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Super7 ThunderCats Ultimates

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OK -  so I opened my "Deluxe" super7 figures Target shipped me.    I can't say I'm wowed by the Lion-O.   The overall construction feels a little gummier than the previous Ultimates releases, as previously noted by others the color palette is very washed out and it's definitely incredibly basic for a $35 purchase.    It will serve it's purpose as fodder for custom base well enough and I'll probably buy another if I happen to see one on a Target peg.


The Monkian I actually liked better.   Felt more solid in the hand -  though his head pops off just a little too easy.  Again the offering is fairly bare bones but at least his flail has a real metal chain and not some garbage plastic connection - so that's nice.    Since I obviously already have a Monkian in my display I think I'm going to mod and repaint this one to be a similar simian warrior,  maybe  Gorrillian or some such...  I definitely want to find at least a couple more of these guys though and mod them into an array of apes and monkeys,  maybe paint one's face like a Mandrill... have some fun...

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

@andru I can understand why the street date thing bugged you, and I think street dates on (non-spoiler) toys is absolutely idiotic. HOWEVER, I will say that refusing to hold street-dated items feels like it's, at least, in the spirit of what's intended with the street date.
If you let people put holds on street-dated items, then why even enforce the street date at all? So I get it. If it's street-dated, then they also definitely shouldn't let you put it aside for yourself. But again.. it also just shouldn't be street-dated because it's an action figure based on a 40-year-old cartoon, for fuck's sake.

Target's "street date" is kind of a misnomer.  It's often more of a "set" date when Target's all across the land fill their aisles with new toys.  At 8am on a Sunday, joyous 40 and 50 year old men bust through Target's doors and are greeted by endcap after endcap of new Wrestling figures, Star Wars figures,  Marvel Legends and Transformers, oh the Transformers. So many Transformers.  It's quite a sight.

Can believe this isn't how things actual go on a Target street date? I would be much more forgiving if Target at the very least had a nice end cap set up for the street dated figures.  From my experience, figures are never out on the floor for the date and online pick orders are usually canceled because they're in some kind of limbo between the shelf and stockroom location.  A few years ago I asked an employee if she could grab an item from the stockroom and pointed out the street date.  She laughed and asked why would they street date for a Sunday when they don't stock toys on Sunday. All I could do was shrug.


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Posted by: @theknightdamien

@andru I can understand why the street date thing bugged you, and I think street dates on (non-spoiler) toys is absolutely idiotic. HOWEVER, I will say that refusing to hold street-dated items feels like it's, at least, in the spirit of what's intended with the street date.
If you let people put holds on street-dated items, then why even enforce the street date at all? So I get it. If it's street-dated, then they also definitely shouldn't let you put it aside for yourself. But again.. it also just shouldn't be street-dated because it's an action figure based on a 40-year-old cartoon, for fuck's sake.

Target's "street date" is kind of a misnomer.  It's often more of a "set" date when Targets all across the land fill their aisles with new toys.  At 8am on a Sunday, joyous 40 and 50 year old men bust through Target's doors and are greeted by endcap after endcap of new Wrestling figures, Star Wars figures,  Marvel Legends and Transformers, oh the Transformers. So many Transformers.  It's quite a sight.

Can believe this isn't how things actual go on a Target street date? I would be much more forgiving if Target at the very least had a nice end cap set up for the street dated figures.  From my experience, figures are never out on the floor for the date and online pick orders are usually canceled because they're in some kind of limbo between the shelf and stockroom location.  A few years ago I asked an employee if she could grab an item from the stockroom and pointed out the street date.  She laughed and asked why would they street date for a Sunday when they don't stock toys on Sunday. All I could do was shrug.


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@mrboshek That definitely seems more like an internal problem where Target needs to decide if items CAN'T be sold before a certain date - i.e. a legit street date, or if they just aren't set to be stocked until that date but can be sold technically whenever they're entered into inventory.

When I worked at Zellers, many years ago now, we had both. Plenty of items in our inventory were dated to be set up with a new plano or something, but if they happen to be out on the floor somewhere they can still be sold. And every once in a while, usually with movie tie-in toys, DVDs, and CDs, we had legitimate street dates where items CANNOT be sold before that date for any reason and sometimes aren't even supposed to be out on the sales floor before that date.

I don't know if that's how Target operates, of course. But yeah, we definitely had both that sales associates/merchandising crews definitely had to be aware of and deal with.

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I mean... Target definitely seems to have both since some items get legitimately street date blocked at the register.   We had someone in this very thread indicate that they tried to buy Lion-O and were denied by the cashier because it was 'Street Dated' for October.    So that isn't a reset-date issue.    


