Any rumors if there will be anymore new figures after the latest repaint wave?
With the line now going to retail as deluxe figures, and Lion-o getting a new sculpt, do you think we could get lucky and they re-sculpt Pumyra so she’s in scale with all the other female characters that have come after her? I would love it if they did, and lightened up her colours while they’re at it. Both the Mattel version and Super7 skin tones were way darker than how she looks in the cartoon.
They just announced a clear variant of Tygra, but the card is also clear. It actually looks really cool and creative.
I think the figure is the same as the last clear Tygra figure and just the card is different.
@jediblood Ah. I don't pay a lot of attention to ReAction, so I didn't realize they already made a clear Tygra variant.