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Tidal Wave as a Titan would get my money.  Just so every time I walk by him I could go "Tidal Wave...Tidal Wave...Tidal Wave."  Dude had a limited vocabulary.

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I get the feeling Shattered Glass is wrapping up, so I won't start a dedicated thread. I received Sideswipe/Rodimus today, and both are slick. Sideswipe got a new head and chest and two batons and what seems like a new missile because the peg is thinned. The slash through the chest cuts his Autobot symbol, but he also has a tiny Decepticon symbol just below it. Guess he's a spy? Rodimus is pretty much all the same except the villain goatee, but man is he slick in this color scheme. Are there anymore characters they're considering making?

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Don’t know if anyone else ordered these, but Amazon has bumped shipping of the Javelin/Deadeye 2pk and Nacelle to this coming Tuesday. No word yet on Nova Prime, who was part of their preorder batch.

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Can't say I have any interest in SG Sideswipe, but I am looking forward to the inevitable Armada Wheeljack they'll eventually do with the retooling they did to the sculpt. Also, there are some more SG retools/repaints I think they'll eventually do. With both Cybertron Hot Shot and Starscream getting new figures next year, I think it's inevitable that they'll do SG Starscream and redo SG Goldbug in the future.

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I got a notification from Pulse that Fortress Maximus was going back up for PO, but that was sold out by the time I was able to check on it.

Fortunately, BBTS still has the PO available:

Transformers Fortress Maximus | Transformers Titan Class (

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Just a straight reissue, right? If so, I don’t need it.

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He was the one Titan that I have never had a version of, ever. So, I appreciate getting another chance at him.

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The Legacy line's Animated Universe versions of Bumblebee and Optimus have been officially revealed:

Transformers Legacy United First Look - Animated Voyager Optimus Prime & Deluxe Bumblebee - Transformers News - TFW2005

Bumblebee is an easy pass for me. He doesn't look bad, but just does not look worth the price to me. Granted, Deluxes cost more now than Voyagers did the last time I bought a Transformer figure, so... my brain is still a tad biased, lol.

Optimus... I'll wait to see more of him, and maybe even a video review or two. He looks pretty good for the cab-only version of this design, but also a little on the odd side in some ways. I can't tell if his plastic is supposed to be slightly pearlescent or if it's just an effect of the lighting used for the stock photos.

I hope the alternate universe Legacy figures continue for a good while. I'd love to see how they would do a Legacy Animated Universe Starscream. He's probably inevitable, as I doubt Hasbro would pass up the opportunity to have another batch of easy Seeker repaints on their hands.

I don't expect it, but I would love to see them use Legacy to do figures of the designs we never got while Animated was around. Like Spittor, who's mold could then be used for Slapper, which could be fudged into the RID Universe stuff. I would also love to see them finally do a figure of the planned upgrade to Megatron as a triple-changer.

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I'm surprised Armada Starscream hasn't been repainted yet.  I'm excited for a core group of Animated figures despite the fact that the originals are just fine.  I'm a sucker.

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I didn't watch Animated, so I have little attachment. I did buy some of the figures, so it's possible I'll pick these up. But they're not a high priority. Then again, I have the whole next wave paid for, which includes Strongarm (no attachment), Detritus (only interested in the new mold for Hound), so I don't have much restraint.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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If Hasbro keeps making Transformers: Animated figures, hopefully they make Lugnut. He was a great new character. 

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I’ve got the whole next wave incoming: Bludgeon, Trash Master, Detritus, Strongarm, Bombshell, core Snarl. Even spotted those voyagers at Target yesterday.

I was trying to wait for a sale on Desth of Ironhide and Prowl but they’ve been bought up at half off clearance at one store, while the other store is still full price with everything.

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PulseCon a total dud for me on the Transformers side. 

I know there is not much left to get to on the G1 side, but not one reveal today? No Gears/Swerve? Swoop? Windcharger/Tailgate? Seaspray? Powerglide? Another Combiner? 

C'mon, folks, there are characters still needing to be done.

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Posted by: @sepster

PulseCon a total dud for me on the Transformers side. 


  Same here.   I'm fine with the multiple eras - I don't begrudge them that, but they're so close to (for me, anyway) finishing the G1 stuff I'm interested in.   Come on, where is Sureshot? 😀


Although they did (re-?)confirm (the obvious) Leader class Swoop coming out next year.


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@sepster My feelings exactly. The list is short, but clear. Stop leaving us hanging. Not to mention other rumors like Sureshot.

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