Why make the voice? It's clear he can't maintain it for the entire video. Stop trying to sound like Randy Savage. It's not worth it.
I never clicked the video and I already know exactly who you are talking about. Unfortunately. Now I'm glad I didn't click.
It sucks because I wanna learn about the Cats' Lair, even though I have no intention to buy it. The features are so cool. It's just so fucking massive. It's a beautiful display piece, but I feel like I'd really be showing my spoiled man-child colors if I ordered it. I just hate annoying video makers though. And I don't go to any effort to sort through those videos to see any that are worth watching.Why make the voice? It's clear he can't maintain it for the entire video. Stop trying to sound like Randy Savage. It's not worth it.
I never clicked the video and I already know exactly who you are talking about. Unfortunately. Now I'm glad I didn't click.
@normdapito I saw another video unboxing the Lair and the guy who did it had a speech tick, or something, but we would constantly say "yes, yes, ya'll (or yaw)". It was a bit annoying, but I figured it was some sort of tick so I didn't really worry too much about it.
Mr. Home Arcade though is clearly doing a voice and it is so hard to listen to during a video. It is also a bit baffling because he does some great videos, with a ton of great customs. The voice isn't needed.
The voice didn't bother me much in the video, but I watch things at 1.5x or 2x so typically voices are quite different for me anyway. The other video with the guy always saying "yes, yes" annoyed me to the point I stopped watching after a minute.
I'm looking forward to getting the Cat's Lair; I pre-ordered from a Canadian retailer so it will likely be a while until it gets there and then here. I've been collecting things for years and it's pretty rare that I'm really excited for something, but as people have started getting this in hand and I see videos and pictures I've started to get a bit hyped. At the end of the day I know it's just a big piece of plastic, but as I think about where I'm going to put it and how I'm going to display it I have to say this is the most interested I've been in getting something new for a long time.
As it is now, I'll wait until it comes before making decisions on moving or adding furniture.
I've slowed down on collecting over the years and down some downsizing. In some ways I look at this as maybe one of the last big items I add so maybe that is also hyping me. Although, you never know what the future will bring, maybe there will be another large item in my future.
I'm glad for the folks that ordered it that the Lair is finally coming out. I hope - someday in the future - when we've moved to our "retirement years" house - I get a massive basement space that will allow me to track one of these down and display it with my collection alongside Greyskull and Snake Mountain. But I didn't order it because until that day comes I got absolutely nowhere to put it - even if I kept it in the box.
It feels like we've still got quite a wait before we get more news on a new wave for this line though.
Since we're still waiting on delivery of the Young Lion-O, Snarfer, Quick Pick wave - and then they have the Luna - Amok, Claudus, Ro-Bear, Thunderian Guard wave in production after that - given Super 7's new solicitation schedule it feels like it may still be months before we see another wave solicited. I do wonder what they might have planned.
I'm still holding out hope for Zaxx
I'm glad for the folks that ordered it that the Lair is finally coming out. I hope - someday in the future - when we've moved to our "retirement years" house - I get a massive basement space that will allow me to track one of these down and display it with my collection alongside Greyskull and Snake Mountain. But I didn't order it because until that day comes I got absolutely nowhere to put it - even if I kept it in the box.
Boxes that big are just a tablecloth away from being a new dining room table! You have to think outside (inside?) the box.
Some people on this forum seem to enjoy ragging on Veebs with his S7 interviews now that he's not posting here, but he and Robo did mention that they might do an unboxing video on the Lair when Veebs gets his, and Robo would make the trip to his place to do it together in person.
By then there might actually be watchable videos about the Lair, but that is a potential option in the future.
@salemcrow People are ragging on Veebs here? I don't think I have seen that but I don't know for certain.
I will say I was getting a bit worried with their output going into the end of last year. It seemed like they had lost the fire to keep things going now that they were on their own and not beholden to a schedule/someone else (more so live streams). I'm glad to see they are trying to pick things back up a bit more, especially the live streams, so I hope they keep it up going forward in 2025.
I will say I have seen some other Youtubers taking shots at them in the past couple months. Some seem legitimate to the Youtuber complaining, and others seem like the usual taking shots at others.
As for Ultimates, I have noticed that prices are dropping on them, at least up here in Canada. Of course the "rare" stuff is still super expensive, but we are starting to finally see prices drop from retailers (well Amazon is really the only "retailer" still selling Ultimates in Canada outside of e-tailers).
