The new lion-o is 100% new.
It shares no parts with the previous release.
I believe it’s the sculpt they used for the light up head versions that are forthcoming.
Personally, I think vulture man looks good…just a little too large.
I’m certain it’s obsolete now,
But back in the old days, companies had something called a panograph that could determine the size the figures came out.
whats to stop them from using 3D printing tech to shrink the size of a figure if there’s demand for such?
The new lion-o is 100% new.
It shares no parts with the previous release.
I believe it’s the sculpt they used for the light up head versions that are forthcoming.Personally, I think vulture man looks good…just a little too large.
I’m certain it’s obsolete now,
But back in the old days, companies had something called a panograph that could determine the size the figures came out.
whats to stop them from using 3D printing tech to shrink the size of a figure if there’s demand for such?
The Deluxe Lion-O has tooling that is being shared for upcoming Ultimates releases - one that was already solicited. So this version may have been to market first, but the tooling was not designed for the Deluxe figure and will be used for any future Lion-O figures in the Ultimates line. They did not do dedicated tooling for an Ultimates figure.
As for the Panograph to determine the size of the figure - that is NOT the limiting factor here. It is the cost of the steel molds required to actually make the re-sized figure that are prohibitively expensive to re-do a figure. I do not believe that Super7 will invest the money necessary for all new steel tools to reprint the Vulture Man figure for a deluxe release as they would likely lose money on the proposition. The steel tooling is one of the single highest costs associated with action figure production so unless Super7 could re-use that tooling for some other release in the future they are very unlikely to invest in it for a Deluxe line re-release of an existing character.
You can look at the other figures they have released as Deluxe - those are all simple reprints of existing Ultimates figures with pared down accessory counts. That is the business model for Deluxe. It is not about making new stuff.
you are moving the goal post.
But that’s ok. 🤷🏾♂️
“The “new” Lion-O body wasn’t new- it had been reworked for the previous Lion-O releases in Ultimates.”
No…it wasn’t.
At all.
it’s definitely 100 percent new.
I have both.
Don’t you?
I do take your point that lion-o’s sculpt is for the forthcoming ultimates figure, and it has been paired down for a cheaper deluxe release.
WHO is to say that they won’t correct the mold and double dip on an ultimates of said corrected mold and then release the deluxe too?
Kinda like they’ve done with LION-O?
Tygra’s eyes sure did light up in the show as well right?
business model?
super 7 ???
you are moving the goal post.
But that’s ok. 🤷🏾♂️
“The “new” Lion-O body wasn’t new- it had been reworked for the previous Lion-O releases in Ultimates.”
No…it wasn’t.
At all.
it’s definitely 100 percent new.
I have both.Don’t you?
I do take your point that lion-o’s sculpt is for the forthcoming ultimates figure, and it has been paired down for a cheaper deluxe release.WHO is to say that they won’t correct the mold and double dip on an ultimates of said corrected mold and then release the deluxe too?
Kinda like they’ve done with LION-O?
Tygra’s eyes sure did light up in the show as well right?
business model?
super 7 ???
The answer is yes - I own two of the Mattel Lion-O figures, two of the first release Super-7 Lion-O, Frozen Lion-O, Mirror Lion-O and the Deluxe Lion-O. I am aware the Deluxe is different from those others but was also aware it was based on tooling that was designed for a separate Ultimates release and was not specifically designed for the Deluxe figure.
So while I take your point - it is at least possible that they revisit Tygra in the Ultimates line with updated tooling in the future and use that updated tooling for a release in Ultimates - there is also nothing to suggest that is necessary. Part of the reason that retooling for Lion-O was necessary was that they lost access to the molds that were used for the original.
I believe S7 lost access to all of the Wave 1 molds which were left over Mattel molds - so that is Lion-O, Panthro, Jackal Man, Pumyra, Mumm-Ra mummy form and the kittens. That's why S7 had to do all new sculpts for Lion-O as well as for Kit and Kat instead of Mattel re-issues.
It's also why I don't believe Deluxe versions of Panthro and Jackal Man are likely any time soon since they don't have molds ready to re-use. There is a chance they might invest in a new Panthro if they thought an updated version would sell. But Jackal Man seems like a long shot for them to tool again unless they have plans to re-use the body in Ultimates for other things.
But it's why I don't think they are going to invest in new molds for Vulture Man either. If Vulture Man gets a Deluxe version it will be the same size as the Ultimates figure we have.
we have to acknowledge the fact they opted to update not only the sculpt, but the articulation scheme with the deluxe lion o.
when you say there’s nothing to suggest that it’s necessary…bro…
-none- of this is necessary lol
we’re grown men over here debating about toy kitty cats.
But ok I’ll play along…
it’s necessary because if they made a new tygra with the same articulation scheme (flawed as it is) they would sell a bunch of em. And even a company as backwards as S7 can do that math.
”should i sell all those people tygra again and get their money?”
“ nah I sold them tygra already. I have enough money.”
Since you’re an avid fan I’m betting that you have tygra. I’m certain You know what he looks like and you gotta know he’s objectively flawed…aside from that, he’s one of the rarer ones to get.
