I like how the Last Ronin's chunkiness was achieved in MM form.
@msword Zach, is it a bad sign the third set will have the last two Turtles? I was kinda hoping for 4 box sets altogether; 1 Turtle in each set.
I haven't gotten the first set in hand yet, but it's paid for & awaiting shipment in my BBTS Pile of Loot!
@tenime No, it's just how many characters we had. These sets were originally developed as two waves of four two-packs (with two Foot Soldiers in each wave) about 7 or 8 years ago. So 16 minus a Foot Soldier is 15. If they do well, more are possible, of course.
Not Minimates, but since these D-Formz figure are by Diamond Select, I'll post it here. I bought this SDCC set from BBTS. Don't really have a need for them or a place to display them, but I'm a sucker for the Turtles in their Toy colors, so I got them.
I'm not sure if these are individually numbered. But if they are, I got number 1 which is pretty cool.
Overall these look really cool to me. No paint issues or anything that I can see. I haven't opened them yet, because I don't really have a place to display them. But I am tempted to open them just so I can pose them like the cover of the first NES game.
We actually made these same turtles in red masks, but they were blind boxed along with Splinter and Shredder.
Not individually numbered, they're all #1, but it's a great set regardless.
The Last Ronin Box Set hits stores next Wednesday!
The Technodrome set hits stores Dec. 20! The Party Wagon set will be offered in early 2024!
Sweet! I picked up the Blimp set off EE a few weeks back and I actually quite enjoyed the figures. I only ever picked up minimates sparingly (the Ghostbusters might still be the only really great GB line in recent times) but I think I'll finish this collection off.
Packaging came out great for the Last Ronin set:
EE's got the Technodrome set in stock, I just got charged for my pre-order.
The Party Wagon box set completes the cartoon Turtles team, goes up for pre-order Friday.
Zach, can you speak to sales numbers of the first two sets? At least to the effect of "they were good, we could get more after the 'last one'," or "they weren't good enough, so three's all we're getting"?
The first set did very well, and I believe the second one did, as well. Not sure a fourth set with more classic cartoon characters will happen in the exact same format, but more TMNT sets are for sure happening.
SDCC Retro video game set revealed!