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Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates

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Let's see... Do I want to start collecting a line of characters I already have but don't scale with *anything* else on my shelves. Hmmm...

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My interest level for these is even lower than it would have been for O-ring style Thundercats figures and my interest for those was already pretty much at zero.


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The price point of these vintage 5.5" figures is really close to the "deluxe" figures they have released.Β  I feel like they should have picked to go either the deluxe route or the 5.5" route and not both so close together.Β  I don't think Thundercats is a property where there are enough people looking at that price point who want to get figures in multiple scales/aesthetics.

These likely won't compare well in articulation or looks versus the MOTU cross over line unless they completely screw that line up.

I was thinking maybe to get just Lion-O and Mumm-Ra in this vintage line, but the more I think about it I don't think I want them.Β  I don't especially like the look of them, I don't think I want to start collecting another scale, and I don't really think the price is right.Β  If Ultimates can deliver the last of the Lunataks and a few other characters I think I'm content with that.

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So, the problem I see with these 5.5 figures as Super7 has elected to release them is that they don't seem like improvements over what Funko already released in this space.Β  Β  Β Funko already did 5 poa old school MOTU inspired Thundercats five years ago or whatever.Β  Β  Β If they were going to do them at this scale and match the increasedΒ  poa offered by MOTU Origins, then maybe they've got something,Β  but this... this just seems like another own-goal in a series of them.Β  Β  Β Β 

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@panthercult Yeah you would think that they would get at least close to Origins articulation and playability.Β  Β Could you imagine mix and match parts like Origins?Β Β 

Maybe they can't do it due to Mattel having patents/trademarks (I never really get the difference) for the style of body, articulation and play pattern of removable limbs.Β  Β 

Either way this is not a line I am going to be picking up.Β  Β Also what is up with Mumm-Ra's helmet?Β  Looks like it is missing some paint.

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Never has a company (besides Shocker and Premium DNA/Megalopolis) SO deserved to go out of business just based on how fucking stupid the people in charge are.

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Posted by: @therealsmallville

What are the odds of a re-release of WilyKat? I missed him when he came up, and now he's going for pretty high prices on the secondary. He's the only cat I'm missing now for the team.Β 


It's more likely you will see a recolor in a toy version wave than a straight re-release.Β  Eventually there will probably be a re-release, after they redo Panthro, Tigra and Cheetara like the Target exclusive deluxe Panthro.


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Finally came across Lion-O at Target. Wouldn't scan at the price checkers, so I was afraid it wouldn't scan at the registers, but I was able to buy it. I do not regret this purchase, but I'm not particularly impressed with it either.

The sculpt is soft, but because of that, he seems to match the aesthetic of all the previous Super7 'Cats. I've actually replaced the Mattel one in my display with this one. It was not without issues. I heated the arms to swap the biceps onto the correct arms. The claw shield will need a hole drilled through so it can peg onto his waist. I have him in a two hand grip of the Sword of Omens, so that's pretty cool. The paints are weirdly flat, but that matches my Joe Amaro Snarf so another bonus. My biggest gripe is that his skin tone seems too light, but once he's in the display, he actually stands out among the other 'Cats.

Again, it's not the worst thing I've bought from Super7, but it could definitely have been better. I'm just glad to finally handle it myself.

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Posted by: @normdapito

Finally came across Lion-O at Target. Wouldn't scan at the price checkers, so I was afraid it wouldn't scan at the registers, but I was able to buy it. I do not regret this purchase, but I'm not particularly impressed with it either.

The sculpt is soft, but because of that, he seems to match the aesthetic of all the previous Super7 'Cats. I've actually replaced the Mattel one in my display with this one. It was not without issues. I heated the arms to swap the biceps onto the correct arms. The claw shield will need a hole drilled through so it can peg onto his waist. I have him in a two hand grip of the Sword of Omens, so that's pretty cool. The paints are weirdly flat, but that matches my Joe Amaro Snarf so another bonus. My biggest gripe is that his skin tone seems too light, but once he's in the display, he actually stands out among the other 'Cats.

Again, it's not the worst thing I've bought from Super7, but it could definitely have been better. I'm just glad to finally handle it myself.


I think now that I have this figure in person, it is a bit of a mixed bag. It definitely looks more like the cartoon, which is a plus, but the slimmer frame puts it at odds with the other adult cats, as they are much beefier, especially Tygra. If this Lion-O was scaled up a bit to be a bit taller, his height would be more accurate and he wouldn’t look so thin against the other cats. But I doubt we’ll get another go on him, so maybe we’ll get 2.0 versions of the other adult cats in this deluxe line. If they do that and re-do Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara, Jaga, Lynxo, Bengali and Pumyra in the deluxe line, then they could hopefully scale all the new sculpts to fit with this Lion-o and tie them all together with a more animated look. Most of the other characters have been very on point to the animated style so it’s only the adult cats that could do with a redo, the only other character that deserves a re-sculpt is Jackal man Ashe should be shorter and thinner to match the cartoon.

Also, as noted by many others, the skin tone on this Lion-o is too pale, but that might change when they release the light up eyes version, as with that being an ultimate figure it should have more shading.


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There is a new interview with Brian (on youtube - Robo Don't Know):

There wasn't much information in this one.Β  The Cat's Lair and next wave are close to coming in stock and shipping.Β  They said the deluxe figures were selling well and they are making another run.

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The news on more Deluxe figures is good -Β  more fodder bodies in this range is always welcome for me and if I can get it at that lower price point, so much the better.

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Review of Super7 Cat's Lair


πŸ¦‡ Est. 2017 πŸ•ΈοΈ
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That Pussy Lair is huuuge. dont have room for it.

Thinking about getting the "deluxe" Monkian figure, its cheaper than the Ultimate version, i thought they only did Lion-o in the 'deluxe' version, cool.

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Why make the voice? It's clear he can't maintain it for the entire video. Stop trying to sound like Randy Savage. It's not worth it.

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