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Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates

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@therealsmallville This and Panthro in the Thunder Tank could make me finally buy a Funko POP for the first time ever.

Also forced perspective is definitely your friend with this Cat's Lair.

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Posted by: @canprime

@therealsmallville This and Panthro in the Thunder Tank could make me finally buy a Funko POP for the first time ever.

Also forced perspective is definitely your friend with this Cat's Lair.

A lot of my collection is "movie poster" inspired...think of posters that have larger than life actors with minor things in the background, or in the foreground, but often much smaller than the main attractions (on Batman Forever, you have a tiny Batmobile speeding around the giant heads, for example; with Avengers Endgame, you have Stark and Cap front and center but around the edges you have other characters much smaller).  I do this with Hot Toys, I don't have room for a 1/6 Batmobile but I do have plenty of space for a 1/18 version to go on the shelf in front of my Bat people. It works well for 1/12 as well, at times. 


Thinking of it like a movie poster or an art collage definitely helps me to ignore unmatched scales completely lol I'm able to combine Hot Toys with McFarlane Toys, and even if it would make others itch it doesn't bother me at all. So, this little Cats Lair will act much the same; it gets the point across in the display that this is where they hang out, and thus it serves its purpose. I'm waiting to see if Panthro is removable from that Thundertank, as that would get me to purchase it as well for the same reason. I'd love to own the Super7 one, but I just don't have the space for it. I'm hoping Funko does one of these for Ever Living Mumm-Ra, with the skull and sarcophagus. Fingers crossed. 


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Saw this for anyone interested


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Deluxe Tygra and Cheetara revealed at Toy Fair.

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Glad to see more Deluxe offerings.   I will absolutely be grabbing both Tygra and Cheetarah... probably more than one of each.   


Happy the Deluxe program is ongoing I wouldnt have been mad if they had showed more than the next two though 


Interesting that they didnt show Deluxe figures from any of the other properties.

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I didn't see the best picture of the new Tygra but I hope he doesn't have that ugly brown/yellow wash on his uniform that the original did in places.  The absence of that alone would make this an instant pick-up.

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Awesome, I went ahead and preordered the maximum of two of each.

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That deluxe Tygra is missing a few paint apps vs the Ultimates version.  His left arm at the top should have some gold trim and the tops of his boots on the Ultimates has the circle filled in gold and a different coloured trim around the top.  His bola whip base is also not painted gold.  On the plus hand, he doesn't appear to have that ugly wash the Ultimates version has.  Hopefully he also will have a better torso articulation; my Ultimates is kind of floppy as I read lots of them were.  He does appear to have the elbow pad on the right arm.

I wish he had the few extra paint apps so I could swap him in my display without putting thought into it.  Without the paint I may stick with what I have for my display.

Deluxe Cheetara looks almost the same as the Ultimates version.  At quick look the only difference I notice is the bracelets are white on the Ultimates version.  I probably don't need the deluxe Cheetara, but good for those who do.


I also saw in a Pixel Dan video they have Panthro and Mummy Mumm-Ra in the "vintage"/5.5 scale.  They look OK, but at least so far I haven't been picking them up so I'll probably pass.

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I might pick up that retro style Panthro since my Funko version snapped at the hips.

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