@panthercult He's about the same. Higher at the hip and shoulders, but head is set lower. I would imagine they're redoing full set anyways to go for true cartoon accuracy... but if this Lion-O is any indicator, it'll only be a sidestep in another direction for Thundercats toys and not an outright improvement.
From Playtimereturns on youtube
I think my biggest issue with that Lion-O, besides the unimpressive paint on the sword, is the biceps. They seem to have streamlined the body a lot, but kept the giant, puffy MOTU biceps. It looks weird. Maybe I should cancel my pre-order and just wait to see what the next company does, because Super7 is just bad at toys.
he should be taller than all of them. I think Cheetara is the only he is taller than. bulk wise he smaller than all the males too. It looks goofy.@panthercult He's about the same. Higher at the hip and shoulders, but head is set lower. I would imagine they're redoing full set anyways to go for true cartoon accuracy... but if this Lion-O is any indicator, it'll only be a sidestep in another direction for Thundercats toys and not an outright improvement.
From Playtimereturns on youtube
@deckard the rest are all drastically out of scale from each other anyways, so by technicality they're a perfect set so far! Lion-O is no different from the original release, they'd need to make a new version of every other characters except for Wily Kit, Wily Kat, and Snarf to make them properly scale. But they should replace all of them anyways so they can make actually good figures for once.
OK - so it sounds like I'll have no issue with this figure then. This is just all the same gripes everyone always has with Ultimates - so I can tune all of that out.
True, even cheaper garbage is still garbage 😀
@panthercult He's about the same. Higher at the hip and shoulders, but head is set lower. I would imagine they're redoing full set anyways to go for true cartoon accuracy... but if this Lion-O is any indicator, it'll only be a sidestep in another direction for Thundercats toys and not an outright improvement.
From Playtimereturns on youtube
I haven't set up my Thundercats like this (only have Lion-O vs. Mumm-ra right now), but this is not good. I think the individual figures skewed my view of the collection. Now looking at a group of them together I can see a lot of wonky proportions that I didn't notice before.
I like the proportions of the new Lion-O. He doesn't look so buffed out and a bit more proportional in body shape. The head and colours need a bit of work, but I think this might be a better buck for male figures going forward.
@deckard the rest are all drastically out of scale from each other anyways, so by technicality they're a perfect set so far! Lion-O is no different from the original release, they'd need to make a new version of every other characters except for Wily Kit, Wily Kat, and Snarf to make them properly scale. But they should replace all of them anyways so they can make actually good figures for once.
17 years from now, the new set will be complete.
Just watched the video.
Hilarious how bad of a figure this is, and it's the first retail release of a Ultimates form factor figure.
1. Head is warped at forehead.
2. Eyes are probably too large
3. Biceps are on backwards
4. Ratcheted shoulders so tight will certainly break without heat
5. Neck shape compromised due to LED version later?
Of course, this new version REALLY doesn't match well aesthetically or scale wise with the other figures. Mostly due to the head face detail.
Interesting. The good news for me is I already have the Mattel version of Lion-O and the first Super7 version and the snow coma Lion O and the red costume Lion-O and... - so this $35 pick up can end up being fodder for custom Thundercats to come and I'm less fussed with the flaws. In fact, if I see these hanging on pegs at Target I'll probably impulse buy one each time I'm at the store.
But it is a bummer that it isn't better. For a good number of people this could very likely be their first Super-7 Ultimates figure ever and for it to be this much of a let down is a misstep. There are already people who complain that the articulation is old fashioned and outdated (no matter how much I nostalgically still like it) - but to couple that with bare minimum accessories, lack luster paint job and misassembled parts all at what still amounts to a premium retail price for an action figure at brick and mortar. That could combine to be a face plant too big to overcome.
I remember Bandai Lion-O causing quite a stir on truck day at my TRU. I grabbed one off the pegs and walked around the store snooping for unopened cases of yet to be stocked figures and practically every employee stopped to make some kind of comment about him. Even the girl at checkout heard he was on the truck.
I remember Bandai Lion-O causing quite a stir on truck day at my TRU. I grabbed one off the pegs and walked around the store snooping for unopened cases of yet to be stocked figures and practically every employee stopped to make some kind of comment about him. Even the girl at checkout heard he was on the truck.
why such hullabaloo?
@normdapito Maybe seeing him back in a store? Not sure why his return created that much of an interest in their store.
This looks a little more positive with some tweaks by Tony Meis. The arms look a lot better compared to the photos by actionfigureinsider.
"- hair lower
- repaint the face with a bit more details
- head raised higher
- cleaned up the upper part of his knees
- shave the rear of the knee for 1 degree more bent"
That’s more work than necessary to make a figure look passable.
What are the odds of a re-release of WilyKat? I missed him when he came up, and now he's going for pretty high prices on the secondary. He's the only cat I'm missing now for the team.