Mondo announced a Mumm-Ra figure at their panel, (the Ever-Living version), and he comes with Ma-Mutt who has a swappable head of his own.
I wonder if/when they release a Mumm-Ra mummy version, we will get a sarcophagus to put him in? That would be pretty neat.
Toy Bro had a post on X with a picture of the concept art for the figure:
That's really cool looking, thank you. 🙂
It looks like the 'hat' piece is removable so you can have a bald Mumm-Ra if you want!
Lion-O now up for pre-order
Debuting with the deluxe Timed Edition, the premiere variant of our Lion-O 1/6 Scale Figure comes complete with additional portraits and exclusive extras like Snarf and a fabric robe.
Available now through Friday, August 23 at NOON CT
Any opinions on whether the "Timed Edition" Lion-O is worthwhile versus whatever regular version will come out later? It seems the regular one won't get Snarf, the robe and some of the portraits.
I don't see myself ever using the crowned head, book or cape. I still think that Snarf looks kind of creepy, so I'm on the fence about that.
I think I'm interested in the figure, but I don't know if I need the "timed edition" version versus just waiting for whatever regular version comes out. Although if you're going for something so expensive maybe just go all in on it?
I would guess that the head with the crown, the more animalistic head, the cape and Snarf would be the exclusive items. Possibly the classic version of the Sword of Omens too and maybe the chain dagger.
However the regular version will only be priced slightly lower than the Timed Edition, I would say $230 or $235, something like that, meaning that the exclusive accessories are more than worth the $15 to $20, as Mondo like to encourage people to purchase the first release.
If you don't like those particular accesories, you will probably be able to sell them loose for $100 total, as some of the people that missed out on the Timed Edition will want them, so if you can afford to get the figure now, I recommend picking up the Timed Edition.
However the regular version will only be priced slightly lower than the Timed Edition, I would say $230 or $235, something like that, meaning that the exclusive accessories are more than worth the $15 to $20, as Mondo like to encourage people to purchase the first release.
Thanks for the advice... For a small price difference I'll buy the Timed Edition. My other consideration was I'm in Canada so I was wondering about shipping from Mondo since I could buy the regular edition from Canadian retailers, but it looks like Mondo has a free shipping option to Canada so that's fine. I'll still have to pay the duty charge but it's similar to tax, so that's fine.
Pixel Dan has a first look video of Lion-O
He followed up on social media that he confirmed with Mondo that the armor on the final version WILL BE REMOVABLE. The factory sample he looked at just had it glued down.
I got Mondo Lion-O this afternoon. I actually had forgotten about this until I got the email that it was sent on Thursday. I expected it would take some time to come, but it made it from China to here (Ontario, Canada) in a few days. It was delivered DHL and they didn't ask for a signature and there were no customs. I know sometimes they give you the customs notice later, but I'm hoping not.
The box has a rip in the bottom, but the mailer box had no markings there so I guess they ripped the box during packaging. On the one hand I don't collet boxes, but on the other hand this was expensive enough that I feel I should have gotten a perfect box.
I don't have any other Mondo figures to compare this to, but it feels pretty premium and it looks like they did a really excellent job on the paint. I thought I was going to display him with the lion like head, but I ended up going with the default head for now. The sword with the lightning effects was kind of heavy for him to hold up so I went with one of the other swords. I wish he held the sword a bit tighter.
I still think the Snarf looks really creepy.
Anyway, overall I guess I'm happy with it. Was it worth the price? I guess it depends on the person; these days I find more and more I don't feel toys/collectibles are worth what they charge. I am interested enough that I will get Mondo's Mumm-Ra the Ever Living if and when he comes out, but I don't know beyond that (if they produce anything beyond that).
Here's a link to a pic where I set him up for now. I also took the Super 7's around him and even some Transformers - I have a lot more these are just what I currently have out in that area. Once the Cat's Lair ships I'll probably be rearranging everything anyway.
Is it sad that I won't really be interested in getting any figures from this line until they confirm figures of Wilykit and Wilykat? I'm interested, but I want to know that I'll be able to complete the main team of characters.