So we have all seen the news from the MOTU SDCC panel for 2025. What are you hoping to see from this? With what Mattel has been doing with the Cartoon Collection and the MOTU x Turtles crossover, I'm very excited to see what they come up with. Maybe Chief Carnivus will make a triumphant return or we get that biped Battlecat?
I think I'm all in on whatever they do.
How about a Man at Arms upgraded thundertank? 😲
My hope for this is that they do regular Thundercats in both a Masterverse and Origins style with maybe some optional MOTU accessories on the Origins, and then just go crazy with Thundercats versions of MOTU characters.
If this is indeed a crossover MOTU line, I hope the extra bits can be removed from the Thundercats to make them somewhat normal. Origins (and Masterverse) Thundercats would be fantastic, as Mattel is killing it with both of those lines right now.
I hope they will do the Thundercats in their regular looks as well. I can’t help but get excited thinking about what a “Power Sword of Omens” could be like though! I wonder if Blackstar, Bravestar, Silverhawks or Sectaurs could see some mashups. I wouldn’t even mind if Mattel brought back “Clash of the Titans” as a MOTU Mashups. That Lady Slither is a good start on a Medusa and Swiftwind and Pegasus could share tooling costs!
Sounds like an interesting line.
I'm open to see what they do when they get creative - because that worked incredibly well for TMNT X MOTU. But in my heart of hearts.. I just want some MOTUO-style ThunderCats figures true to their original toy designs.
I can understand Playmates not allowing Mattel to allow the turtles to be stripped down into normal versions of themselves. Who owns Thundercats? Warner Bros, right? I can see them not having the same issues with how the Thundercats are portrayed. I know Super7 is making Thundercats Ultimates and Reactions, but I doubt they obtained an exclusive/master license for the brand. So hopefully, this line either allows for the Thundercats themselves to be stripped of their Eternia-bits, or this crossover is so successful, Mattel makes a pure Thundercats line afterward.
I imagine Panthro and MAA will have some crossover elements. Panthro wearing MAA armor. Lion-O with the Power Sword and He-Man's harness. Mumm-Ra and Skeletor mashup.
I hope they will do the Thundercats in their regular looks as well. I can’t help but get excited thinking about what a “Power Sword of Omens” could be like though! I wonder if Blackstar, Bravestar, Silverhawks or Sectaurs could see some mashups. I wouldn’t even mind if Mattel brought back “Clash of the Titans” as a MOTU Mashups. That Lady Slither is a good start on a Medusa and Swiftwind and Pegasus could share tooling costs!
I believe Bravestarr is owned by Mattel, so they may be able to at least bring in some characters into Origins/Masterverse. I know companies don't always like to crossover even their own properties, but it does seem impossible.
I'm open to see what they do when they get creative - because that worked incredibly well for TMNT X MOTU. But in my heart of hearts.. I just want some MOTUO-style ThunderCats figures true to their original toy designs.
My thoughts exactly.
Although I am confident they could do a great job either way after seeing how they handled the mashup with TMNT.
The 80s property I most want a proper toyline for is Galaxy Rangers, but Thundercats is my firm second place. If this is how Mattel does the latter, I'd be ecstatic.
I don't really know what they could change to make the Thundercats more in line with MOTU-- because they already have a perfectly meshing "swords and sorcery meets sci-fi" aesthetic. Shoehorn pre-existing MOTU gimmicks onto Thundercats characters?
The other way is easy though... catboy He-Man and Skeletor. First figures to sell a billion copies.
Maybe the Masters characters can turn into dogs. So the whole line is Dogs of Power vs Thundercats.
I would be totally fine with it if they just made the ThunderCats as they are on the Origins bodies. I don’t really feel like they need to change them just to change them.
I may be one of the few who passed on Turtles of Grayskull because of how far they deviate from the actual designs for the Turtles and their related characters. If Thundercats deviates that far, I’m not interested in this line either. But if it’s just Thundercats on Origins bodies, I’m 100% in.