So, I don't own any of these, and I'm very much a Jada fan. But it's interesting, nonetheless. They don't look bad.
I'm not prone to aggression, in person or otherwise, but that seems like some straight bullshit that SHF sees all the love that Jada is getting for their SF figures and suddenly remembers that they used to make them too.
SHF dropped the ball on SF figs. They can just go be the "man" at Burning Man.
So wait..... They are reviving the line? Re-releases? I think the only way I'd pick something up again is if they fixed Sagat's scale and color. Otherwise I'm all in for Jada.
@red_ogre I doubt Jada influenced these releases much at all. Bandai is a Japanese company that is primarily concerned with selling toys in Japan. I'm not sure if Jada's line gets distributed in Japan at all. These releases are more a way of cashing in on the fact that there's a new Street Fighter game out, hence why they are being marketed as "outifit 2" versions
There are re-releases/re-colors, right?
Someone in Instagram commented about an extra face shown on Tamashi's website. I'm not sure if that is so, as I haven't looked at the site or my figures. Chun-Li looks shinier than I remember.
SHF Street Fighter sorely needs a bunch of reissues, so I'm happy this is happening. I didn't have a chance to get R. Mika or Vega, so I hope those get reissued.
Looking at price point alone, Jada has very little market overlap with lines like Storm or SHF. I hope all the lines see some decent success!
@madcap1970 Cute head sculpt. I doubt I'll ever use it, but I'm leaning toward picking up these versions.
The original Ryu was part of my best Prime Day order that I haven't been able to top.
I think I missed these everywhere by 6am est (hlj, amiami, nin-nin, hobby genki, hobby search,, cdjapan).
By the time I remembered they were all gone. That said, while I’m sad to miss out on Ryu, I actually prefer Chun’s new SF6 look so hopefully they’ll announce one and I can snag her.
Any other word on releases from this line again?