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Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates

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Cat's Lair Housewarming Party

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BBTS has a few re-releases up for preorder: 


Lion-O (v2):








Of course they would solicit these now, after I just way overpaid on ebay for WilyKat lol But, such is the way of things. If you need them, there are links. 

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All of our current offerings are pinless, so let's re-release one of the first figures with pins...

Like, what?

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I think it's kind of hilarious because you can get the new pinless version at most Target stores and on Amazon for $35 or buy this older version for $20 more.   


Of course -  if this version of Lion-O was offered at the Deluxe $35 price I'd buy at least one more...


I wonder if these were just warehouse stock at Super7 or if there were some more made ahead of these characters getting released in the Deluxe line a little later?     That wouldn't make sense for this Lion-O though... so I dunno.


But this exact version of Lion-O is selling on Amazon currently for $80 to $110 currently, so probably worth doing.  Slithe is listed for $85.   And Wily Kit and Wily Kat aren't even listed on Amazon at all.    So, BBTS may get some takers, who knows.

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I wonder if Slithe is a straight up reissue or if they’ve adjusted the paint on his mouth, chest and palms etc to make it more accurately pale green rather than the incorrect blue of the first run?

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They've disappeared from BBTS's preorder pages, and the links now say "page not found" that's interesting. I wonder if BBTS put them up too early? 


I was that sucker who preordered another Lion-O, just to have him, but I'm curious now if the order will stay. It's still in my preorders, but the figure listings themselves are gone. 

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That is interesting.   It obviously wasn't a mistake listing them at all, since they were listed as "Pre-Order" and they put an entirely new space on their front page advertising them.    So, they must have done it pre-maturely before Super7 announced it or something.    I wonder how many orders came in before they had to take it down?

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I received wave 10 today in the mail...

I think all the figures look great.  At the same time these feel less "Ultimate" - the boxes are really light.  You have two small characters - young Lion-O and Snarfer and in general the characters come with very little in terms of accessories compared to the past.  If they dropped some of these to deluxe there isn't too much to take away.

Dream master Mumm-Ra looks great, but I decided for now to keep him in the box on display for now.  I already have other versions of the mold so I don't feel the need to handle him right now and I don't have any special place I want to display him.

Quickpick looks cool and comes with a lot of hands, but a lot of them seem almost the same.  

Young Lion-O is OK.  He isn't really a figure I was looking forward to, but it's nice to add him to the collection.

Snarfer looks great.  He looks better than Snarf and really feels like he came out of the TV.  At the same time he is tiny and doesn't even come with many accessories.

Overall, although some of these figures are really pushing it to be worth the price, there is something about them that I really like.  I guess it's a bit of nostalgia and it's just nice to own a little piece of childhood again.

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Yeah... I was honestly shocked they didn't spread some of the "tiny" out into other waves.   With Amok and Luna in the next wave and then with Cruncher in the wave after that it seems like maybe they could have put one of the bigger figures in this line up so it didn't feel quite so chintzy.   

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Posted by: @therealsmallville

BBTS has a few re-releases up for preorder: 


Lion-O (v2):








Of course they would solicit these now, after I just way overpaid on ebay for WilyKat lol But, such is the way of things. If you need them, there are links. 

I wonder why these got pulled. Good thing you shared the direct links. Maybe they’ll go up again for those who need these characters.


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Well we'll probably find out soon enough, but if only BBTS has these up for preorder then maybe it is old stock?   If other etailers also put them up for preorder then it confirms a new run.

Either way I might be down for the kits as I don't have them yet, but I have Slithe and Lion-O.



Just watched an interview with Brian and he confirmed the kits are coming again "in some form."   So seeing what BBTS did it seems pretty clear those preorders are a real thing and BBTS probably just jumped the gun.

He also all but confirmed Tigra will get a rerelease and should have the elbow pad issue fixed, much like the clear exclusive version.


Sorry I forgot to add he also confirmed another vehicle, for TC Ultimates is in the works.  It won't be crazy scale like the Thunder Tank, but more in line with Mandora's Electrocharger.   So probably the Sky-Cutter or Nose-Diver most likely?

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @therealsmallville

BBTS has a few re-releases up for preorder: 


Lion-O (v2):








Of course they would solicit these now, after I just way overpaid on ebay for WilyKat lol But, such is the way of things. If you need them, there are links. 

I wonder why these got pulled. Good thing you shared the direct links. Maybe they’ll go up again for those who need these characters.



I grabbed another Lion-O before these got pulled, mine has a very loose leg/hip issue, so I figured a replacement for retail was a good idea. He's still in my preorder list, his picture is still there, order number, everything...unless I click on him, then I get the "page not found." I'm curious to see if I get to keep the order, or if they cancel it and make everyone place new ones when they come back. 


I bought WilyKat a couple months ago on ebay, and paid around $110 for him. I thought that was a good deal at the time, I guess I should have waited a bit. Ah, well. Happy to have the Cats completed, at least (except for Snarfer, who appears to be sold out). 


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Today is Cat's Lair arrival day for me.  I took off work to sign for it.  Fingers crossed it didn't get impaled with a forklift somewhere along the way.

Chooch, quietclaws and NORM reacted
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Mine arrived unscathed from shipment.  If you just took Facebook's word for it then these are all arriving as pulverized piles of dust.  The only issues I have are the left hinged door that folds up to reveal guns near the shoulders won't stay up on its own like the right one.  But I think a little super glue will tighten up the hinge like it does on loose action figure joints.  My right paw also doesn't like to stay up as well as the left one.  I'll have to take a better look at the engineering to see if there is anything I can do to fix that.  I might also reach out to Super 7.  I know Flynn said they had replacement parts that would be available.

I know this is a cliche thing that we always hear about these playsets but wow, the pictures do not adequately convey the size of this thing.  Even when there is a figure in picture for comparison.  It is HUGE.  I had seen plenty of comparison pics but still couldn't have imagined.  Currently it is sitting on my coffee table because I haven't quite figured out where I am going to put it.  It is definitely going to involve me building something custom for it.  Maybe a giant lazy susan because the inside is just too cool to hide forever and offers so many cool display options.

When you factor in displaying the huge Thundertank next to this you realize what a massive space commitment this thing is.

NORM and quietclaws reacted
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So I was watching Geek.Dad.Life's repeat of the live stream from last night.

He had Blake from ToyCollectr magazine on as one of the guests.   They mostly talked about the GI Joe Classified reveals but then Blake had an exclusive reveal of the next cover for ToyCollectr and it was the next wave of Thundercats Ultimates.


It is going to be a new Vultureman and Sky-Cutter!!!!!!   Both look pretty damn great.   Looks like we are getting the more accurately scaled Vultureman so the first release can become the Super Potion Vultureman.   The Sky-Cutter looks pretty damn great.  

So another "wave" like Copper Kid and Speed/Space Racer.   Probably will be the same price structure as well, but nothing was really confirmed outside of the reveal.

NORM and quietclaws reacted
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