If Hasbro keeps making Transformers: Animated figures, hopefully they make Lugnut. He was a great new character.
The Reveal the Shield version is still a phenomenal figure, though I've always had issues with the soft rubbery plastic used for this cockpit, and the last time I transformed him into bot mode, his tail assembly broke out of his back, so I wouldn't mind a "new" version (plus, it wasn't TFA color-accurate, though I kind of liked the colors it's in).
Same with Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown. And I've always used Prime First Edition Bulkhead as my "G1-styled Animated Bulkhead" since that figure came out.
I've been beating the "G1-styled Animated Blackarachnia" drum on these boards for awhile now, and am feeling more hopeful with the release of Prowl & reveals of Bumblebee/Prime (& tease of Prime repaint Motormaster).
If the leaked list is to be believed we got Sureshot, Gears, Sandstorm, Optimus Prime, and Quake to look forward to for G1. They seem to be dragging their feet on the mini-bots. As for the Rockirizers this year, I'm hoping the figure as accessories gimmick doesn't continue next year. I love seeing new characters, but when they're themed and represent a gimmick they don't have a chance to break through as characters.
Wave 1: January 2024
Core Energon Megatron
Core BW Tasmanian Kid
Core Bouldercrash
Deluxe Animated Bumblebee
Deluxe Rescue Bots Chase
Deluxe Cyberverse Windblade
Deluxe Magneous
Voyager Prime Thundertron
Voyager Animated Optimus Prime
Leader BW Tigerhawk
Leader Optimus Prime
Wave 2: April 2024
Core BM Cheetor
Core BW Dinobot
Deluxe G1 Sureshot
Deluxe G1 Gears
Deluxe Cyberverse Chromia
Deluxe Rock 2
Voyager BW Silverbolt
Voyager Cybertron Starscream
Leader G1 Sandstorm
Wave 3: July 2024
Core Rock 3
Deluxe RID Sideburn
Deluxe Cybertron Hot Shot
Deluxe Rock 3
Deluxe Strongarm PR
Voyager Cybertron Vector Prime
Leader Armada Galvatron
Wave 4: October 2024
Core Energon Galvatron
Deluxe G1 Optimus Prime
Deluxe Slipstream
Deluxe G1 Quake
Voyager Animated Motormaster
Voyager Metalhawk PR
Leader Soundwave
Not much in the way of interesting reveals for me, but I wasn't expecting much either. I mostly wish the poster had more hints at things to come, rather than mostly being this first wave of figures. I still really want to know what that mystery Leader Soundwave is going to be.
As for reveals that do kind of interest me, the main one is the core Tasmania Kid, aka Snarl. I had the original toy YEARS ago, and kind of miss it. This update actually looks better than I was expecting it to. Still not a guarantee that I get it, but if I actually ever see it in-person, I think there's a good chance I will.
I wasn't expecting to have any interest in him, but I'm really liking the look of the core class Energon Megatron. Much like Snarl, if I see him, I might get him as a bit of an impulse buy. The detail in this figure is really nice, and has me kind of wanting to see them do a new larger version of him in the future.
I have no interest in the deluxe class Chase figure, but I saw someone point out elsewhere that there's a good chance this sculpt is going to be used for a new Prime universe Cliffjumper figure, and that I could see myself potentially getting. Especially if his headsculpt turns out good.
I was wondering who they were hinting Chase would be a pre-tool for.
I just got Bludgeon, and he’s awesome! Such great poseability! I’ve always wanted a Bludgeon figure, and this is the first one I have ever gotten.
@normdapito I had them pre-ordered but cancelled them as I'm trying to cut back.
I just assembled Volcanicus from the core class Dinobots. Man, what a poorly executed group on every level. I don't know what compelled them to make these guys combine, but doing so hurt every aspect of each figure. They suck in dinosaur mode, they suck in robot mode, and suck in combined mode. I just needed to see for myself. But man, I can't remember the last time I kicked myself for committing to a group of Transformers in a long time.
I just assembled Volcanicus from the core class Dinobots. Man, what a poorly executed group on every level. I don't know what compelled them to make these guys combine, but doing so hurt every aspect of each figure. They suck in dinosaur mode, they suck in robot mode, and suck in combined mode. I just needed to see for myself. But man, I can't remember the last time I kicked myself for committing to a group of Transformers in a long time.
It was so they could be recolored as Dinoking.
Oh, well I don't know what Dinoking is, but I guess it makes sense? That vintage image has better proportions than this figure does though.
I have resisted the Legends scale to this point but I do think some of the product out there for it looks really, really cool.
The Core Dinobots, however? They look like garbage. Some of Hasbro's worst offerings since the WFC was a massive step forward for the Transformers brand four years ago. Especially, when comparing it to 3P offerings like DX9:
DX9 Toys War in Pocket Dinobots 5 in 1 Gift Set 10cm / 4" – TFSAFARI
You want some Legends Dinobots? Go with the War In Pocket set.
Last week I stumbled on G2 Dead End at Walmart. Just need Sideswipe from that set.
Pulse delivered Bludgeon, Trashmaster, Detritus, Strongarm, and Bombshell this weekend. Opened them yesterday and I'm generally pleased. I don't know much about Strongarm, but I do enjoy having female Autobots. It doesn't matter to me that Detritus is a Junkion mercenary, he'll just hang with my Diaclone repaints. Trashmaster looks fun, and I hope I can figure out how to assemble Junkasaurus with the other Legacy Junkions. Bombshell is cool, but cooler to complete the Insecticon trio. And Bludgeon looks great. I kinda wish he had more of that samurai look he sports in other media and with other figures, but this one is fun. Was this the final wave of the year?
Legends Swoop is really cool, imho. The Ankylo guy whose name I forget would be acceptable with elbows. I'm thinking of stealing some from a 2nd Swoop but I've not found a 2nd one yet.
Was this the final wave of the year?
Yep. Legacy United Wave 1 may trickle in early, but this Wave 4 of Evolution.
Legends Swoop is really cool, imho. The Ankylo guy whose name I forget would be acceptable with elbows. I'm thinking of stealing some from a 2nd Swoop but I've not found a 2nd one yet.
His name is Scarr. I had to look him up once I knew he existed. He's the medic of the group. Abridged version is, something was wrong with the Dinobots, don't remember what or how. Iirc Scarr fixed it, but in doing so made them all feral, basically why they are all supposed to be stupid in the head. Then Grimlock went into a frenzy for some reason and killed Scarr. Probably by accident. Hence why we basically never hear of or see the guy. He died long before the dinobots ran into Prime, and I'm thinking they probably forgot he existed cause of their mental issues. I do believe it was in the comics, where this all happened. Not sure if it was a flashback, or just a side story. I kinda skimmed through his bio. But I would absolutely buy him if they made a big ass one. I love me some dinobots.
Has anyone found any TF marked down with Target's current 50% off clearance sale?