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Posted by: @trunks3540

Is this where we would talk about add ons? Like gap fillers and 3rd party weapons and upgrade kits? Cause I was still debating on getting some for the SS86 Dinobots. Mainly the swords and guns. And I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of ones they liked, if they bought any, and maybe the quality. The only sword I like for slag is on Shapeways, all the ones on Ebay suck. But I don't think I wanna get 3d printed ones agajn.

I check TFSafari fairly regularly to see what is available (Upgrade Kits – TFSAFARI).

Here is what I've picked up for the Dinobots:

Slag - Matrix Workshop M-59 (Matrix Workshop M59 M-59 Upgrade Kit for Studio Series 86 SS86 Slag Di – TFSAFARI)

[img] [/img]

Sludge - Matrix Workshop M-76 (Matrix Workshop M76 M-76 Weapon set for Studio Series SS86 Sludge Upgr – TFSAFARI)

[img] [/img]

Snarl - Matrix Workshop M-91 (Matrix Workshop M91 M-91 Weapon set (Guns / Sword) for Studio Series 86 Snarl Dinobot Upgrade Kit – TFSAFARI)

[img] [/img]

Grimlock - DNA Design DK-24 (DK-24 Upgrade Kit (

[img] [/img]

With SS'86 Swoop not out yet, there really isn't anything for him yet.


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Yea that's the sword I don't like for Slag. The rest looks nice. But I don't like how they did the guard for the hilt. I prefer the actual g1 look where the guard actually sticks out. This is the one I got for the PotP version, and it's a little big, and I don't like how grainy the 3d printed stuff is. But I love the design.

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Toyhax is or was having a sale on the Legacy Insecticons sticker sets. You could buy Bombshell’s set for $0.01 so essentially buy the other two and virtually get the third free. So it causes me to pull the trigger on getting them. I just finished putting them on the toys and hot dog those things are sooo much better now. Lots of shiny stickers that almost gives it that that techno bugs look. They really elevate the product! The stickers really give the robot modes a punch. The bug mode is enhanced too. Toyhax rarely steers me wrong. I don’t adorn all my Transformers as I am sure you can. I have enjoyed what I did choose. Their product is so precise and a bit forgiving to apply. These Legacy Insecticons are pretty stellar now.


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Ooooh what Optimus Prime is that? Is that the oversized version of Magic Square?

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@normdapito Pangu Toys PT-01 Commander which is yes an oversized MS prime

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Posted by: @mechamajin

@normdapito Pangu Toys PT-01 Commander which is yes an oversized MS prime

Nice! I already have that preordered! Looks great with the 7" figures.


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Is that 1/18th scale?

Norm when you get yours would you be so kind as to photograph him with G.I. Joes?
Also be careful as I hear it seems to be fragile

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Posted by: @prophet

Toyhax is or was having a sale on the Legacy Insecticons sticker sets. You could buy Bombshell’s set for $0.01 so essentially buy the other two and virtually get the third free. So it causes me to pull the trigger on getting them. I just finished putting them on the toys and hot dog those things are sooo much better now. Lots of shiny stickers that almost gives it that that techno bugs look. They really elevate the product! The stickers really give the robot modes a punch. The bug mode is enhanced too. Toyhax rarely steers me wrong. I don’t adorn all my Transformers as I am sure you can. I have enjoyed what I did choose. Their product is so precise and a bit forgiving to apply. These Legacy Insecticons are pretty stellar now.



Here are my Insecticons after some paint work and Toyhax sets:

[img] [/img]

[img] [/img]

[img] [/img]

I really like most all of the Toyhax sets and really don't feel any of my Transformers are complete without them.


adrienveidt reacted
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Gotta ask why you have Kickback's wings down under his armpits, brother.  Still gotta find Bombshell somewhere.

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I go back and forth with displaying them up or down. I think as a kid I mostly had them down because I figured his peripheral vision would have been awful with them up. Now, they're mostly down just due to display purposes.

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It's interesting, looking back at my original G1 collection, so many of the stickers would start to peel or get so worn that they were just an adhesive foil with no printed colors or shapes.. I wound up going the full length of peeling them off completely from so many of my TFs, and I loved how that looked because it was closer to the animation. It actually bugged me that those stickers weren't acknowledged in the animation, making me question why they were necessary on the toys in the first place. As a clumsy kid with little kid dexterity, it was common for me to mess up the alignment, which sometimes led to them peeling. They just bugged me. Today, I always prefer painted/printed detail to stickers/labels. I mainly use ToyHax for Autobot/Decepticon insignias for 3P figures.

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Anybody else in for this MPH Studio Lobster Cmdr Prime and his trailer kit?  Looks like a fantastic set overall, and I love the li'l mech form for the trailer 'doctor' no longer confined to the extender arm.


Lobster Prime is on his way from TFSafari but the Trailer set plus a few other items I ordered are still PO.  I'm glad Prime is coming separately from his trailer as I'm more excited for the trailer kit than Prime and this way I'll get to appreciate him more fairly alone.  Prime does look like a fantastic figure but I get geeked for li'l boxes with li'l dudes hiding inside, lol.

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Got the new Robot Toys RT-01 Caesar in yday and he's fuck-awesome.  I hope they do a white version as well as any others they want to do (like a purple EVA-01 version).  The gorilla's mouth even opens!  GetHimGetHimGetHim.

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