Surprised I didn't make a thread for these, but now that it's a full fledged line with Optimus, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and Sunstreaker, might as well make it happen.
Sunstreaker/Cordon is available on Pulse starting today.
Trying to decide if I need Cordon. I'm leaning toward "yes", but I think I'll wait for an in-stock purchase. I preordered Sunstreaker last week from Usually there's a decent price advantage for Japan vs US stores, but not here. My price was around $71 plus I'll need to tack on $20-$25 when it's time to ship.
Like a lot of my vintage autobot cars, my Sunstreaker looks very well played with. He's also missing one of his hands, which I've been meaning to pick up on eBay.
Sunstreaker was my first Autobot, so he's been a perpetual fav. Amazed he is the first of this size class to be tackled. He's not exactly A-list.
@normdapito I -think- that design was pretty much the first ‘Transformer’ as we know it, from the mid 70s. That’s why Sunstreaker’s being done so soon, after the obvious Optimus and Bumblebee to open with, they’re going with the OG.
@revox no kidding! I had no idea. I have very little knowledge of the history of Diaclone and Takara. I wonder if there’s a documentary somewhere.
so now we are getting our old toys with better articulation
These are very cool but like the new Masters of the Universe figures
too little too late for me
@revox no kidding! I had no idea. I have very little knowledge of the history of Diaclone and Takara. I wonder if there’s a documentary somewhere.
oh I'm sure there is one somewhere
I received Bumblebee from BBTS yesterday. Surprised they didn't get Cliffjumper in stock yet. Bee is another phenomenon. They really packed a ton of articulation into this little guy. I like the way the shoulder engineering pops out. I know it's accurate to the G1, but I wish his head wasn't so flat. I like that he has a tiny pistol and that it can store on his foot when transformed into car mode. His ankles are pretty tight and tough to get into position to compact his legs in alt mode conversion. He's otherwise awesome. I'm loving this line. Looking forward to Cliffjumper and Sunstreaker.
Oh man, the promo pics for proto and animation Arcee are wonderful. Only took almost 40 years but hey, better late than never.
The orange and pink is so hideous, but I will likely buy both that one and the anime colors.