On average a standard Ultimates figure is $75Cdn plus tax. However now you can find a wide array of Ultimates, including Thundercats, for less than that. Anywhere from a couple bucks less, to almost half off. Now I'm sure that doesn't seem like much for you guys in the US, but here in Canada we don't get the regular discounting/clearance of stuff like you guys do.
As for the future, it looks like Super7, as others have said, is keeping a tighter lid on preorders until product is out. So I don't imagine we'll see anything until maybe February. However it does seem like Thundercats is doing well for Super7 so I'm hopeful the line will continue going strong for a couple more years.
My observations of Super7 are a little different. Some of the latest waves of figures don’t seem to be dropping in price at all, at least not on Amazon where I monitor. For instance the Snarf wave. Snarf himself is sold out most places. The rest are at their original prices. Same with Stargazer wave, at least individually. There’s a minor sale on them at BBTS, but you have to buy all four. Announcements for new waves have definitely slowed down to the point where I’m unsure if the line will continue. Particularly Silverhawks and GI Joe. I’m afraid I’ll never get the Shipwreck and Crimson Twins announcement that will complete my collection.
If anyone is looking, deluxe Lion-O and Monkian are available on Amazon for 35 each.
Ooh... nice. That's a nice option if I decide I need a fodder body. Checking the Target aisles can be hit or miss with that stuff, so Amazon as an option where I don't have to leave my house is attractive. Now if we can get an announcement that they are expanding the Deluxe output to include additional cats I will be happy. I'm hoping Cheetarah and Tyrga are next, but I wonder if he'll want to do a "good guy/bad guy" pairing instead. Not sure who would get included. Mummy Mumm-Ra seems underwhelming. Transformed Mumm-Ra is too big to work at the Deluxe price point. Hard to imagine Jackal Man - he's so easy to find for cheap now anyway, though I'd buy several because the furry body in this format is very versatile. Grune? Vulture Man? I guess I'll just have to stay tuned.
One of my Targets is still sitting on SIX Monkian figures. All just aging on two pegs. Sometimes it looks like one or two got bought, but then I find them in some random spot in another aisle or end cap. Those six probably won't go anywhere. I know I offered previously, but if you want any, @panthercult, let me know.
The next deluxes should be Tygra and vultureman.
I believe VM came out too large on the ultimates.
i wonder if they could shrink him by 25%
he’s supposed to be the smallest and physically weakest of the mutants.
Plus he’s a bird!
Tygra needs to be redone anyway. He was missing his armlet. If they redo Tygra with a similar sculpt and articulation scheme as lion-o, that will solve lots of problems.
Panthro, cheetara, and the kittens look good with deluxe Lion-o.
tygra is the sore thumb IMO
Re: deluxe LION-O
After you soak him in boiling water, limber up the joints a bit and switch his biceps around,
He’s not a -terrible-figure. You can see what they were going for. The eyes are kinda derped out…and I feel the hair is actually a little too small.
but it’s a start!
I wonder if Benty or another head customizer would do T cats heads.
The next deluxes should be Tygra and vultureman.
I believe VM came out too large on the ultimates.
i wonder if they could shrink him by 25%
he’s supposed to be the smallest and physically weakest of the mutants.
Plus he’s a bird!
Tygra needs to be redone anyway. He was missing his armlet. If they redo Tygra with a similar sculpt and articulation scheme as lion-o, that will solve lots of problems.
Panthro, cheetara, and the kittens look good with deluxe Lion-o.
tygra is the sore thumb IMO
I don't think you understand how the Deluxe line works. The line isn't going to do NEW parts at this lower price point. This is to push out cheap re-issues of existing figures with less accessories (no second heads, no little add on's, minimal extra hands, etc). They aren't going to do all new tooling for a Vulture Man figure to then sell it for $20 less than they sold the original one.
Same for Tygra - they aren't doing all new molds for him to sell a deluxe version. If Tygra is released as a Deluxe it will be the exact same Tygra that's been released already, maybe with slightly different paint color, but there won't be any new tooling.
I think you need to reset expectations for what the Deluxe line is. The "new" Lion-O body wasn't new - it had been reworked for the previous Lion-O releases in Ultimates. So the only way Tygra gets any new parts is if they already exist on another figure and can be swapped in.