@trunks3540 Agreed. The gouging is a lot too. Past $20 for Leader size. It’s enough that even I’m balking and may wait for a sale. The funny thing too is they will not let this mold be a one shot either. I see them release another “dead” version in that 86 mold since it will be more “accurate”. Another Nemesis Prime. Another exclusive to a store version. Another cel shade version. But the price will be 69.99 since they don’t come with the trailer. Lol.
1986 Optimus looks great! Preordered at BBTS. Haven’t seen this Optimus on Pulse yet.
Ok apparently from what I’ve read, this SS 86 Prime is supposed to be bigger than Earthrise Prime thus warranting the commander class price level. I don’t know how much bigger as I have not seen any comparison pics but if he’s on the level of Rodimus or Motormaster then the price is a little easier to swallow. I thought the trailer was a modified version of the ER trailer and a new Prime figure in the same scale as ER Prime. Hopefully this new Prime is bigger. Gonna take a chance and put in a preorder.
Yes, that new Optimus is Commander class, and he’s a good bit taller than the Earthrise mold, along with the trailer being bigger. These were pics shared by one of the designers on instagram.
But if Prime is bigger than Earthrise Prime, won’t that throw off the scale of ever body else?
Thanks for the pics.
I’m of the opinion he won’t mess up the scale with the others. The difference between ER and SS86 doesn’t look too bad. And Prime looking just a little bit bigger than ER shouldn’t throw off the scale that much with the others. Is SS86 Magnus bigger than this SS86 Prime? At least SS86 Prime is not Jetfire big. Kinda glad I got that preorder in now.
Edit: I guess he might look bigger to those bots that are supposed to be on the same size as him like Megatron or Shockwave. I don’t think he’ll look too bad on the boys that are smaller or much bigger than he is.
Solution: SS86 versions of Megatron and Shockwave and whatever other bots the same size as SS86 Prime. Lol.
The new size helps justify the price a little bit, for both the trailer and the figure. Still way too expensive for me to wanna grab him though unfortunately.
I think this is a must have Optimus Prime. When I saw the ER version, I knew it was an inferior product and skipped it, was tempted by the re-release but ultimately felt it was just a bad toy. So glad they are releasing this and I can't complain about the price if it's meant to be commander size.
In other news, I got Bumblebee today and didn't realize how tiny he'd be. Wow. He's barely 4" but I like him still and consider him the best modern BB to date even if his windshield isn't blue. Fully expecting repro stickers to come out for him. Will need it for both Prime and BB
Received the death of Brawn and Ratchet today from Target. Just as hilariously morbid as the previous set.
The new Optimus looks great! But like I said, this now alters the scale. Megatron, Shockwave, Soundwave, and Blitzwing, the Seekers, etc. will all look too small in comparison.
Earthrise Optimus is an outstanding figure.
Either way, the new Optimus will be a must-have.
I got Swoop today and while I'm happy to complete the set, his dino mode is a little underwhelming. I don't know if anything could have been done better, I just wish he weren't the last one to come out. I've been very happy with every other Dinobot and it's a little sad to end with a slightly disappointing figure.
Mine will be here next week. I wonder if they'll make any upgrade kits for him. The rest got some, to varying degrees of cool or useful.
*edit* Got him today. I really like him so far. He's easy to transform, he looks really cool, and he actually comes with all his weapons. And one of Grimlocks for some reason. My only complaint is maybe how the dino feet are? But they're probably show accurate so it's no big deal. Otherwise he's pretty spot on. I know they won't, but I'd wish they'd do Slash and Skaar. Slash could be a deluxe, or at most Voyager. And Skaar would be sweet to have a dinobot I never owned since I didn't even know he existed and the only one they made I know of is the tiny ass core one.
Got Autobot shuttle two-pack versions of Brawn and Ratchet. So morbid and tragic yet absolutely necessary figures for me. That scene is imprinted in my brain. Thrilled and saddened to have it in my collection.
Swoop and Springer are showing up at Target now. Steeljaw on the way from Pulse.