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Mattel Thundercats X MOTU

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Flexion Dynamo
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IF Mattel did a 7 inch Masterverse style TCats line, I would probably sell of all my Super7 figures and take the financial hit.

Even if they only did the TCats Mumm-Ra and the Mutants.

deckard reacted
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Interesting -  I definitely would not.    I would consider buying them to use to make my own custom Thunderians out of,  to complement/augment my Ultimates collection -  but not replace.     They would be so much cheaper as fodder than the Super7 figures.

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I've only been doing core cast from Super7.  If they did the Masterverse format  for Tcats I'd be all in. 

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What I want is Masterverse figures like they did for the Sun Man subline. At least the main cats and Mumm-Ra.

Good grief. Admin
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The Masterverse Motu stuff has been incredible. While I've been all-in, The Super7 Thundercats have been uniformly disappointing in terms of articulation for highly agile characters. Masterverse-styled double-jointed Thundercats would be more than welcome.

deckard reacted
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Apologies for bumping the thread, but with SDCC behind us, when is the next likely event where we could see these revealed? I’m itching to see how they turned out, but Mattel don’t have the consistent presence that Hasbro does so I’m not even sure when to expect them. Thanks! 

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Apologies for bumping the thread, but with SDCC behind us, when is the next likely event where we could see these revealed? I’m itching to see how they turned out, but Mattel don’t have the consistent presence that Hasbro does so I’m not even sure when to expect them. Thanks! 

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Wouldn't it be NY Comic Con in a couple weeks?  Or does Mattel not really display there?

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It’s tough to say, Mattel’s WWE team are pretty consistent about steady reveals and communication, but the MOTU team only seem to really have a presence at SDCC, or at least that’s how it seems. But there’s no way they’d wait that long…I hope. But so far all they’ve said is 2025, I’m just hoping someone with better recall than me can remember another event where they tend to show up consistently. 

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Hadn’t bought any Thundercats toys ever (too expensive for something where I only like a few characters). Recently bought the Super 7 deluxe Lion-o and let’s just say I’m much more interested in this than I was before. Please give us Masterverse style toys, Mattel.

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I don't mean to be a bubble burster -  but my guess is if we gut MOTU x Thundercats crossover figures they are going to be done in Origins scale and style,  NOT in Masterverse style.    The Origins style has ALREADY crossed over with WWE and with TMNT with no hint of those same collaborations touching any Masterverse style figures.   I feely very confident that this collaboration with Thundercats will be in the same vein and will be in the Origins style and scale.

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@panthercult At first I was kind of wanting Masterverse style releases, and I still do, but Origins styled Thundercats would be a great addition to the line and really flesh out the diorama.  And really Thundercats is probably one of, if not the most, natural tie-in properties for MOTU.  

Also if this does well I could hope and pray for an Origins adjacent Thunder Tank!!!   Could you imagine if they were able to try a Cat's Lair to go with Castle Grayskull??   Or Mumm-Ra's temple with Snake Mountain??

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According to Toy Habits who have been pretty spot-on, waves 1 and 2 are:

Wave 1:



-Battle Cat

Wave 2:





Battle Cat is a two legged humanoid figure, no word on He-Man, if he’ll have some floof on him, Thundercat armor, or maybe they’ll put a saddle on him and let Battle Cat ride him around Eternia. For revenge. Surprising there’s no villains, hopefully they’re coming in some fashion.

NORM and canprime reacted
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@valo487 I love the idea of Battle Cat and Panthor getting updates to "cat" humanoids.   I know it is Panthro in wave 2, not Panthor, but if they are doing Battle Cat they can easily do Panthor.

I am hopeful this is a more "Thundercats join MOTU" line than a crossover line like MOTUxTMNT.   I want a Thundercats line that slots in well with Origins.   I don't mind giving updates/flair to characters, but I'm glad to see that it might be more traditional Thundercats looks and the MOTU characters getting changes.

Guess we'll see sooner or later with Toyfair being back in the new year.

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I agree, Thundercats are close to MOTU in their gear already, it seems unnecessary to add to them or change them just to make them look like He-Man when they already dress like that. Since they’re going to stick MOTU characters in let them be the ones who get modified. I do hope they go deeper than just the main players, there are some Thundercats characters who would translate well to the style. 

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