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Mattel Creations Hot Wheels Transforming Optimus Prime

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Anyone else try to order this? I am at check out and I keep getting this message:

"Your payment can’t be processed for technical reasons. Try again in a few minutes or use a different payment method."

17 minutes since it dropped, I doubt I'm getting this thing.

12:26 - sold out. Oh well, saved $93

Space Cadet
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Had the same issue. Strangely a friend of mine was able to order. It seems like it's still up so either there's a lot of inventory or a lot of people are having the same issue

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@miraclemen I'm looking at it and it's sold out

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Was signed in ahead of time, got it in my cart then wrestled with the payment glitch up until it was sold out. Now I get to visit what should have been mine on ebay for $150 to $200 and repeat the whole process for tomorrow's origin figure. Mattel is in serious odorous flacid rotting botched circumcision territory to me right now....

How's everyone else's day going?

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Posted by: @wildbill

Was signed in ahead of time, got it in my cart then wrestled with the payment glitch up until it was sold out. Now I get to visit what should have been mine on ebay for $150 to $200 and repeat the whole process for tomorrow's origin figure. Mattel is in serious odorous flacid rotting botched circumcision territory to me right now....

How's everyone else's day going?

Don't worry, they'll do this all over again because I am sure they'll try their luck witha Bumblebee next.  No I don't have any info, I am just basing it on speculation.

As for Extendar I can't wait to see what ridiculous hoops we have to jump through just to get an order in on Mattel Creations.


Space Cadet
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Posted by: @normdapito

@miraclemen I'm looking at it and it's sold out

It was up for a good 30 mins on my end. Was never able to get it with express payment, paypal or even card. Kept seeing the technical error. 


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Posted by: @miraclemen

Posted by: @normdapito

@miraclemen I'm looking at it and it's sold out

It was up for a good 30 mins on my end. Was never able to get it with express payment, paypal or even card. Kept seeing the technical error. 


Same for me with the "technical issue" - I tried every form of payment available to me.


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@canprime I agree, but Optimus is the end-all-be-all for me due to its connection with the deceased relative who gave me the original toy for Christmas. I know I'm not absolutely alone here, especially with the quick sellout, but the memories of playing with my Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars and wishing there were Transformers ones are so lucid that this official Hot Wheels Optimus Prime was like a childhood dream come true.

On top of this, I work in health care (on the administative side) and, over the two weeks leading up to this whole thing, three people of whom I was rather fond passed away. They were on hospice so it was expected, but just not as quickly as they did. I've been down and mopey so having a spark of childhood wonder to distract me at this time seemed like a godsend until it wasn't. Maybe it still is because I'm mad at something dumb that I'll either forget about or maybe even come across for a good price down the road instead of at death which is something I have absolutely no control over.

Either way, cheers and best of luck for an easier time snagging a Bumblebee whenever that ends up happening!

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Sorry to hear of your losses, wildbill. 

I kinda don’t think/hope we get more from this. I think Optimus is a one and done kinda figure to celebrate the 40th anniversary. 

wildbill reacted
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@wildbill I'm glad to hear that Prime has such a great memory for you, and yeah having him as a Hot Wheel is great for those of you who are into this form factor.

Also thanks for your work and care.  My mom and dad both worked in health care.  My mom was a nurse and my dad was a cook at a hospital and then long term care residences.  So I have heard the stories growing up, and even up until retirement, so I know how losing people, even when expected, is still tough. 

Keep up the good spirits and enjoy what you can.  Don't worry about Prime, there will be others someday (hopefully not for the crazy prices he is going to go for on the secondary market).

wildbill reacted