Certainly one the most expensive on the aftermarket at 150.00+
im sure a lot of people who like tcats missed out/and/or would love an update.
even if we weren’t getting new sculpts and articulation…
they’d need to re do tygra.
I could see vulture man lagging in support for new tooling lol…
but weren’t there bird people there as well? like the jackal and reptile people?
they got troop builders tho didn’t they?🤔
I actually hadn't checked the secondary market and had no idea Tygra was going for that kind of price. If that's the case then, yes the chances of releasing him again in Ultimates go way up, so investing in new tooling could make sense and then double dipping on that investment with a Deluxe release would make even more sense. I agree with that premise.
But I do think there's more chance that an Ultimates figure released alongside him might be straight re-use, the same way the Monkian was. Maybe Slythe? Maybe Grune? Maybe Cheetarah?
I do think if they are going to do generic troop builders of the various animal races - especially if it involves new tooling to resize the bird body or re-create the Jackal Man molds - they would be more likely to be announced as Ultimates first before getting used in the Deluxe line.
At any rate, again, like you say it's all just us guessing. I just know what we've seen so far, and other than Lion-O every other Deluxe figure was simple re-use of a previous Ultimates figure. There's little reason to think they'd deviate from that business model immediately.
But that doesn't mean it's impossible.
I could be tempted by a smaller Vultureman. I almost passed on the first one because he was so big, but chickened out and got him anyways.
I don't know that there are minion vulture people, though. Didn't he show up later in the series? But they could do a special wave release with a Sky Cutter like they did for Copper Kidd. I might be into something like that.
So, I don't remember the original cartoon well enough to remember if there were any other bird folk - I don't recall any... but I do know in the 2011 cartoon there were a whole race of them. In that telling Vultureman actually was bigger than most - which is more in line with how Super7 made him actually. The bird men in the later cartoon were a variety of sizes and featured different types of bird heads, though there are at least some of a similar size and build to Vulture Man
Obviously branching into 2011 lore would be a big departure for Super7 but it would be way to get a lot more legs in terms of refreshing characters and adding new characters. There are a whole bunch of historical cats (Leo, Panthera, Tygus); Tygra's clan - Javan, Caspin; other races like the dogs - Dobo and others, elephants, the racoon thief Tookit, so much additional fertile ground they could cover. If they softened the style to mesh with the existing Ultimates I would be all in for sure.
I don't know if I'd invest in redos of the mutants. I probably would have a hard time passing up redos of the 'Cats though. Lion-O is significantly different from the previous versions. Most notably to me is the sculpt of the hair. There's more natural texture on the original's locks and strands, even the fur on his claw shield. This deluxe version goes a more animated route and limits texture on both. His hair is sculpted in big smooth chunks. The claw shield is smooth. They're definitely coming from different aesthetics.
Yeah, I actually prefer the original Lion-O figure and got the Deluxe figure as body fodder, I'm not a huge fan of the changes frankly. I know there are lots of people who like their figures to look exactly like the cartoons from 80's, I am not that guy. I vastly prefer the approach taken by MOTU Classics, Thundercats Ultimates (initially) and G.I. Joe Classified where they use the costume elements and design choices from the animated properties and then sculpt the figures with a more 'real world' less cartoony aesthetic. I would prefer the stuff to stay that way, though I fear I may be in the minority and those devoted to exact cartoon representation may out-number my contingent.
@panthercult, I am 100% in that same minority. I don't see the appeal at all for 'cartoon accurate'. "We remade your favorite characters but with less effort" is such an odd selling point. That's why our effing Silverhawks were just dull plastic.
I really enjoyed how Mattel handled multiple canons in their MotUC line. They just made up new lore to adapt different versions into the line. Zodac AND Zodak? Two different guys on the same team. You ever hear the legend of Wonderbread He-Man? Well, here's Won-dar. And he comes with bread. In addition to great figures with awesome details, they were sincerely fun. Good times.
The next deluxes should be Tygra and vultureman.
Ill take a deluxe Vulture man
@panthercult I think there’s a place for both aesthetics. I don’t necessarily have a preference. I like the MotUC approach, but also like the Masterverse New Eternia approach. I like the Classified approach, but also the Super7 Ultimates Sunbow approach. I don’t necessarily think one is better than the other. But that’s me.
I don't have a problem with people liking what they like or appreciating both. For me though, display space isn't infinite, so I like to have one cohesive display and for that the cartoon aesthetic doesn't fit well with everything else that exists when they lean too hard into it. I can fudge a little - Crita is in the display even if she's a little more cartoony than some of the others she's standing with - but some of those Filmation releases from that line are undisplayable for me so I didn't even bother (Chopper/Jitsu, Tri-Klops, Stratos, etc)
I don't have the room (or choose not to) for a separate animation likeness display - and I didn't fall in love with this property through the Filmation cartoon anyway, so I don't hold the nostalgia for it the way a lot of people do. Which is why I vastly prefer a non-cartoon aesthetic - it allows me to blend characters from the mini comics, all 5 cartoons, and box art into a single unified display.
Wave 12, I guess?
Cruncher, Safari Joe and Nayda. But I had to look up Mule. How could I forget that guy?