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2024 Haslab: Omega Prime

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Yeah, Omega mode is just... a lot.  I recall the original being something of a bear to transform.  Optimus super mode does look great.  Ultra Magnus robot mode not so much, but his car carrier mode is pretty sweet.  I recall being ecstatic just to have robots with car/truck alt modes that I wasn't too discerning.

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To be honest, in a different time, I might have well backed it. But now that everything else is so expensive and me trying to pay full price on only toys I really want, I had to say no to this. If I had the finances I definitely would. But….. there’s the the Joe Haslab for this year that’s coming up. And if it is indeed the Rattler, then I may need 3 of those effers lol. 

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@chooch555 For Ultra Magnus I find his truck/carrier mode is okay, except for the cab.  I dislike the design and it was why it was so easy for me to pass on Siege Magnus and all the repaints that kept the cab design.

And yes getting them into Omega Prime mode was a #$%# at times, which only got worse with time as the joints and tolerances started to wear.

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@leor Yeah I have cut back quite a bit since 2022.  Thankfully there have been a lot of $5 sales at different retailers here in Canada to allow me to splurge when I probably shouldn't.  Mostly because it is stuff I either already have, don't really collect, or just want to fill out some spots in the collection when I wouldn't otherwise at anything above $10Cdn.

This year I am only in for the TF and Joe Haslabs.  With shipping and exchange it is a bear to get some of them.  Giant-Man last year works out to over $400Cdn after shipping and exchange.  Double what the US pays is not something I was willing to do at the time for a character I "kind of" wanted.   It would take something special from the other brands to get me to back.  The Ghost and Giant-Man were both tempting but I managed to beat the FOMO on those.  Same will go for this year as well I'm sure.

Of course Pulse finally changed their policies after Giant-Man and now we in Canada can get free shipping, even without a Premium membership, for regular orders.  Haslabs still charge, but Omega Prime is free shipping to Canada if you are a Premium member, which is a first.  

So if they do the same with the Classified Haslab it would actually be worth it for me to get Premium. 

Otherwise this year is going to be Classified centric with the odd purchase here or there from other lines.  Mostly just "must have" figures and anything for $5 or less if I happen upon it.

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Omega Prime:

8,323 / 10,000 (+904) 83.23% of funding goal with 35d 19h left.

Well that was quick. Another big jump and we are over 80% of the way to funding. We probably will pass 90% before the end of the week.

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Omega Prime:

8,462 / 10,000 (+139) 84.62% of funding goal with 34d 17h left.

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Omega Prime:

11,014 / 10,000 (+2,552) 110.14% of funding goal with 33d 16h left.


Wow, talk about blowing it out of the water in a day. I guess this is from the international (Japan especially) orders being added in. Glad to see it funded already and already a third of the way to unlocking the Matrix Blade.

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Nice.  I don't know what I'm going to do with the Matrix Blade since it's so comically large, but I look forward to passing the 16K mark and getting a nice base.

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Omega Prime:

11,186 / 10,000 (+172) 111.86% of funding goal with 32d 17h left.

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Omega Prime:

11,282 / 10,000 (+96) 112.82% of funding goal with 31d 18h left.

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Omega Prime:

11,399 / 10,000 (+117) 113.99% of funding goal with 30d 16h left.

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Omega Prime:

11.537 / 10,000 (+138) 115.37% of funding goal with 29d 17h left.

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Omega Prime:

11,611 / 10,000 (+74) 116.11% of funding goal with 28d 18h left.

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Omega Prime:

12,707 / 10,000 (+996) 127.07% of funding goal with 27d 16h left.

Well it looks like they did another international backers dump. After almost a week of average daily increases we get a nice huge bump over the last 24 hours. Definitely international backers being added in. Good thing is it also puts us on the cusp of unlocking the first tier.

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I wonder if last day numbers will be flatter if we hit both goals early.

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