Didn't see a thread for these, so I figured I'd make one.
I know Mass Effect figures have been on a lot of people's lists, mine included, for a long while. These technically aren't figures, but little collectible statues, like their Last of Us and Witcher lines. Around 8-9 inches normally. Not ideal, per se- no posability is a bummer, and I hear the bases that the figures are attached to tend to take up a lot of space- but they look really nice, and might be our best bet, at least for a while, at getting any ME representation.
So far, Liara, Garrus, Tali, Wrex, and Sovereign have been announced and are up for pre-order. There's a 1/6 statue of FemShep as well, which I wouldn't be surprised to learn means a regular sized one is soon to follow.
I'd been collecting Bioware's statues, but they seem to have slown down on those. These are a little cheaper as well, which is nice. Still pricey, but I notice Dark Horse's figures seem to be discounted a lot, especially on Amazon. I'd love it if Dark Horse managed to get deeper into the line than Bioware did- Legion, Jack, etc. It still feels weird how many characters have never had figure representation in any form- Kasumi, Zaeed, Jack, etc.
Don't have much to add here, since I'm not into statues, but boy would I be on board with a well done Mass Effect line. I'm surprised no one really went there, since the games had a lot of assets re-used which would also make this an economic toyline.
Funny enough, I just shipped my BBTS PoL with the Dark Horse Mass Effect 2 Normandy replica in it. As much as I want ME figures, I don't want them enough to start buying larger statues. Excited to get my hands on the ship, though.
@tsi When it arrives, please share your thoughts. I think that's the second or third time they've released a Normandy statue and I keep passing because I'm just not sure about it. But I love the Normandy and I want something Mass Effect on my shelf pretty badly, so this one keeps cropping up in my mind as a 'maybe I should just get it.'
@theknightdamien I've had the Normandy in its Alliance colors for quite some time now. It's nice- definitely small; I didn't even know they had a whole line of Mass Effect ships at the time I bought it, but it's made to go with those, I believe. They're all the same size, so don't look to get into it if you're into proper scale. There was a larger Normandy released, but I never tracked that down. I kinda like the smaller ships; it's a shame they never made a Mass Relay.
The piece itself is nice, especially for the price. I think I paid $35 back when it first came out. The paint is clean, and it feels sturdy enough- not heavy, but not too fragile either (though I would imagine it would break pretty easily if dropped). It's basic and barebones- no features or lights or movable parts, but it's a nice, accurate model. If you can find the version you like for not too much (I'd say it's worth the 35-40 or so, but not much more), I'd say go for it.
@tsi When it arrives, please share your thoughts. I think that's the second or third time they've released a Normandy statue and I keep passing because I'm just not sure about it. But I love the Normandy and I want something Mass Effect on my shelf pretty badly, so this one keeps cropping up in my mind as a 'maybe I should just get it.'
Sorry, I keep forgetting to reply to this. I echo joshsquash. The model is hefty for its size. It's well-painted and accurate. I like it. (Can you tell I'm not a statue/model guy? 😆 ) I wish I had paid less, but I don't think $60 is a ripoff.
It's nice to have some Mass Effect merch on the shelf even if it isn't an action figure.
Finally got all 4 of the figures from BBTS last night- Garrus, Liara, Tali, and Wrex. They're all super nice; bummed that they're not posable, but I know that's Dark Horse's gimmick. They're all very well done though- some great detailing and weathering on the armor; nothing super fancy, but not bad for the price point. Garrus and Wrex have some big bases, so I'm not sure where I'm gonna fit them all, but I'll make room. Only thing I'd say to watch out for is plugging in Glyph to Liara's hand. The instructions tell you to clamp down on the sides as you push in, and I can see why; it does feel like they or the peg could break off if pushed a little too hard. I'll probably have to end up gluing it in; I can get the peg to sit in the hole, but if I bump it even a little, it pops out. A swappable hand would've been nice, but I know DH doesn't really do that.
I hope these aren't the only ones we get; the problem with ME, at least for me, is that there's so many great characters that I'd want them all, but it would feel criminal to end the line without at least Commander Shepard. It's still just so awesome to have Mass Effect figures after all this time. Always loved the series- both of my cats have been named after characters- Liara and Garrus. Liara is no longer with us, unfortunately, but I showed my Garrus his namesake when I opened him up and he rubbed all over him. A super cute moment.
Dark Horse just announced Jack and Legion figures are coming later this year. Nice to see there's still life left in the line, especially after the Last of Us figures seemed to have fizzled out after 4 releases. Still a lot of characters I'm really hoping they'll get around to, including shrinking down their Shepard figure to go with the others.