I thought the street date was 10/6. That’s what’s listed on the item page.
Saw 3 of these at my local Target. Like $35 plus tax. I’m not that into Tcats that much but something looked off to me. Is it the skin tone? Isn’t he supposed to be more tan? Maybe I was looking at the awesome art work on the back card and that was influencing me, but his body sculpt isn’t as detailed as I’d hoped. Overall it’s not bad, just not what I was expecting.
Honestly, this thing could have stayed street dated until 10/1/25...
Skin tone is muted (as mentioned), the plastic feels quite cheap, they used the flattest paint they could find, the head is a soft/rubbery plastic, there is no depth/definition to the figure at all...just really poorly made.
If this is what their "deluxe" offerings will be, they can keep them.
"Deluxe" implies some kind of improved quality over previous iterations. To paraphrase a famous swordsman, "I don't think that word means what you think it means." I think using "deluxe" was just a way to brand it separately from the Ultimates line. What these no frills releases really are are just "basic". But that's not sexy marketing.
Well, Super7's definition of Ultimate doesn't match up with a lot of us. So Deluxe shouldn't be any different. It's kinda like the old debate of who qualifies as a Legend for Marvel.
The Willykat comparison is interesting. I have the Mattel twins and didn't feel like rebuying them from S7. The new ones do look different and may have pulled a purchase out of me. But that ship is sailed. At least I have the Mattel ones, which serve their purpose.
I picked up the Deluxe Lion-O a couple of weeks ago. Haven't opened him up. Maybe I won't keep him. I have the original Mattel version. Never got the S7 one, although I've been tempted just for some of his accessories (namely the more metallic looking glove). Not sure what purpose this Deluxe version would serve for me.
I dropped in at a Target yesterday an no joy on the Lion-O front. Just so I know where to look, where are people finding these? Are they on the pegs near the MOTU section or are they housed over by the NECA/Funko specialty wall?
Like I said, I'm not particularly interested in this figure standing as Lion-O on my shelf - I have a bunch of those. I'm more interested in him as Ultimates scale body fodder for custom Thundercats. I think I plan to buy a couple because I want to encourage Target to keep going and order more similar product in the future so I have broader custom fodder body options...
Thank you. I thought probably, just didn't want to waste time in the wrong spot.
Well, no luck finding Lion-O on pegs yet - but I did get the e-mail advising that my pre-order Lion-O has been shipped, so that's something.
Well, no luck finding Lion-O on pegs yet - but I did get the e-mail advising that my pre-order Lion-O has been shipped, so that's something.
It'll be interesting to hear your opinion once you have it in hand. You seem pretty even keel about it so I wonder if you'll be moved either way once you get a chance to handle it.
After seeing more pics and reviews online I am okay with my original Ultimates version and mixing and matching from time to time with the Hook Mountain and Mirror version accessories.
Repainted the Deluxe Lion-O and also tried the old Bandai head on one of them
@mechamajin What did you do as far as repainting Lion-O?
I forget is that Bandai Lion-O 6" or 7"? I have it in a bin somewhere and the head looks decent enough but doesn't quite fit the aesthetic of the Ultimates line.
@andru I can understand why the street date thing bugged you, and I think street dates on (non-spoiler) toys is absolutely idiotic. HOWEVER, I will say that refusing to hold street-dated items feels like it's, at least, in the spirit of what's intended with the street date.
If you let people put holds on street-dated items, then why even enforce the street date at all? So I get it. If it's street-dated, then they also definitely shouldn't let you put it aside for yourself. But again.. it also just shouldn't be street-dated because it's an action figure based on a 40-year-old cartoon, for fuck's sake.