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Might as well start a new topic. Looks like we're rebuilding from the ground up!

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Wave 1: January 2024
Core Energon Megatron
Core BW Tasmanian Kid
Core Bouldercrash
Deluxe Animated Bumblebee
Deluxe Rescue Bots Chase
Deluxe Cyberverse Windblade
Deluxe Magneous
Voyager Prime Thundertron
Voyager Animated Optimus Prime
Leader BW Tigerhawk
Leader Optimus Prime

Wave 2: April 2024
Core BM Cheetor
Core BW Dinobot
Deluxe G1 Sureshot
Deluxe G1 Gears
Deluxe Cyberverse Chromia
Deluxe Rock 2
Voyager BW Silverbolt
Voyager Cybertron Starscream
Leader G1 Sandstorm

Wave 3: July 2024
Core Rock 3
Deluxe RID Sideburn
Deluxe Cybertron Hot Shot
Deluxe Rock 3
Deluxe Strongarm PR
Voyager Cybertron Vector Prime
Leader Armada Galvatron

Wave 4: October 2024
Core Energon Galvatron
Deluxe G1 Optimus Prime
Deluxe Slipstream
Deluxe G1 Quake
Voyager Animated Motormaster
Voyager Metalhawk PR
Leader Soundwave

Star Seekers Capsule: July 2024
Deluxe “1”
Deluxe Roadpig
Deluxe Lockdown
Deluxe Filch
Voyager Ferak
Leader Thundertron

Buzzworthy: April 2024
Voyager Origins Wheeljack

Studio Series

Wave 1: February 2024
Core MV5 Mowhawk
Core MV6 Rumble
Deluxe MV7 Wheeljack
Deluxe MV7 Scorponok
Voyager 86 Scrapheap
Voyager WFC Starscream
Leader MV6 Megatron

Wave 2: April 2024
Core MV6 Starscream
Deluxe WFC Sideswipe
Deluxe MV6 Sunstreaker
Deluxe 86 Gnaw PR
Voyager MV6 Shockwave
Leader 86 Swoop

Wave 3: August 2024
Core 86 Steeljaw
Deluxe WFC Decepticon Infantry
Voyager MV6 Skywarp

Wave 4: December 2024
Core MV6 Frenzy
Deluxe HM Megatron
Deluxe Next Gen Bumblebee
Voyager WFC Ratchet
Leader 86 Springer

Level A Ast: June 2024
Level A Ast MV8 OP
Level A Ast 86 Bumblebee

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I'm finding it easier to skip things since the selection is so scattershot.  I wonder if 2025 will be a return to something more cohesive.

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Those leaked lists are filling up with characters that are too obscure for me.

As far as current releases, my challenge right now is Toxitron Sideswipe and Dead End. Both being one per case doesn’t help. But my store only got one case. These guys are such a minor addition I don’t want to waste gas on. But I finally found MotUO Moss Man, so I have less incentive to stop by a Walmart. However, if they go through with the full G2 Menasor, I’m gonna want DE.

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So happy about Silverbolt!

Just need them to get us Quickstrike, Rampage, and Depth Charge now!


I would also pick up Botanica and Nightscream without question too.

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I got excited for Sideburn until I realized he won't be a Hot Rod repaint like he was in CHUG. Bummer.

Really hope Metalhawk is a repaint. The toy looks great, but that primary color scheme is vomitous, lol.

Excited for more Animated, but hope they get to better characters than Bee, Prime, and a Prime repaint. C'moooooon, Blackarachnia!!!

The Prodigal Son
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Maybe I'm confused but I thought there was a new Earthform Hound coming to replace the Siege one that is still in my main collection? Anyone know if that is true and when we might see it?

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Yeah, kinda surprised Hound isn’t on that list at all, but he’s gotta be coming since they are preceding that with Detritus. 

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Haven't bought a Transformer in years, but there are some figures coming out in this line that I'm actually really interested in. Most especially Side Burn. The original RID was the first TF series I really got into, so a new figure of him from a mold obviously made with him in-mind is exciting.

He's not necessarily a must-have, but the Tasmania Kid will certainly be tempting. I had the original toy as a kid and kind of regret getting rid of him.

I'm curious to see how the animated versions of Optimus and Bumblebee turn out. Prowl wasn't bad, but was an easy pass for me. Don't know if I'm hoping for the same with these two, lol. I hope it's not too much longer before they do some of the Decepticons. I'd like to see how they would handle an animated Starscream.

Cybertron Hot Shot will more-than-likely be a purchase for me. Was probably my favorite design for him from that era of the franchise, and the original toy wasn't bad. It'll be interesting to see how they update him.

The figure I'm most curious about is the Leader Soundwave. I missed out on the Amazon figure, so part of me would want to see it be another G1 cassette player, but I've seen speculation online that it could be Cybertron Soundwave. I wasn't the biggest fan of his design at the time, but looking back I actually really like it. Don't know if it would warrant being a Leader class figure, but it can't hurt. If it is his Cybertron design, then I hope they have plans for a Voyager Sideways figure to go with him.

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Earth mode Hound is rumored to be in the Buzzworthy Bumblebee line, Target Exclusive in the US.

sepster reacted
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Happy to see Gears, Sandstorm, Swoop, Steeljaw, and Frenzy (Rumble) coming for the G1 crowd.


I am disappointed it looks like Hasbro is not following up the Stunticons with another combiner team any time soon😒 


Also, SS'86 Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, and Frenzy (Rumble) are going up for PO Thursday (8/24).

NORM reacted
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Sandstorm figures are consistently my favorite TF toys.  I wonder how they're going to do G1 at Leader scale?  Not to upset fans of the classics, but G1 Sandstorm is a goofy guy with a lot of kibble.  I'm guessing he will be a small Leader, just because he's a triple changer.  Looking forward to seeing how they approach it.

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Think we'll get a Scarr in the bigger scale? Either the SS or this line? He's in the core class now. But I don't get those unless they're in scale with the rest like Slash was. I love me some dinobots and I didn't know I needed him till I saw the small one. Now I want a big one lol.

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Sureshot is also on this list. That’s great, need him to complete my Autobot Targetmasters! He’s the one I didn’t have as a kid, and I often confuse him with Sandstorm, both due to the alliteration and color schemes. Excited for both actually. Also ready for Gears and the eventual Swerve, Steeljaw..

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Posts: 237

Some new listing leaks have popped up, including a Generations Selects Autobot Multipack, Generations Selects Deluxe 3-Pack, a Studio Series Commander Class, Universe Commander Class, and a Universe Titan.


I've seen some speculate that the Gen Selects Deluxe 3-Pack could be the Deluxe Insecticons (Barrage, Chop Shop, and either a Ransack re-release, or a new Venom). And I've seen Tidal Wave thrown out as a possibility for the Titan.

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