Legends Swoop is really cool, imho. The Ankylo guy whose name I forget would be acceptable with elbows. I'm thinking of stealing some from a 2nd Swoop but I've not found a 2nd one yet.
His name is Scarr. I had to look him up once I knew he existed. He's the medic of the group. Abridged version is, something was wrong with the Dinobots, don't remember what or how. Iirc Scarr fixed it, but in doing so made them all feral, basically why they are all supposed to be stupid in the head. Then Grimlock went into a frenzy for some reason and killed Scarr. Probably by accident. Hence why we basically never hear of or see the guy. He died long before the dinobots ran into Prime, and I'm thinking they probably forgot he existed cause of their mental issues. I do believe it was in the comics, where this all happened. Not sure if it was a flashback, or just a side story. I kinda skimmed through his bio. But I would absolutely buy him if they made a big ass one. I love me some dinobots.
Hearing that makes me want a Scarr to work with the PotP Volcanicus as a siegehammer weaponizer.
Not sure which subline this set is a part of, maybe Buzzworthy, but Target just sent shipping notice for the army builder 4pk.
Anybody got opinions on the Earthspark line Terran Twitch and BAF part? I'm curious about the drone mode working with 18ths and whether the BAF bits would be useful for customizing. Do the BAF mecha-arms articulate?
Apparently people are finding Velocitron Cosmos, and the rest of the wave at Ross stores, which don’t exist by me. Unbelievable.
Received the box set of repainted “army builders” from Target.com tonight. They’re decent, but I certainly won’t pick up another set for full price. I like the G2 guy that’s a repaint of the deluxe Decepticon Pretender. The Allicon is fine, forgot how simple he is to convert. The Animated universe Autotrooper is ok, but that Siege Ratchet mold is showing its age. Finally the seeker is sleek. I really dig the color, somewhere between Thundercracker’s blue and Skywarp’s purple. That’s the one I’d want to actually get more of. The alt heads for the deludes are ok, but I definitely prefer one over the other in each case.
Bbts has Tigerhawk and Thundertron up for preorder. Wow do they look awesome. It looks like they take the best parts of the old figures and change basically all the garbage. Tigerhawk looks almost exactly the same, but purple, and his gun doesn't stick out as much on his hand, and it doesn't look like he has that action feature with his missile launchers. I also don't see the hawk head mask thing that makes him look bad in beast mode. I am tempted to preorder him. Thundertron also looks almost identical to the one from the Prime show, but also without the stupid spring loaded gimmick. His legs also seem to symmetrical instead of one of them being like a peg leg. Him ill wait for in store, but if I see him, definitely grabbing him.
That Tigerhawk though, that's a thing of beauty. If they could do Optimal Optimus and Rampage and Depth Charge that way, ooh boy. I'll be spending some money on figures I already have lol.
I really can't believe Velocitron figures are making it to Ross stores. Closest Ross is about 1.5 hrs from me, so totally not worth stopping by just to see if I can get lucky on an extra Cosmos for cheap. Maybe these will help the secondary market prices drop a little. Buzzworthy exclusives are also making their way to discount stores, but I managed to find all the ones I'd even want already at Target when they came out. It's those Walmart exclusives that are so painfully elusive. I still haven't found G2 Sideswipe.
If I could find that Buzzworthy set with Goldbug and the 2 beast wars repaints that would be awesome. But I have like, 1 Ross store I know of, and it's a half hour away. Plus I'm not sure that one is showing up there. I also wouldn't mind the buzzworthy set that came witj Cheetor from the newest film, but again, raisins above. I honestly just want Cheetor and the Beast Wars figures from those sets. I had it worked out with someone on the old board if they found it cheap or I did we'd split the set. But, the old board is dead. I don't know if he's here on the new one, I haven't seen him unfortunately. He was really cool too. I liked him, as much as anyone can like a stranger on the internet anyway.
I lucked out on the Cheetor/Nightbird/Elton John set for the $16 clearance price (looking for the Prowl/Ironhide set for that price, long after all stores had already sold out of the RotB 3-pack, funnily enough), but ended up grabbing said Prowl set (don't want Ironhide - don't really want THIS Prowl, but I missed the first, better Amazon one, and still needed a Prowl), but for the $28 price because all the stores that marked it down further sold out, and the only store that had any left still had it for the higher price, and I didn't want to risk missing out on it.
