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Mattel Thundercats X MOTU

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For those of you worried about the paints apps, especially on Lion-O, these are apparently the paint masters.   Supposedly they have a history of showing off the paint masters in early promo shots and then the final product is different from the photos, and more closely resembles the proper looks for characters.

So hopefully that is the case here as well and Lion-O will be fixed by final production.   I mean the yellow on his hands/arms, belly and face are terrible.   Way too yellow and on his face it goes over his nose which is not accurate at all.

Going by the Cartoon Collection and Turtles of Grayskull I would think that is true.  Both of those lines had figures that were different in hand than the promo photos.

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For me -   I think I'm going to prefer the alternate hairpieces with the headgear on Both He-lio and Cheteela 


I honestly can't believe how much I like these designs.    Now I'll be fantasizing about whether it will be possible to recreate this in either a Masterverse or Ultimates scale for my main display.

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This is a way more natural pairing to me than TMNT/MotU. The T-Cats universe always naturally blended with the MotU universe in my mind. Their designs have always been similar. This is the crossover pairing I've been waiting for.

It looks to me like Lion-O will be based on the standard MotUO male body, and likewise, Cheetara will be based on the female body. Battle Cat Man and Mumm-Ra look like they share a larger body with longer limb proportions. And probably a more deluxe price point. Works for me, I always felt MotU could benefit from a little more body variation. I love that Skeletor and Mumm-Ra are basically a two-in-one. Again, a very natural pairing.

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The more I look at these the more I like them more than the handful of Super7 figures I have. I guess all I want is fun, affordable, posable Thundercats the same way I wanted fun, affordable, posable turtles. The MOTU bodies aren't perfect but they really do work with some of these crossovers remarkably well. 

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A little rough looking still, but I appreciate the attempt.

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single joint limbs, static chains...yeah I don't know.  feels a little weak for 2025.  

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@vicious7171 but isn’t that the same style as all of the other Origins figures? Single joints for elbows and knees? Why would they change it?

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@normdapito I suppose I didn't realize these were strictly Origins-style figures.  Thought they were their own thing.  They really look like somewhere in-between Origins and Masterverse in proportions:

7 of 14

They're not so bad, I was just projecting my own desires for the line.

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@vicious7171 I think Mumm-Ra/Skeletor get a new larger body, as does Battle Cat. But the other characters (Lion-O, Cheetara, Tygra, Panthro, He-Man) will be on more standard sized bodies. At least that's my assumption. I can't see them clearly enough to compare them to any other figures I have. But they look closer to the Cartoon Collection proportions as opposed to the Origins proportions, which do have subtle differences.

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