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During the collapse, I took the time to open a few third party MPs: FansToys Parkour/Cliffjumper, FansToys Thomas/Astrotrain (toy colors), and Star Toy Commander/Blitzwing. The latter two finally completed my season 1 & 2 Decepticon display. Really, Blitzwing was the last component, but I had to upgrade my old ToyWorld Astrotrain, which was too small. I couldn't figure out how to transform either Astrotrain or Blitzwing from their robot modes into either of their alt modes. Got close on the shuttle and tank, but gave up. Will have to watch a video or something. Blitzwing didn't even come with instructions. Anyway, it's very satisfying to see the complete group on my shelf. Will try to get a photo up soon.

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OH! I did not realize the 3rd party Omnibot Overdrive is out already at TFSource

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I finally caved on my no 3rd parties rule for existing characters and ordered the FT Jazz with the full racing livery as Rise of the Beasts has come and gone and there's still no goddamn word from Takara of them doing an MP Jazz. If they could get a license from them to do Mirage as a 911 then surely you'd think they'd get the classic 70s Jazz model too but nada, zip, zilch, ziparoonio. Well sod 'em, life's too short to hang around, plus I adore the full racing decals way more anyway.

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Does anyone know of a better head for the upcoming Antagony?

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Finally got around to transforming my Magic square 2.0 (EX) Prime to vehicle mode. half of it was easy but the other was difficult. some parts didnt align correctly but i think that normal with TF toys. the chest glass pieces are very delicate. vehicle mode looks cool but i think i prefer robot mode better. i expected the truck to be bigger but i guess not. ill post pics later

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adrienveidt and Revox reacted
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3 1/4" tall --- 7 1/2" length

Ok, i got a hard question for the expert - transformers heads.

As per the pics above, does any one know, whats the scale of the Masterpiece line in truck mode?


It goes from being 9.5" inches in robot mode to 3.4" inches in truck mode, thats crazy.

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Eyeballing the vehicle mode I'd guesstimate 48th scale.  Can't say if that pans out for bot mode.

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Magic square just took out a new version now. (they sure are milking it) its the "MS-02TC" Toy color version (G1)

legs are silver/metallic and the red is like a Candy apple red with hi-gloss and some stickers. i like it. the version i got which is the MS-02EX doesnt have the stripe when in truck mode and of course i do like the stupid stripe 😆 😆 😆 im so petty. this new one does have the stripes on both modes, son of bit*h!

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Got my FansToys Variator (Gears) today. He looks so good! I hope the picture works...

Edit: Success...apologies for my lesser quality camera. I'm cheap! 🤣

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I received NewAge Stratos/Wheeljack and X-Transbots Bond-James/Punch-Counterpunch today from TFSource.

Wheeljack is a fun addition to my NewAge collection. They always manage to provide some practical and figurative twists and turns in their conversions. Somewhat unexpected tweaks to really establish that anime aesthetic at an astonishingly small scale. I have another version of Wheeljack I use with my MagicSquare figures, I believe from ToyWorld, because he scales better with the larger MS figures. Stratos fits perfectly with NA and comes with an arm for a buildable Frankenstein Autobot. Hound came with a leg.

Bond/James is incredible. I’m probably biased because he, along with Point Blank, was among my most favorite TFs of my childhood collection. I waited for the Japanese version, which retains the toy look for both likenesses. Conversion is just as tricky as most XTB figures are. I figured some of that would be due to the dual robot modes, but the conversion from Autobot to Decepticon is a lot simpler than I expected. I thought more of the faction-specific parts would find a way to get hidden. In fact, they aren’t at all. He actually does a better job hiding them in the G1 figure and subsequent CHUG and Trilogy deluxe class figures. Still, he looks stellar to me. Posing is a bit limited in the shoulders, and the yellow parts aren’t as orange as I prefer or remember the toy being. I still really like this figure, despite its flaws. 

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Wasn’t sure where to post this. I was at a DD’s earlier in the day and found  what looks to be KO Constructicon Hook. It looks to be the size of your average leader class nowadays but thicker in design. Rather than green and purple, he’s like a dark gold yellow and purple. The box is in English and the way to transform him into vehicle and upper torso/head of Devastator is pictured at the back of the box. A quick look in Alieexpress says this figure sells for around $13 which is the same as the “comparable” price on the DDs price tag. The “you pay” section of DDs price tag is $8.99. Not sure if the quality yet as I haven’t opened it yet, but if it’s decent, I might want to try and track down the other 5. He looks pretty nice at the very least. 

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Is this where we would talk about add ons? Like gap fillers and 3rd party weapons and upgrade kits? Cause I was still debating on getting some for the SS86 Dinobots. Mainly the swords and guns. And I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of ones they liked, if they bought any, and maybe the quality. The only sword I like for slag is on Shapeways, all the ones on Ebay suck. But I don't think I wanna get 3d printed ones agajn.

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