Also, my Amazon Rumble came in super early! I was very excited to see the date go from December to Sunday lol.
(God, those opaque, painted window/headlights look so f***ing cheap, I hate them more than the battle damage & surprised face...*sigh*)
If I could find that Buzzworthy set with Goldbug and the 2 beast wars repaints that would be awesome. But I have like, 1 Ross store I know of, and it's a half hour away. Plus I'm not sure that one is showing up there. I also wouldn't mind the buzzworthy set that came witj Cheetor from the newest film, but again, raisins above. I honestly just want Cheetor and the Beast Wars figures from those sets. I had it worked out with someone on the old board if they found it cheap or I did we'd split the set. But, the old board is dead. I don't know if he's here on the new one, I haven't seen him unfortunately. He was really cool too. I liked him, as much as anyone can like a stranger on the internet anyway.
I definitely want Goldbug from that set, but wanted all the RotB figures (especially Cheetor) from that one, sorry.
If I could find that Buzzworthy set with Goldbug and the 2 beast wars repaints that would be awesome. But I have like, 1 Ross store I know of, and it's a half hour away. Plus I'm not sure that one is showing up there. I also wouldn't mind the buzzworthy set that came witj Cheetor from the newest film, but again, raisins above. I honestly just want Cheetor and the Beast Wars figures from those sets. I had it worked out with someone on the old board if they found it cheap or I did we'd split the set. But, the old board is dead. I don't know if he's here on the new one, I haven't seen him unfortunately. He was really cool too. I liked him, as much as anyone can like a stranger on the internet anyway.
I definitely want Goldbug from that set, but wanted all the RotB figures (especially Cheetor) from that one, sorry.
I'm glad to see you made it to the new boards lol. It's fine. He's not huge on my list. If he was I would've probably eBayed him by now. Which I may still check prices anyway, but ehh.
I found Animated Prowl at WM. They had 2. One had some chipped paint on his head so I grabbed the other one. This is my favorite look for prowl, cause black and gold Ninja Motorbike. Fave color scheme, with an amazing look, and cool Ninja-y goodness. I really like him. I also think it's better then the og one mainly because it falls in line closer to the other figures. The old Animated one was stylized cause of the look in the show, as he should've been, as the rest were. This one feels closer to the Earthrise stuff, with how square the head and joints are. I am however, annoyed and confused, as to why they gave him 2 different hands. The right one can't hold his shuriken. And the left one can't hold anything else. Plus the shuriken are built with this little action feature, but it doesn't always work right and they don't always close or open the whole way. And they look excessively large and off color when he's in bike mode, but he looks like shit without them on. He's still cool, just has limited display options, and an odd hand choice. His transformation looks pretty spot on though, like almost perfect, just less stylized. It's crazy.
Found Shrapnel at Meijer today, but still have never seen Bombshell anywhere. Anyone have any luck finding this guy?
I was doing some close inspection of the upcoming Tigerhawk, because I like to nitpick. He still looks good. And I do look forward to him, and the new Thundertron for that matter. But he does have some issues that sort of annoy me. Like his wings. The old Tigerhawk had missile launchers for his feathers, and for his canons. I modded mine because I didn't like how the action feature worked for the canons, so I'm ok with those being different. And I understand Hasbro isn't doing missile launchers anymore unless it's straight rereleases of the old figures, and even then they put the shittiest springs they can find in them. But his wings themselves, not only don't have missile launchers, but they're not even closed. They're hollow, with no underside. They're just plates with little grooves and a peg to attach the feathers. That's gonna look stupid in bot mode. And his back feet seem a little small. They look fine mold wise, just smaller then they should be. Even look too small in bot mode on his chest.
I wonder if this is going to be the basis on how they do Silverbolt. Just basically make him a $35 figure, or I would even be ok with a $25, with the same basic design and principles. If he has those shitty plate hollow wings though, he's also gonna look stupid in bot mode. I don't remember what class they said he's gonna be in the leak. But I'd be absolutely fine with a deluxe. The old one was a deluxe ($10 back then BTW, wow how times have changed). And he scales really well even with the new figures. If he were a $35 (the class name escapes me), I think he would be too big.