folds before they do Proto Man, I’ll probably switch back to my D-arts MM in my display. Getting him is the big allure for me.
I think I’m pretty content to just have the Robot Masters from the first game, Proto Man, Rush, maybe Roll, and probably Dr Wily depending on how he looks compared to the Funko one.
At least as far as classic MM. If they got into other MM brands, I’d probably take Volnutt, Starforce, and EXE.
I agree proto man is a must. Id also say that a break man variant would be Awesome As well.
In case anyone missed it, preorders for wave 2 are now open. I updated the checklist w/that info. (I was hoping the forums would be back for me to update.)
God, I hope they increase the number of figures per year. I told a buddy about the line and he was super excited after I showed him pics, then I let it slip so far only 3 figures a year and he totally lost interest.
My old ass can’t remember any bosses passed Mega Man 1. I promised myself to only buy villains from MM1. But Jada is making it hard to stick to that promise. We shall see…..
Updated the checklist w/Wave 4.
Proto Man!! Me wanty!!
I loved the first couple Mega Man games on NES growing up. But I’ve avoided all but MM so far, understanding the potential for how deep this line could go. They’re not as affordable as World of Nintendo/Super Mario figures, and that franchise has always been my go to for video games. I’m a simple man. That said, this line is shaping up to be another winner. The villains so far look amazing.