All things FromSoft: Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Armored Core, and Elden Ring.
I have the same problem with this stuff that I have with 99% of video game figures these days; I want my character but my character isn't 'the stock dude from the box' so... it hurts my interest. That being said, that Figma Raging Wolf is really nice and I'd be strongly tempted by it if it ever comes out. But.. it's also been shown in prototype form like this for how long now? Since Elden Ring came out?
Much harder to get excited about something that feels like it's in perpetual limbo and may or may not come out at some indeterminate time in the near or distant future.
GoodSmileUS emailed me in Sept to say that my Fluted Armor order would arrive in the next couple months. I'm guessing the Japanese shops will get it next month or so. Super excited to finally get this one in hand!
GoodSmileUS emailed me in Sept to say that my Fluted Armor order would arrive in the next couple months. I'm guessing the Japanese shops will get it next month or so. Super excited to finally get this one in hand!
Should be sooner than that, mine's already in transit..!
It does sound like Bandai will be soliciting another Elden Ring figure this year. Fingers crossed for Malenia. She'd be unlike any figure I have on the shelf.
Malenia and Ranni are straight up money on the table cases, they’d have to be idiots not to have them lined up soon. Almost no one gives a toss about Vyke, it was such a baffling one to lead with. Mal, Ranni, Blaidd, Selen, steel hat ronin dude, Radan (admittedly size is an issue here), Alexander…literally any of them would have been a better choice to start with.
Imagine a Kaido scaled Radahn. Instant pre-order for me.
Got a payment request from AmiAmi for the Figma Demon's Souls figure.
The pics I've seen of the Demon's Souls figure has me so excited, it looks gorgeous.
Also give me a Blaidd from Elden Ring pls
My fluted armor came in and its awesome. I noticed some cool new additions for figma. The shoulders have a new design, almost half way between a typical figma shoulder and what you see on domestic figures. Both legs have thigh cuts for thigh swivel. Double jointed elbows and knees (not the first for figma but it's definitely rare). All the joints are buttery smooth, nothing loose and nothing overly tight.
I've always liked figma figures but it seemed lately like Bandai was eating their lunch. If this is a sign of future figmas I think people will be really happy.
The waist joint is one of the most badly designed things I've seen in my life. Once it pops, you're in a world of hurt getting the damn thing back together. It's a shame as the figure *looks* great and the accessories are wonderful but all in all it's the biggest let down figure I think I've ever had. Just terrible design, you can't get it to pop back in without the other end popping out, rinse, repeat until the stars align.
The waist joint is one of the most badly designed things I've seen in my life. Once it pops, you're in a world of hurt getting the damn thing back together. It's a shame as the figure *looks* great and the accessories are wonderful but all in all it's the biggest let down figure I think I've ever had. Just terrible design, you can't get it to pop back in without the other end popping out, rinse, repeat until the stars align.
Damn that sounds frustrating. I've seen some other people share the same issue. I popped mine apart to take out the plastic and it went back together fine. I don't know if its a QC issue or something, maybe I got lucky. If mine had that problem it would really change how I feel about the figure.
Hope it cooperates with you or you can get a replacement/refund