The problem of course is that some stores don't enforce the street date and sell the product anyway.   So in some locations people are purchasing the item before it's officially available and then other people get denied at checkout.    


Going to cruise a couple of Targets again tonight and see if I can locate another Monkian to customize.

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I wonder if Target streamlined their terms and got rid of the "set" dates that show up on employee handhelds?  I think the two terms even caused confusion among employees.  Now Target can stop everything at the register with a street date.  I wouldn't be surprised if some of those street dated figures got out due to some questionable scanning of other items, but no one admits it.

Saw Lion-O today. He looked better than I thought, but  passed.  A year or two ago, I might have bought him, but my S7 Thundercats are currently relegated to a bin in the laundry room.  Didn't think I needed to add another Lion-O.  Yesterday this Target had one Monkian by the Neca figures with no Lion-O.   While today Monkian is gone and there are two Lion-Os on an endcap with Pops.  Just another example of my Target's goofy stocking (unless they were canceled pick up orders).

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Posted by: @mrboshek

 I wouldn't be surprised if some of those street dated figures got out due to some questionable scanning of other items, but no one admits it.

Yeah, I mean... if you're not seeing the receipt there -might- be a reason. In fact, there might be one of several reasons.

Either way, having the cashier purchase-block something that is SET dated wouldn't make any sense, because stores don't give a single shit about those dates. It's entirely an internal consideration that has nothing to do with whether or not something can be sold. I don't imagine Target would ever accidentally or intentionally configure their system in a way that would conflate set and street dates.

More likely there is a legit street date and people that got the figure before that either didn't get it in a legitimate way, or there was a mistake or override that allowed them to get it. Frankly, some cashiers, for very good reason, don't give a shit and would rather override, if they're able, than deal with a whiny customer not getting their way. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if they hit the big ol' 'I don't care' button and sold stuff anyway.


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@theknightdamien I actually don't disagree...but don't put them on the shelf then 😊 

I used to work at Target WAY back in the day, and we would hold items all the time. That included items that were mistakenly put out early (besides movies & cds).

There is absolutely no reason this should have been street dated. Set date, sure, that makes sense.

Over and done with though, and I don't even like the figure, so jokes on me I guess 😆 




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@andru  Yeah, 100% it shouldn't have been on the shelf if they weren't willing to sell it. It also just shouldn't be on the shelf because it's a bad action figure and asking money for it is ethically wrong.

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Spotted Monkian by himself yesterday so I must have missed Lion-O. Still waiting to see this in person before I pull the trigger. Monkian is definitely a step down from the Ultimate version. 

Good grief. Admin
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I meant to cancel the Lion-O preorder after seeing the reviews, but I ended up forgetting to cancel before it shipped, and then I've had it sitting in a pile of toys for a few days. I finally decided to open it.


I am...I won't say forgiving, but I know what I'm going to get with Super7 stuff. I guess I'm resigned, for the most part. In short, they don't make great toys, but they make toys of properties I love, so I tend to try to find the good since they're the only option for Silverhawks and Thundercats and such. Over time, their dedication to mediocrity has grown tiresome.

And this Lion-O is pretty much as mediocre as it gets. It's somehow wobbly and too tight, all at the same time. The human-esque skin tone is weird. To say something nice, it actually has a pretty good waist joint. The torso joint could be better, but the two of them together are not bad at all. But in a time when other companies are making toys that are so good/fun/interesting, this figure feels archaic despite being made in 2024.

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At another Target, I spotted FOUR Monkians. ZERO Lion-Os. That was frustrating. I just wanna see this thing in person and cave without having to hunt every other day.

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LOL... "I just wanna see this thing in person, and buy it, and be disappointed like everyone else"  🙂


I need to find at least one more Monkian on the pegs for my custom Mandrill henchman I have planned.   I may pick up more for additional simian mock-ups,  I got the Gorilla mod halfway home already.

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You guys can’t have all the fun. By fun I mean buyers remorse.

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So....   I really don't want to spend $75 on a a black and red exclusive Mumm-Ra figure... but I'll be damned if the newly revealed BBTS exclusive Mumm-Ra doesn't look really nice.      I can't think of any real in canon reason for Anti-Eternia Mumm-Ra to exist, but it I'm tempted nonetheless.    I have managed to avoid any of the Ever Living variants thus far.   I skipped the Toy version,  I skipped the translucent "spirit world" version,  I skipped the Light Up Eyes SDCC exclusive version....   but this black and red one is tempting man.    I'm going to hold off and see if BBTS ends up marking it down a little eventually,  maybe.    But it is pretty.

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